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Everything posted by Impy10

  1. "Okay." He walked up ahead of Bettlepaw
  2. Can I ask why people ignore me? And please be honest.
  3. Tiny lights started popping up
  4. Sandfur had slid into the warriors den.
  5. Inside was... A gun and a Swiss army knife? Why are they here? There was also several books, a moldy half eaten sandwich and a empty water bottle.
  6. "Huh?" Springpaw rubbed his eyes. He was too tired for this...
  7. Springpaw yawned, "When is it going to get intresting?" He muttered to himself
  8. They moved the rocks so they could get out
  9. Fallen remembered it and then tried to think about ways they could use that power
  10. "Uuuugh... Okay..." He got up and stretched
  11. A few minutes pasted when Sandfur approached you. "You have dawn patrol tomorrow."
  12. The water rose and fell with the wind and the crimson sky turned jet black Behind it was a small hollowed out crate.
  13. I meant in family echo but this is okay as well
  14. The sky from day blue to blood red as the sun drowned into the ocean
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