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Everything posted by Chiyanna

  1. (Waiting for @Liljatonttu to reply, I think maybe they would right about now. Unless you want me to respond right away without giving her a chance)
  2. Simple enough. Vote for when we should play as fawnclan. Only members of FawnClan allowed to vote.
  3. With Saffronpetal having maintained a consistent lead for so long, I am declaring Polly's character the winner! Thank you to everyone who voted.
  4. When the spirit heard 'fly' they blurted, "Bird! You mean a bird? Did it steal your baby?" The spirit couldn't really remember what these words meant. Only that someone had once warned him such a thing could happen. Birds with wings that could fly would swoop down and take babies that were left unattended. This seemed important somehow, but why?
  5. (It's fine, I was sleeping too lol. Also assuming at this time my nicheling can't really see silhouettes very well in the fog, correct me if wrong) They saw another shadow approaching as the first one communicated. The word 'help' shot through their mind, and seeing a shadowy shape at the end of the shadows paw, they yelped and jumped back, growling.
  6. (I get notified when people react (with like, paws up, whatever) to my posts)
  7. The spirit blinked. It seemed the lights were trying to communicate something. And...looking at them closely now a type of shadow appeared to be attached to them. A shadow? A shadow with light? That doesn't seem right. Of course this whole place is so...dark. The spirit suddenly shivered and looked around, "So dark." They paused, their thoughts had come out of them through sound. Communication. Talk. And that's what the shadow is doing.
  8. But their paw made no contact with the lights, and soon they shifted, turning away from the spirit. Hey! Come back! They let out an annoyed yelp and walked after the lights. What are these lights? What is this...communication going on in my head?
  9. Baby Nota is born, Lenanami's second child and Lurlurkir's first. Unfortunately Lurlurkir passed away (from starvation damage incurred over his life) soon after, leaving Lenanami expecting his second and final child. An overview of the tribe. Lenanami's nesting area/nursery by the tree where the youngsters are hanging out. The carnivorous plant nearby that serves as an extra source of food. And the foraging outpost of the stinky tree that is Kirpriduk's realm. That blind black-furred nicheling is a wanderer we found. And here he is! I figure him right away a good sentry since he can smell and hear a lot further than everyone else. Plus he can help the explorers to avoid getting eaten by carnivorous plants. And he has a good movement stat, look at how far he can travel! Lenanami's family tree at this point
  10. The Fight Moon 0 When Pinky woke, he wasn't sure if his dream had been "real" or not. That is until he felt the sting on his cheek and glanced into a nearby puddle. Indeed, Woodstar had left a mark. Once he knew it was real, he had to figure out what the dream clan cats had meant about these rogues "valuing strength". As he watched the leader fight, it became clear. He had to fight, and he had to win. He wasn't even sure these rogues would let him, but he had to try, not just for the starry dream cats, for his own survival. So as Thrasher defeated challenger after challenger, Pinky observed his every move. He learned what the tom would resort to in different situations. He watched the way he fought. The tom was strong, but he relied too heavily on his strength. If he got you in his jaws it was game over, but he was too heavy to be fast, and too arrogant to think any of his battle moves could fail or be thwarted. The group nearly didn't let Pinky fight him, as he was a lone-cat, not a group member, and a captive at that. But Pinky played on Thrasher's arrogance and blood-thirst to get him to want the challenge. Once the reigning champion and presumed leader accepted it, nobody dared challenge him. Pinky was a decent fighter in his own right, much better than Thrasher had expected. He had to be, to have survived on his own this long. He used the fighting skills his mother had taught him and his siblings, that he had taken time to refine over the moons. And he used his greater speed and agility to his advantage. He knew he couldn't defeat Thrasher right away, he had to wear him down first. Using his observations of Thrasher's fighting, he thwarted some of the tom's best moves. He even injured the tom's right claw. But the biggest blow of all was caused because of the arrogance of the tom. The tom was enraged after being eluded so long, and he used his fury to pin Pinky against a rock. But as he reared up for a killing blow, he took time to insult Pinky, giving him a window to slide out from underneath the tom, going through his hind legs. He then used Thrasher's own momentum against him, jumping ontop of the tom's lifted head, causing it to smash into the rock. The yellow and pink tom crumpled to the ground instantly. The shocked rogues didn't seem to know what to do. Pinky checked to see if the tom was breathing. Sure, he wanted to defeat the tom, but he didn't mean to kill him! He thought the rock would knock out some of his large fangs or wind him, but it appeared it had injured him much worse. The tom was, indeed, breathing. But his own sons, Basher (white cat) and Smasher (blind cat) refused to help treat him, on account of their father had made known he wished to die "strong", without help from a healer or being looked after like a kit. He got what Mudpaw had said about this stubborn group now, and figured the healer would be disappointed if Pinky didn't try and help. Pinky couldn't believe that out of all the cats here, he was the only one willing to try and treat the cat who was his enemy. Still, he looked behind the rock for some cobwebs, remembering his mother had told him about their ability to stop bleeding once, and find some. He was grilled by Basher over what he was going to do with the cobwebs, and Pinky got so frustrated he tried to order the tom to stand down and let him treat his father. But the cat responded that since Thrasher had never surrendered, Pinky couldn't be leader unless he did in fact die. Stunned, Pinky asked why the cat was basically telling him to let his own father die, or worse, kill him. "Only the strong are fit to lead," hissed the cat, "not those who trick their opponent into smashing their head into a rock and aren't tom enough to finish the job." "If you really care, leave," said the orange-red cat, "Maybe he'll recover on his own, and still be able to be leader. He wouldn't want to live anyway if he had to be like a mewling kit and you were in charge of