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Everything posted by GreenTheGreat

  1. "Hello feathers, do you need anything?" He asked in his deep voice
  2. I made a base for wolves with powers. Also made evil boi myself
  3. *smoke was coming from the dungeon... like always... good thing moon though of that and put fire proof bars in the cells*
  4. (U gotta make them bat wings instead. With ram horns. Thats obviously a power >:D)
  5. (Oh my gosh I was thinking of a villain and you just gave me the perfect one. Thank you you genius! I will not say anything else about this new wolf.)
  6. nice accepted. but..... beta is chosen by the leader, Moon will call you all when he has to choose. I'll make her a hunter for now, we need food in camp! good
  7. NPC stand for Non-playable-character. See that? Non-playable. I do the npcs as the mostly narrator. Also it would only let me quote this. (sorry, a bit irritable rn)
  8. "That will be a long time! It will be sooner for us just to get adopted now! I'm going to ask the staff about it." She ran off. -Run after her -Stay here -Go explore
  9. "Kinda need to know that to help you, and what do you mean by 'I help you'?"
  10. "Ok... but who are you looking for?"
  11. That looks great! Hope you had fun!
  12. He had to be polite, i mean, she seemed a- bit- nice. "M- m- moth..."
  13. His eyes widened as he ducked behind the rock and curled up in a ball, shaking.
  14. He dove behind a nearby rock, who was that?! Did they kill his mothers?!
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