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Creatures in Their Biomes


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So I wanted to recreate which creatures would work best for their specific biome, and my inspiration came from wondering what the prehistoric creatures would look like without mixing in the 'modern' genes. I like to give the creatures realistic backstories to their genes, and give them more animalistic personalities, rather than human ones. And here they are, 


The female is the ideal hunter, though slow due to her mammoth feet, she has a strength of five and a very high heat resistance. If she were in a large pack, they would surround walrusdeer to take them down easily, and with her strength and defense stats, she can hunt the balance bears as well. Between her mighty horns, great fangs, and hammertail, she is the top hunter in the winter biome. Her high heat resistance allows her and her pack to hunt all through the winter, and easily navigate the snow. 

The male is a herbivore, with a digging trunk and paws to match, simply searches the island for roots to feed off of. Usually making home near a permanent nest, they travel in very small packs, preferring to build up a food supply in the short time before snow falls, and then huddle together to collect nearby roots during winter. They are easy targets for the predators of the biome, and will usually leave one creature behind, usually the eldest, as a distraction when attacked by a balance bear, so the rest of the pack may escape. Saberfanged creatures tend to make their homes near these digging trunk creatures, and lie in wait for a balance bear to attack. The digging trunk creature has a short time to escape during this fight, for if it doesn't, it might become the fanged creatures next meal. 


Moving on to their opposites, the Savannah. 


These two creatures are much closer in relation than the two from the Winter biome, but still wouldn't breed together due to their difference in body types. The female is the gatherer. Her species survives off the bushes of the Savannah. Though her movements are a little slowed due to that armored body, it does allow her to collect from the cacti without receiving any damage. Due to her armored body protecting her from harm, she has no defensive genes and is a herbivore. They tend to nest around large collections of cacti and berries, gathering grasses for nesting materials. 

The male on the other hand, lacks her strong body, and instead has a leaner one more conditioned to survive the heat and allow fast movements. He is equipped with two digging paws to allow him to collect four roots from a single spot. These creatures prefer to settle at permanent rests around known root spots, and send out scouts to find more roots, as well as check the land for the starts of fire, since the land is prone to it. The two species live in harmony the way a chipmunk and a squirrel would, but if food becomes scarce they will attack each other for resources. 


Next is a very funky pair from the swamp biome, won't make any sense at first but hear me out. 


Let's start with the male, clearly his genes look very odd for this biome. But the two have a symbiotic relationship (They need each other to survive). The male is equipped with the most damage resistance a creature can get, which is 5. In the swamps, the thorns give a damage of 4 and take up half of the island. Clearly this creature can gather no food, so he is dependent on the female creatures species for resources, in return his species clears the island of its deadly thorns. He has a stinky tail to protect him from flies, and a spitsnout simply because I thought it fit the creature best. Once the island is cleared of thorns, these creatures will simply live beside the Poison creatures, being shields against bearyenas, and sitting next to children in nests to keep away blue birds. 

The female is a toxic bodied creature, surviving off the plentiful toxic berry bushes on the island. Her people's main issue is getting around the thorns. They entrust the spitsnout creatures entirely, knowing one cannot exist without the other. Her two berry paws allow her to be stationed next to three berry bushes at a time, collecting the maximum amount she can hold in a day. Her stinky tail swats away the nasty bugs that would lull her to sleep. The two species never fight each other, and though they cannot breed, they treat each other as equal species. 


Next we have another symbiotic relationship, though they are not dependent on each other for food. It's the jungle!


The female is by far the top of the food chain on this island. Nothing can harm her except for the Meat Eating Plants. Her species has evolved specifically for this biome and its threats. Coming from a distant line of bearyenas, she has their claws, and evolving from the species of Saberfanged creatures in the Winter biome, she has the mighty horns, fangs, and hammer tail. All in all, she is a killing machine. Her species hunts the Great Apes of the jungle. Surrounding the creatures when they come down from the trees and killing them easily with a pack. The creatures give enough food to feed her pack for days. But there are a few issues with her species, they cannot smell, and the apes hide from their Saberfanged appearance. This is why the males species is needed. 

He has a lean body, no horns, no powerful fangs or tails. By all definitions this creature is a herbivore. Using its digging paw to pull up the roots of the jungle, and its berry paw to gather the smelly berries off the trees, this creature lives with plenty of food to eat. Their existence is only threatened by the apes, who spot them in the grasses or catch scent of the berries they've eaten. They have a mutual agreement with the Saber creatures, they will use their ability to smell to find the dangerous Meat Eating Plants, and lure out the apes, if in return the Saber creatures will kill the apes and keep them safe. The two species nest in a large pack together by a decent food source of roots and trees, waiting for apes to find their way to their dens. 

Finally we have the water biome creatures, 

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These two are entirely separate species, one living in the depths of the water while one lives closer to the surface. 

The female stays in the shallow end, near trees that drop their coconuts or acorns into the water. They swim along searching for clams to open up as well. Due to their fast speeds, they spread out far along the water, besides a nesting pair or two, and once they've collected all the nuts, seaweed, and clams for the day they spread out once again and wait for more to reappear in the morning. The nesting pairs are the ones selected to breed, they do not travel the waters for food but instead stay in one spot, preferably within reach of a few seaweed plants to rebuild their nests. They very rarely come in contact with the platypus beaked species, unless they are chasing a fish and stray too close to the surface. 

The male's species lurks in the depths, where there are more fish and worms below the sand. They are excellent fishers with their claw and fishing tails. Their beak allows them to dig up many worms, and they choose to nest in the holes they've dug up, as they cannot collect the seaweed. Unlike the pink creatures, they have no set nesting partners, and will settle down in any area with plentiful foods. They choose to avoid the light of the shallow end, as their eyes are not adapted to it, unless a swarm of fish manage to escape their grasp and make it towards the shallows. When they come in contact with the other species, they do not fight each other because neither poses any threat to the others food source

Hope you guys liked this, let me know if there are any other biomes you'd like me to do that I forgot about, or feel free to do your own and show them below, I'd love to see what other people come up with. 


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