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Slime Rancher


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I have 3 stories that pertain to the Gold slime itself; The first is when I was running through the Far, Far range and was in the 3rd section with the rock slimes, tabbies, and pinks. I see a golden shimmer on the cliff (Furthest away from the entrance but not the one with chickens.) and I launch a carrot at it. Being on my old computer it lags while I am running through to see if I hit it. When I (finally) got up there. A shimmering gold plort was there. SNIPED! The second isn't such a tale. I was walking through the old, mossy ruins when right in front of me I see a gold slime! I shot a carrot at it (Popular choice of food, since I have no idea where the gildeds are.) and... did I mention what room I was in? I just got in and went to the room with carrot patches and rock slimes. I was about to turn the corner at the end. There is no wall facing outwards (Where I shot the slime towards) and the slime fell, with the plort, to the water. I desperately tried to use the vac to get them back up. They ended up falling into the water. (But I didn't. Like those ones mentioned in the slimepedia.) After that, when I entered the glass desert, a lucky slime appeared. I should mention that around this time, I always carried a hen around just in case of emergencies like this... but no. I forgot that time. Fast foward a hiatus, and you get today, 4/6/2019. Today I was walking through those same ruins. Reminiscing of my loss. Two rooms after that I see a gold slime... and I hit it with a car- Heart beat! Because my heart was beating really fast... no it was the only food I had on me. And I got a gold plort... but that seems a mundane story of a goldslime doesn't it? well, after I returned and cashed it. I returned for tangle slimes. as I am about to go jump and go to the last section (that holds the glass desert portal) the tarr music turns on and I whip around firing shots down below me. And I fall trying to do so. When the Tarrs where gone, I see a lone gold plort! That day, I had already encountered 3 (3) lucky slimes (two of which I didn't get) and made 200 off the one I got. The gold plorts that day were around 450-460 Nb so I got 1,200 nb just of rare slimes...


Also, in one save:

First novice apiary = 1 royal jelly

First advanced apiary = 1 royal jelly

and randomly: one advanced drill = 2 strange diamonds


wait... LAVA DUST IS RARE???!!!!! (I actually didn't know that until I looked at the wiki....)


You'd think with that luck a gold gordo would come to a novice trap.... (Waiting for it)



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