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Everything posted by savya

  1. Im herre and i haven’t even had breakfast lol
  2. Also this is just a random drawing of my sona, I’ll make the finished product later
  3. And the day were leaving to go 0n the plane
  5. She’s also my iPad background now! (Also excuse the bad positioning)
  6. This is Petal, she is randomized form a generator and I love her so I made this piece of art
  7. (My animal that i was supposed to make was a cat with wings but i haven’t started drawing it digitally)
  8. si we had this assignment to create and animal and do smtn about what the animal is and how to survive and stuff one of my classmates asked me to draw their animal for them so yeah i drew their animal
  9. Why does literally eveyr single lemon baked good taste super sweet lemons are supposed to be sour, and its only sour in candy : /
  10. Im going to o stay there for about 2 weeks ajxbkbncinsvoszub
  11. Oh yeah and I’m going to a place in Asia (i wont say where) Tuesday night to visit relatives and to finally meet my grand mother who I’ve only seen on video calls ^^ Idk if I should be exited or nervous bc I’ve never really been outside the U.S. before. My family is going shopping everyday to buy facial products, perfume, shirts/pants, hats, etc. as gifts
  12. Is it just me that I like eating dried onions for no reason
  13. My mom wants me to cut my hair again well technically she wants me to trim it at the parlor but still She wants my hair to be short like the rest of my family
  14. There was this puppycorn add and there has a long rainbow noodle animal with a horn
  15. This is Freddy, my beautiful spaghetti son. Then my sister stole one eyeball, so now he is a cyclops He lived for a glorious 5 minutes, then I ate him. He tasted pretty good tbh
  16. Im going to remake my moonwing base if you dont mind ^^
  17. Idk if this is should be a vent or not but /vent ig Im so mad rn. My little sister sis hitting me, scratched me, and wiping spit/snot on me. It’s super disgusting and then she screamed on purpose just so my dad would punish me??? I’m always taken for the blame if my little sister is screaming or is hurt, and she screams on purpose just to get me in trouble. It’s happen many times and my (older) sister is like “stop being so mad at me! I just helped you on homework!” And im in a really bad mood and do you expect me to be super happy??? No! My dad is always like “stop hitting your younger sister!” And im not even hitting her!!!! I’m super angry and my mom is trying to make me feel better by saying things like “thats what happened to your older sister when you were your younger sisters age” and “thats just how it is, (insert nickname)” i want to yeet my little sister out the window so bad rn but if i did that i would feel like a horrible person
  18. My little sister was eating Cheetos and she rubbed the Cheeto dust on my dads pants near his bottom xDDDDDDD
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