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Everything posted by CABINET

  1. It’s supposed to be “about”. It’s a Canadian stereotype.
  2. Let’s stop now before this devolves further. I’ve learned my lesson. Anyway, uh, regional slang! Uh, “aboot”? Even though I’ve literally never heard anyone say that before?
  3. Its - possessive form of “it” Example: The cat is playing with its toy It’s - contraction of “it is” Example: It’s raining outside I’m sorry
  4. Don’t forget it’s/its That one is the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE
  5. “I cannae change the laws of physics!” -Mr. Scott, Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise ...I’m sorry.
  6. Alright! Sounds good to me! (Maybe I should actually make them do something... how do you even begin a roleplay thing agh) Risi settled down on a rock to rest. She was a bit worried about Vankir, but figured she shouldn't be. Vankir can take care of himself. He was doing pretty well when I first met him! Vankir stood below an oak tree, nervous. He wasn't used to being alone. Maybe I shouldn't have left... No. Risi told me that I have to be more independent, so travel by myself for now I shall. (is this how you start a roleplay thing? please tell me that it is)
  7. Oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying. Not sure what Risi would be then... (not a superior, she can't read minds or anything)
  8. I've never done this before... but I'd like to add I've never really role-played before though, so apologies if I have no idea what to do in some circumstances Risi Vankir I'm not sure what they would be... Well, I guess I'll describe them. Risi being a tox would make some sense (she's poisonous...), but I don't see her as the type to want to follow another... I like to imagine that she received mild empathic powers (ability to sense emotions) after she became a guardian spirit. She is also quite friendly and doesn't like to see others suffer. Vankir is shy, sensitive and fairly dependent. He always tries to be near Risi, but when asked about this and their relationship with each other he gets defensive. He seems like a perfectly normal nicheling, but sometimes when he gets irritated, coconuts fall from nearby palm trees... Maybe Vankir could be a firebringer, but instead of being immune to fire, he could just be resistant to fire (I don't know how I would fit that into his story... maybe because he spent a lot of time near the water)? And if "tox" is just a generic term for venomous/poisonous nichelings, Risi could be one, but she travels alone (and sometimes with Vankir) and the other toxes aren't really bothered by her? I dunno.
  9. Yes, you could I just feel like it might be nice to have an option to rather than blacklist all the stuff you don’t want you could whitelist the stuff you do want... :/.
  10. Oh, sorry, mainly for collapsing the large images X3 maybe we don’t need them... ah well, whatever
  11. In some forums, there is something called a spoiler tag. It’s basically an option for collapsible text which can be used to hide things like spoilers (duh) as well as large images or long walls of text like crash reports
  12. Might as well jump on the bandwagon (It’s times like this that I kinda wish this forum had a spoiler tag option (*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*))
  13. “I WILL NOT JOIN YOU UNLESS YOU DONATE ONE HUNDRED BITS OF YOUR PRECIOUS FOOD TO THE VOID TO FEED THE ELDER GODS!!11!!1” Joking aside, this is a pretty good suggestion! Me likey
  14. Well, we already have a gene blacklist. For those who need it, I shall define those terms in this context: A whitelist would be telling the game that it can only use options in the whitelist. A blacklist states that the game can use any option except those in the blacklist. The forbidden genes tab thingy is a blacklist Example: let’s say that we have a list of paw genes with five genes in it: runner’s leg, nimble fingers, claw, velvet paw and digger’s paw. If that were a whitelist, the game would only be able to pick from those five genes. If it were a blacklist, the game would be able to pick from any gene except those five. Does that make sense? I hope so...
  15. "N-nothing... Just... I mean, it's fine, everyone has their own tastes... Right?" -Vankir "Ah, don't mind Vankir, he gets nervous easily. Anyway, question (for anyone who wants to answer): What are some of your proudest accomplishments in your life?" -Risi, Spirit of Good Fortune
  16. (to anyone who wishes to answer!) "Er, so, what is your favourite part of being a- a god?" -Vankir, Spirit of Misfortune/the Coconut Trees
  17. Oh! Idea for Mulberry: I don’t know much about him, but apparently, he “guides the bugs of the swamp, infecting anyone foolish enough to get in their way” as JessiMew more or less puts it. So, maybe you could have the first loop of him looking half-asleep because of the sickness he has just caught, with some bugs swarming around him, and in the second, he could have his paw up pointing forward, as if now guiding the bugs toward their next victim, with a crazed expression on his face (still with the bugs around him). I don’t know, just an idea edit: Wait, I just read one of your posts, and was having two loops still the idea? ...Or am I overthinking this? (I tend to do that ) edit 2: So, I read the post in question and it looks like only a few characters are planned for the thing... So, I guess this wasn’t needed... Oh, well :/.
  18. Oh my gosh, that is awesome! It totally works too!
  19. Huh, weird, I could see it before, but now I can’t either...
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