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icecats 2nd homethread where she reads at 5 am in the morning and stuff


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I know that nobody will look at this 

if u do

please answer me 

I have never like had a crush on anybody 

im still like 12 and ppl tell me I will 

I don't really want to 

but ppl still assume I will 

will I ?

I tell some pp, a nd they don't believe me 

there's whisper smith and wont tell me what they whisper 

sometimes I question. myself because of this 

will I or will I not 

other pl have told me that that is. jt choice bu idk anymore?

anybody have any ideas ?

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1 hour ago, icecatcake said:

I know that nobody will look at this 

if u do

please answer me 

I have never like had a crush on anybody 

im still like 12 and ppl tell me I will 

I don't really want to 

but ppl still assume I will 

will I ?

I tell some pp, a nd they don't believe me 

there's whisper smith and wont tell me what they whisper 

sometimes I question. myself because of this 

will I or will I not 

other pl have told me that that is. jt choice bu idk anymore?

anybody have any ideas ?

You're only 12, you still have tons of time and I don't think you need to worry about that stuff, it will happen naturally. I'm much older than 12 and I still haven't gotten a crush, and I honestly don't care if i do or not. Don't worry about it too much.

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13 hours ago, Stranger said:

You're only 12, you still have tons of time and I don't think you need to worry about that stuff, it will happen naturally. I'm much older than 12 and I still haven't gotten a crush, and I honestly don't care if i do or not. Don't worry about it too much.

my other friend told me smh along these lines as well actually

I don't really want to tbh 

also merry Christmas 

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merry Christmas again bc its morning now or night 4 some ppl

yesterday I was swimming im my pool and it has a cement outside

so I was dong backflips of the step and smashed my face against the wall 

and at first I thought it was broken however it was just hard to move 

yea sad 

I got a few books 

will upload later 

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23 hours ago, icecatcake said:

I tripped and scraped my knee but obviously o did not cry im not two so I was on like a walking track, and then I had to walk like 1.2 k back to car 

and now I have to go on that stupid walkie track again 

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6 hours ago, Andromeda_ said:

i thought it was "i'm gonna swing"

oh I didn't even care what this was btw 

I was just like oh its funny so il post it 


is it bad ?

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so I was searching up ship fanartand in the first few things these came up I also was using g incognito mode sooooo🤨




also free dipcofica bc most of the others were toh 

tell me if any of these are too weird 

not. my art

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