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Adam's Legacy (V2)


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Adam was curled up in his nest, sleeping.

His sister, Amy, pulled his ear.

"Hey, do you wanna go play?" She chirped.

"No, let me sleep." Adam curled up even more.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" She was in a very good mood. "Let's go to the shore!"

"Amy, isn't the shore a forbidden place for kids like us? We're not supposed to go there."

Adam stood up and swiped his tail in annoyance.

"Oh, what's so dangerous in there we can't go to?" Amy pulled his ear once more. "We can hunt stagmoles!"

"Okay, okay!"

Adam followed his sister, who was running playfully, not caring about anything, while Adam was very cautious.

"Here it is! The shore!" Amy turned to show him the stagmole burrow.

Adam was off guard. He loved these things, even though adults wouldn't let them hunt.

He jumped to catch the stagmole, but it hid perfectly in time. Adam landed in a weird position, his orange, striped pelt now covered in dirt. He stood up, and Amy jumped forth trying to sniff out the stagmole.


They both laughed, when suddenly Amy heard a screech. Adam wasn't paying attention to anything, but his sister tried to warn him.

"Adam! Watch out!" She shouted, as Adam started to notice the bird of prey.

Amy tried to protect her brother, but it was too late. The bird opened up its talons and took Adam to the skies.

An adult came running to see what happened, but the bird was too high already.

"ADAM!" Amy cried out.

When the bird was gone, she yelped quietly, tears in her eyes. "A-Adam..."

The adult guided her back to camp, where they mourned the loss of her brother.


Adam was high above his island. After a while, he closed his eyes and fell unconscoius in the bird's talons.

The bird flew for a long time before Adam woke up. He swiped at the bird's talons, but also left a big scratch on his arm.

The bird screeched in pain and let go of Adam, who landed on an island, far away from his home...


(Feel free to say what you like/don't like about this, or what you would like to see (do it in pms so others don't get spoilers.)! Also, let me know if you enjoy it.)

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Adam yowled for a while, lying motionlessly on the ground. His arm still hurt after the bird of prey 'incident'.

"Mom!" He cried out, though slowly losing hope.

Adam tried to stand up a few times, and finally succeeded.

He tried to walk. Though falling many times, he got to a nearby patch of reeds.

After a while, Adam curled up under a berry bush and spent the night there.


Adam woke up and noticed something. He was... a bit taller? He looked down at his chest. He has grown his second gem.

"Amy must have grown hers too..." He thought and looked around.

He noticed a bluebird feather. Adam picked it up and looked at it for a while, realizing it's the only thing from his home he has left.

He put it behind his ear and picked up a few berries. They weren't very tasty, but anything tastes good when you're very hungry.

Adam looked to the west. A port was there.

"Mom told me these are used to travel between islands..." He walked towards it, but slept for a while before travel.20220111093534_1.thumb.jpg.44ed54c51214ef3122aa9183b83c42c3.jpg

He felt the patches of flowers, reminding him of his home.

Adam traveled for many hours. After finally reaching the island, he looked behind him, and saw the travel stones crumble and fall into the ocean behind him.

After a while, he heard a sound, similiar to rustling leaves...

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Adam was scared by the sound, but also was very curious. Eventually, he padded over to the sound.

He found a berry bush and picked a berry. Adam still walked towards the sound.

He heard a yell. "How dare you touch my berry bush?!"

Adam jumped back.

"I said, how dare you touch my berry bush?!" He saw a an irritated female in the grasses.


(using text colors now

also this one was very short because homework aaaa)

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Adam jumped back and curled up his tail.

"Oh, another one." She still was irritated, but a little less.

"S-sorry, I-I didn't..." Adam stuttered.

"I rarely get any visitors in here." She hissed.

Adam was still scared.

"It's okay." Her voice was serious, but also strangely calming. "I'm Eve."

"A-Adam..." Adam whispered.

"Now, come here."

Adam curled up beside her and snuggled into her. She didn't understand what he was doing, but allowed him to continue.



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