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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by CFG

  1. Checked out this thread on a whim and had a random idea I knew I had to toy with. In my eyes, hunting is where the design of the original, hex-grid-based game really shines. Each creature has a recognizable movement pattern that players have to learn to exploit to survive. Simple mechanics lead to complex dynamics and an unexpected depth of strategy. So the big question that came to mind when checking out this prototype was: how on Earth would this translate to a gridless, real-time environment? The random idea that came to mind was some sort of suspicion/alertness system for prey, akin to Breath of the Wild. As you move or stand in the open, prey will grow increasingly alert until they panic and run. You're left with the option of either sneaking up on them, or tag teaming with multiple predators. Here's a hacky demo I cobbled together to try this idea out. https://cfdemos.itch.io/huntdemo Figured I'd share just for funsies 🙂 Impromptu prototyping is the best
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