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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. oof that's rough...curious as to how you have pokemon go. can I be honest: I have never played any sort of pokenmon, ever. I just never got my hands on it.
  2. love this! upvoted! maybe nichelings in a wanderer pack can have a baby with each other if one of their pack dies/runs off also rogue males should be able to make wanderers pregnant because right now they only annoy our own tribe.
  3. I just went from feeling like this To this Also silver yeah, never saw the prequels because apparently they suck...episode 4 and 5 are good. 6 is okay except I didn’t like the first half or the second half. I haven’t seen the sequels in a while so I can’t really remember though i think I liked them at the time
  4. A lot of it is crap. The original trilogy is the best. It’s more the concept and some of the characters that I find cool
  5. I’d only ever seen the sequels and main trilogy but I recently saw the main trilogy again plus rogue one then watched Ep 9 trailer and then.... here are some enlightening memes et cetera because I’m bored feel free to post randomness as well
  6. Poor Melon needs help... Or maybe it’s Magnolia who needs help...
  7. I’m open for shipping to anyone at this point Also I have another comic in my mind that I’ve rough drafted kinda...It will involve meringue 😛
  8. I'll continue it sometime. A New Legacy had nothing to do with it, I just wanted a break.
  9. so instead of drawing yall nichelings I made this today and I actually used a REFERENCE WOOOOOOOOOO idek also here is some random comics with human magnolia i might make more flowermask, melon, I love you this is just for fun
  10. Not open right now, taking a break, but I can still put yours on hold for later!
  11. No idea. I make the babies splash in them though
  12. I went to long winter and thought I was doomed. But after only 16 days, rabbils started to spawn! Is long winter only supposed to last that long? Did the old weather bug make this seem more severe than it is?
  13. 10, 11, 13, 20, 21 23, 28 and 30 are my favorites!
  14. So pretty! I do the same thing Renio, I bypass the -kit and -paw because it’s incredibly tedious
  15. I just realized that Taduk's goggles were unfinished, here is the updated version
  16. @FlowerMask? More like FreckleMask! 😍 Her big ears and lean body traits translated into a sun-loving lass
  17. Taduk, buddy...what are you hiding behind your back???
  18. ossen! @Lilytuft he's in winter gear so he doesn't look too similar to meringue
  19. I'm trying to do some non-whites in this batch
  20. Yeah except Meringue should have been the polymous one XD
  21. Silver I can do your derp but I want to give others a chance to have art too so yours will be last (honestly have no idea how I will pull off a derpy girl? Braces? Lack thereof?) I hope you don’t mind I’m taking Ossen, Taduk and Flowermask for now. @Nugget10 stop beating yourself up, if you want to submit a form you can too!
  22. I just wanted to alternate it boy-girl-boy girl...I should have put Mags in the middle though because if you notice (and this is mere coincidence) the ones on the left face left and those on the right face right, but magnolia is facing the front.
  23. Opening this back up for ~3 more submissions from users who have not had the chance to have their nicheling humanified! Will be worked on tomorrow hopefully. Here’s the new form: Nicheling name: Screenshot: Personality: As you can see I’ve left out the clothing and sona questions. Hopefully this will allow me more artistic freedom to make something completely on my own!
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