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Everything posted by icecat

  1. English, but Im learning French and I might learn Japanese in school. 5 15 am , lol I wake ups arly nice background
  2. I hate it when I get like , grabbed y somebody because it feels like tour trying to over power u and I makes me so scared. like I have this friend who doesn't know I really hate that is they just grab my shoulders and I freak out. ive also for nd out I hate it when somebody like pokes near may back because imeiaialy I just flinch aways . idk why I don't like peopled doing this. however , I will hold hands or hug, but anything more and im freaking out.
  3. I was just about to ask about the Russian stuff im is happy I always clear my search history
  4. yeah I hate that but what I hate more is when somebody just like pokes me from behind me like on my back and then I so this weird flinch thing because im so freaked out
  5. This is sad but a lot of the YouTube comment sections I’ve seen are like 2015: comment idk , in 2024 comment something, bit what I mean is it’s is like years between watch sommemt that is so rude about women tho I mean ppl are so dirty and bad have u ever been called. A portible dishwasher. Yeah I actually have. And it’s really sad that ppl still try to call us that
  6. Also if anyone wants me to draw ur cats I will. But beware I may chibi-cutesify them yeah I already have 2 ppl I’m doing it for My friend whose user I can’t spell (not on forums) and my othe friend also not on the forums but yeah
  7. Also I love how I post so much stuff an fnobosy cares also how I just use the return button as grammar
  8. Omg so yesterday my moms friends daughter came over and she is like 23 I think anyways she literally me but older. well no, but a lot like me and I was like (✨0✨) anyways a nice experience to find somebody who was a lot like me
  9. I literally found this so funny idk why so lol also why u ….. say uwu to them just dp this instead (>w<) or (0w0) cat face so yeah have fun in the ocean
  10. It’s not that bad I didn’t read much of it tho
  11. guys even tho @BirbMonstwo has blocked me im grateful for them because they were like the only one who called me icecats thanks barb even tho we don't get along
  12. I aslo hate the fact that the idiots are calling ppl gay as a joke because , its really not nice to say that but they literally joke about it like an and thing . I have been called lesbian on most days, tho im probs not. its not supposed to be an insult but its used as one .
  13. new art!!!! ! this one is dedicated to the jerks who said I will never become an animator I will ' watch me lol
  14. idk I think I don't stand a chance with the powers of my oc ( she can literally send u out of portal distance )
  15. ok ill listen soon one day my fried for no reason: me??? gay and no that's not true but I might be aroace idk
  16. aslo me and my friend are gonna make a warrior cats sim in Minecraft so random I k and on the school computers to0👏
  17. school was fine I might make little animation because why not
  18. if its causing u stress then don't stay. not that I don't care if u stay. omg that sounded so rude
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