the group he always wanted to lead himself." "And who would lead in the meantime?" asked Pinky cooly. "Me," asserted Basher, "as his eldest son." Now I understand his willingness to let his father suffer and die. It’s his own power he’s after. “If you’re willing to let your own father die slowly of his wounds instead of trying to treat them then you are not worthy of such a position,” said Pinky coldly, starting to block the rapidly bleeding wound with cobwebs. “Leave!” hissed Basher, hackles raised, “You’ve bought what you were after by defeating my father. Your life, your freedom. Don’t wait for us to change our minds and tear you to shreds!” A few others murmured their agreement, but some seemed unsure. “You didn’t win the leader fight, Basher. The lone-cat is stronger than you. How can you lead?” asked the light brown cat. “I’m only leader temporarily since my father is incapacitated, when he recovers-” “If he recovers, he’s not looking too good at the moment,” commented the orange-red cat. “Don’t you dare contradict me!” yowled Basher. “Why not?” he growled, tapping his claw on the ground. “I could shred you, Pierce. And my father will have you killed if you cause me too much trouble.” “Well you know what, I say the lone-cat should be leader. He proved he’s the strongest of all o us, especially you. Your father fought you, and defeated you within minutes. He fights your father and defeats him. Maybe even kills him. That makes him the obvious choice.” Everyone was silent for a minute, the air cracking with tension, but no-one daring to say anything. “Are you insane?” squealed a voice from behind, and Pinky looked to see a sandy-pink skinny nicheling with two bad paws. “Basher has proven himself time and time again, and yet you want this lone-cat who already seems hostile to our customs to lead?” “Maybe the customs aren’t that important. They’ve lead us to this sorry state. We were once 20 strong, now only about a half-dozen remain,” said the grey and brown striped nicheling, “I joined this group with the hope of a longer, better life than I would’ve had being a lone-cat in this cruel place. But I’ve watched my brothers die. My own child died of a sickness. I’m weary of the death.” “I thought you were strong,” hissed Basher, “Smasher, can you believe this?” but when he nudged his brother he didn’t budge. He was staring at their father. That’s when Pinky realized his efforts were in vain. Perhaps he hadn’t done a very good job with the cobwebs, his work was messy and did have some gaps. Perhaps he could’ve done more if he had knowledge of herbs. Or perhaps the trauma of being smashed against a rock was too much at that particular angle. Thrasher was dead. In the end, the light brown cat agreed that now that Thrasher had been killed from a wound incurred in the leader fight against Pinky, Pinky had officially won. He joined the two already supporting him as leader. And Smasher decided that he would rather stay with someone who had tried to heal his father, rather than someone who would’ve not even tried to help for their own power. He stayed in the group. His brother left, taking with him the small sandy-pink tom. They vowed that they would harm the group in any way possible from now on. But Pinky let them leave, knowing attacking them now could cause further divisions. Then a she-cat emerged from the brushes, and Pierce explained that she was his mate, given to him by her father who was now dead. She seemed rather timid. Pinky looked around at his rag-tag group. It was so small, and so barely held together. But he remembered that RemnantClan itself had started out so small, and hadn't grown much bigger by the time the clan left the island. He could do this...somehow. But first things first, before he started putting new requirements on the group, he had to show them Taman's daughter to prove he hadn't been lying. Plus, he figured she could join the newly formed clan of rogues so that he could continue to protect her, at least he hoped these roughiens would listen to him on this matter.
  11. Prediction: Evepaw leads balance bear to clan
  12. (I just usually check in on my own and read a couple pages all at once lol. I don't usually follow homethreads but I am following you now so I should see when you post here (and anywhere else). But I shall follow this so it has at least one follower)
  13. The lights were now closer, focusing on them, the spirit started walking toward them. They were so close now. They reached out their paw and tried to touch them.
  14. What was that... noise? It made things a bit less foggy. They saw some small white lights in the distance, breaking the darkness and monotony of this place. The lights seemed familiar. But where had the spirit seen them before? They were also blurry, seeming to shift slightly back and forth. The spirit wanted to get to those lights! So it took a step forward before it even realized how.
  15. The spirit thought they sensed something... But everything seemed so foggy. They couldn't figure out why. But then again...maybe this...was...normal?
  16. Thanks I was looking at that myself not that long ago. I still have the savefile just not really a good setup for recording currently. Maybe someday I'll restart the series. It was honestly taking me way too long to get out of the archipelago lol. I finally decided to use cheats and move everyone to the port I was bringing and was about to leave... But now maybe it'll never happen. I really had an in-depth story with family lines and backstories for individual creatures and different traditions and islands named after events and nichelings that were on them. Not sure how many other people here have never completed story mode.
  17. (I really liked it tho. And it fits with the new rp I've joined! I think most everyone has moved on from their fawn pfps anyway sadly. Laser fawn is still the banner on my profile If you really hate it tho I will cease from using it as pfp, it is your drawing afterall.
  18. (Let me know when the rp is properly set to begin, or tag me when u respond to my first post @Regular human with face. Also anyone is free to respond if you want to be the first nicheling mine interacts with and lilytuft is alright with it
  19. Could also try this: It's one of my less complicated challenges lol and brand new to boot. You need commands for it tho
  20. Oooo this is interesting! The only thing I don't like is only alphas can sire children. I think both alphas and underlings should be able to. And then of course others could try and do so illegally and get killed if found out And sire is an interesting word, can only males be alphas? (That's fine if so, just tryna get what the rules are)
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