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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. Glacier goes to the surface where he finds Floo. He tells him about the thing underwater (which I now realize isn't a plant) and that it may give him water-breathing abilities. Floo listens while snacking on berries.
  2. White Peak. Kinda evil looking and a little creepy with extremely white fur and jet black eyes. She's only a baby but I make Goddess of corruption of the soul, evil of unimaginable size, and bad intension. When she dies, she will sneak back to the real world and fill living nichelings with evil thoughts and manipulate them into doing terrible things. Nichelings can fight her with strong will and/or get help from others who have knowledge of her evil intensions. She does this with everyone, but some much, much more then others. Some confused her to be goddess of death, but death is both natural and neutral. It takes only what it needs without the intent of being good or bad. But she's still a baby, so, idk. Then there's Peach. She looks pretty. (Forest's daughter)
  3. Just stick 7 different brands of applesauce under your pillow and discover the lover of your life.
  4. I'm gonna try it (because why the heck not?) but I have a feeling I'll dream of something strange like a my cat or flying elephants.
  5. Glacier eats the blood sucker. Then he dives straight into the water. There, he finds quite a surprise. A familiar plant sits at the bottom of the cove. One he used to see in the waters of his home. The elders and healer used to say it gave air-breathers water breathing abilities. Interesting....
  6. Glacier is very happy. He comes to sit on the beach. 'This place is perfect!' He thinks. A evil blood sucker lurkers in the water. He doesn't care though. He's too happy and it will make a tasty snack. Floo eats the berries. Never gets sick of them.
  7. Oh what's this? A cove? Who knew. and some little fishies. OH and a berry bush.
  8. When he wakes, Floo pick up an interesting smell. It smells like the sea, but not. He'd ask his buddy to help identify the strange scent but Glacier can't really smell. It's ok though, it's not his fault, we don't judge. What he doesn't know is the the smell is coming from a cove further up the coast. A large estuary housing many little water creatures. (look at it, it's so cozy)
  9. After a long day of traveling on their new island, they sleep.
  10. Ahead is some nice berry bushes. Most want to kill you, some do not.
  11. Before Floo can introduce himself to the stag mole, Glacier takes the lead. 'Sorry little friend,' Floo whispers into the grasses.
  12. *gasp* A nut falls. ooooo and a mole. So much is going on this morning.
  13. Flowerhorns are a type of fish bred for human interaction. Even though they're not the prettiest, they can be pet and played with.
  14. Not a nicheling, but one of my tribes recently moved islands and the new island has a tiny island with just one tree on it. So perfect.
  15. Glacier climbs on top of the stump and curls up, ready for his first night on the island.
  16. After the break, they find a cozy stump deeper inland. Sadly, it is accompanied by a rock, but it seems to be fast asleep.
  17. Glacier goes to dig up some roots. He figures that if he can dig up worms in the sand, then he could probably do the same with roots in the dirt. Plus Floo is being lazy and he's bored.
  18. Oh wow, a tree to great them. How nice. Floo steps under the tree for a break. After spend a lot of time a the beach eating berries, He is not as fit as he was when he was running through the savannah with a pubescent Glacier.
  19. They can't see much, sitting on that small port, but what they can tell is that this island is large. At least larger then the previous island, which isn't saying much because it was very small. I'll just go with good. It's a good sized island.
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