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Everything posted by Geawiel

  1. Didn't even think of Onbu cycle! I'll keep an eye on that one next run. I was able to harvest a good portion on one map, but I started with trees that were clustered pretty well, and I planted my village right in the middle. I put my storage and mill right there too. By the time my first cloud was hit, I had harvest most of the clustered stuff. It was the only play through, so far, where I think I could have easily held my own past the demo end.
  2. Problem I'm having is, the visual indication is hard to tell. There is the heavy one, which clears up, but is that the end? There is some lingering, lighter green after the heavy. Is the poison chance still there with the lighter green? If the chance is still there, it can be hard to tell when the lighter green is over in some situations. I can't find anything to indicate if the lighter is still toxic. On plants, maybe it should go: Distance Closest to spread timer Using workers to scavenge is fine, but it comes later. Even if I go straight for it, getting everything in line is still a bit. Then building it, then finding enough places to get food (I get almost nothing for food on scavenging each play through.) Those numbers were the best I could find on the map I was given. Best I've had is high 70's, and 3 will somewhat keep up. Farms are hit or miss. I started going for berries, because they're a better bet than farms. Especially when it comes to variations in humidity, and worker lag in transporting water to farms. You've also got 3 different farms (minimum) to deal with, if you use radish. Shrooms, Herbs and radish. 3 to 5 water gatherers can sometimes keep up. Then, I have to worry about transport. Even a hut set to transport can't seem to do it fast enough. It seems that transport is not as much as issue with berries. I seem to get a lot of desert maps though, so water gathering and farming has me a bit jaded towards them.
  3. So, I had a few suggestions from my latest play (just now) - 3 berry gathering buildings, manned with at least 2 villagers (65% efficiency, 60% efficiency, and 72%). Yet, starvation was still an issue. There are a few thoughts on this. First, 2 berries per bush seemed low. I know it's 3 to make a dish at the cook. However, even with those harvesters, I was still not getting enough to feed everyone once my pop went up above around 25. A farm alone is the same issue, and even a farm with 2 gatherers had the same issues. Berry gatherers, to me, shouldn't ever be starving. They're picking units of berries! I can see hungry, but not starving. - I noticed poisoned villagers, when a doc was dispatched, just stood there. Seems like this definitely wouldn't happen. Suggestions: If a doc is dispatched, they should continue to work until the doc gets there. If their health is low enough (half maybe) they should walk to meet the doc, then go back to what they were doing. I don't know the doc's current health priority ai, but they should be prioritizing by health Doc buildings could possibly have health pacs built in them (maybe research item). Doc's, in the down time, when no one is poisoned, could build them at a 3 to 5 herb to one pack, rate. When a poisoned villager gets near, they pick up a pack. This could take the load off of docs when things get heavy. - Workers harvesting poisoned plants/items should prioritize by percent to spread, when heading out to pick which poison item they're harvesting. - Could we get a message of some type, for when we've left a spore cloud? Either an event text, or maybe change the terrain type while we're in it, then back when we're out? I've been sprinting through it, when I can, but would be nice to get an exit indicator so I can start hunting down infected items. It can sometimes get hard to tell if you are actually through the cloud (at least for me), especially at in game night. "Ubantu sighs with relief, as it leaves the spore cloud."
  4. Definitely agree with all of these. I'll add. In all but my first try, it was poison, and lack of manning, that really killed me. I would somewhat hold it together. People would be hungry, but I wasn't starving. Until a medium or larger poison cloud hit. I would have to pull from other places to fight the spread. I couldn't keep up. I could run scavenge missions to get more villagers, but that happens so slow (at least for me) that I would already be at skeleton crew for a lot of places. When I ran them, I'd get 2 guys, on average. Once 3, and once 4. By this time, I'm also hitting poison clouds. One, every so often, is fine. It takes me some time, but I can slowly deal with it. I seem to always hit them fairly back to back. When I'm hitting the second one, I've only got the first one controlled by about 50% (unless it's small) at best. Anything larger, back to back, and I'm going to lose. First the poison villagers. Then the spread. Then starvation, as I can barely keep a crew to work with food. Everyone I can spare is trying to clear the poison. I completed the demo on my 4th try. I was well on my way to the typical slow poison land, starvation death. Trying to harvest poison items, and clear large areas of items, was the only reason I made it that long. So: - Slight increase in villagers you get (or get from scavenge missions) by 1, 2 max. - A decrease in the amount of poison clouds. To me, half would be great. If not decrease the amount of clouds, decrease the chance of infection, or slow its spread. Right now, it takes a lot of manning to clear a spot that even slightly gets out of control. That manning loss in other places, to deal with it, greatly hamstrings anything else.
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