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wikipedia [he/him]

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Everything posted by wikipedia [he/him]

  1. No use having shelter without safe water...
  2. exactly like that! he's more used as the personification of our ideals than an actual deity
  3. generally, we just group them into two big groups; Catholic Satanism (adheres to christian beliefs, very strict, generally ew) and Neo Satanism (what i am; follows the Seven Tenets, branched off C.S and is one of the newest 'large religions')
  4. 1) This is a specific thread, used in good nature and without mention to 'worse' things. It is only to dispel misconceptions. If there are other threads on dispelling misconceptions on religion, they wouldn't be banned either 2) Satan means 'to rebel'. Satanism, therefore, is the religion of rebellion; while some religions want to keep people pure, Satanism accepts the fact that people need the sins to be happy, as long as it is in moderation. We do also have our own virtues, commandments, ect, like Christianity.
  5. Satanism is a religion that not many people actually know; i am literally the only satanist i know IRL ^^; the wikipedia definition is 'Satanism is a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs/a religion based on Satan.'
  6. if anybody doesnt know what an AMA thread is; AMA means 'ask me anything' so, feel free to ask me anything related to satanism! ^^ @the christians
  7. no, i am too (technically)
  8. Male hopefully i didnt accidentally respond twice, my memory is. bad lol
  9. this should go in my art channel but its a hooman so like
  10. saka (ft layne cancelling xem) for @RainbowTheAlbinoServal
  11. I'm a Burned Gryffindor Primary (Hufflepuff Model) with Ravenclaw Secondary; We think you’re a Burned Gryffindor Primary and a Ravenclaw Secondary. A burned Gryffindor still thinks it’s important to try to do the right thing. They just have some doubts, insecurities, or cynicism around the idea that anyone can know what “right” is. The world would be easier if they could trust their gut, but they know they can’t. They still strive to do what they can, and often build a constructed morality system (or adopt an external legal, philosophical, or religious code) in order to live as well as possible. But unlike a Ravenclaw Primary, who would be satisfied and righteous using this external system, a burned Gryffindor will always be disappointed and even guilty using this out-sourced moral system. Ravenclaw Secondaries collect– hobbies, skillsets, knowledge. You also may have a Hufflepuff Primary Model. Hufflepuff House is the house of fairness and loyalty, and Hufflepuffs use those values to help them determine what the right thing to do is. If you model Hufflepuff Primary, you also value these things and like to live by them. You probably have a community, culture, or group that’s really important to you– but you wouldn’t feel guilty for abandoning your community and its values in the service of other, higher priorities (whether that’s sticking by your chosen family, following what your logic tells you, or crusading after a cause that calls to you). But you’d like to value the communal loyalty and even-handness of a Hufflepuff. It’s good, solid, and satisfying. It would be nice if you could stick with people and help those in need– but you have other, more important things to do sometimes, and you don’t feel bad about that.
  12. oh, man, i use a different system for this! i use https://ejadelomax.itch.io/sortinghatchats alas, the quiz is down right now
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