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Everything posted by ItzFadeDaNightWing

  1. My Grandparents house is a 7-hour drive and we drive there almost every single year. I drive to Chicago every-so-often to see my step-dad which takes 3 hours. You have not reached my needing to go to the bathroom-holding skills yet >:)
  2. All that's left! Get them now! (Cannot get Myth or Wilt as I am holding them. But I will stop holding them if the person who is deciding between them doesn't reply soon, sorry!
  3. Sorry but @Cult Leader Fawn already asked for mako before you :(( But when I make a new all-tribe adopt I could hold the SeaWing in case you want it if you'd like? But here's Silt
  4. Posting what's left to avoid confusion Red means taken and a square means I'm waiting fro sum1 to make a decision
  5. Sure! You can take either or both. Which would you like?
  6. Yusss here u goooo U now can do whatever u want w/ pumpkin (aka change name, add accessories) u own her now Edit: Ignore the circle on her scales that was an accident
  7. Finally finished all-tribe adopt! Quote and ask me for one and I'll give it to you (the headshot of just that one)
  8. Wind That Carries Birdsong (can use either bird or song or the actual word idrc)
  9. 10/10 Flicker of Fireflies at Night
  10. Light which breaks through the clouds
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