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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. He sits next to Glacier, giving him the flowers he had collected. 'These will be a reminder of your home for when we travel.' Glacier looks up, confused. 'Travel? I'm staying here! This is my birth place, I can not leave!' Floo is sad. Little pink boi will die without anyone else here to protect him. Either from cold, predators, or heart break. 'Oh well,' Floo sighs.
  2. Now Floo, having been a teenager not long ago, is a little unsure of what to do. With nothing else to try, he decides to pick some flowers for this new pink child.
  3. They awake the next morning to a cold breeze. Glacier spots a menacing crabby in the waves. He wanders off farther down the beach. Still a little depressed, Floo sees.
  4. I guess we'll see now. plz no burning savannah..
  5. Floo as human please! (I'm sure you already know what he looks like)
  6. Floo feels terrible for the little one. He couldn't imagine the weight he must be feeling. 'What your name?' Floo asks. 'It's Glacier. Was a common name it my tribe. What about you?' (Also, is this port to whale island? I think it is but idk.)
  7. Floo comes to sit by him. 'What's wrong?' says Floo. The little one speaks, 'I was supposed to die in that storm.' 'But you survived.That's good, right?' 'No. I was a sacrifice.' He says Exposition time. The pink one tells his story. 'My tribe has lived in the water for many generations. We were taught that the land is a cruel place, filled with monsters and bad nichelings. The gods promised us peace in the water, and in return we would send one of us to the surface to be sacrifice every fifty days. This works well for our tribe, and when I was chosen to be sacrificed I knew what I had to do. But I survived, and for who knows how long. Usually there'd by lots of children floating and playing around, and the guards would be sitting right here... But now look. There's nothing. All because I survived.' He stirs around in the muck, finding a little a worm to slurp down.
  8. But what's this? No great beast with great deadly claws? Just one little billed boy. The small pinkish creature gasps with relief. 'I'm alive!' he says joyfully, 'Oh on, I'm alive!' his cheeriness soon turns to a paniced dread. The pink nichelings runs to the shore. He looks wet and cold. Poor little guy was probably in there for ages. As the little one turns away from Floo, he can see his giant tail. It's shaped like a hammer, good for crushing nuts and stuff.
  9. As the ice melts, Floo thinks to himself. What strange creature could be awaiting inside? A great ancient beast maybe? With deadly sharp claws, ten on each paw, sprouting like twenty long, silver knifes? A creature that would be glad to eat him like rabbil meat!? (don't ask how he knows what a knife is)
  10. Floo, still waiting at the ice burg, tries to make a plan. He could break the ice with his paws, but that would take a lot of time and strength Floo doesn't have. Then he has big brain moment. Also here's a blue bird. Carefully he presses his green, toxic fur on to the side of the ice burg. If he is right, the radiation from his fluff should melt the ice within the hour. (he has that expression because he is now a pro scientist.
  11. At the tree Lula awakes from her nap to live out her last moments with a dodo bird. She has no urge (Took me a while to spell urge. didn't know it start with U) to kill it. instead, she pats it twice on it's little birdy head, and looks out into the sunset with it. The next morning, she is gone.
  12. In an effort to help the anticipation, Floo nibbles on some berries and moves around.
  13. Back at the ice burg, Floo stares intensely at the cold block as though he can melt it with his mind. Silly boy. After a while of this, Floo thinks he can he a shape in the ice. An outline of an ancient creature... Also rabbil waits near by to sever as emotional support.
  14. In the morning, Lula goes to retire under the tree. For good. 'Don't know much little Floo, but I do know that you must crack open that ice, your future will be easier. Only this time, instead of whats in there taking care of you, you will have to take care of it in return.' (Does that make sense?) They embrace once more. Floo raps his long nimble fingers around her, knowing that he is feeling her soft yellow fur for the last time. She tells him that he should be proud of himself. Without him, she would have never had the courage to travel to the island of her dreams, and would have died alone on the jungle island. When she gets to the tree, she dozes off into a peaceful nap, curling up in the cool snow she's always longed for.
  15. They shuffle on. (AHHH Floo looks like he's been possessed!) After a day of travels, they finally reach the block of ice. Lula sits on a stump, examining what seems like a lifeless block of water. 'Tomorrow,' She says to Floo, 'Tomorrow, you will break the ice. There is something inside that will help you during your travels. The time has come for me to retire.' Floo is confused. 'You can't go,' he says, 'Who will be there on the cold nights? Who will stop me from getting into danger? Who will tell me what the difference is between a nasty razoranha and a tasty clown koi?' Lula doesn't know what to tell him. All she knows is that there is something in that ice burg that will help him.
  16. The next morning Lula wakes Floo. She knows that today will be her last day of the journey, so she must ensure that he is safe before she passes. Little do they know that not far away is an ice burg, stiff, cold and waiting to be broken. Something, or someone, awaits in there.
  17. I skipped today, but don't worry I'll do some tomorrow.
  18. I tried to fly in a dream once, because I knew it was a dream, and even then I couldn't fly. I was just jumping and flapping my arms like a chicken. Phil from modern family was there and he started doing it too, but neither of us could fly because dream physics .
  19. When you dream, is it like super vivid and detailed like your awake or fuzzy and patchy as though someone tore up a peace of paper and tape it back together terribly. I’m curious because I think dreams are cool
  20. Been a while, but one my females just had these little ones. Their sister sits to the right and I'm sure the blind one is related to them in some way.
  21. As they settle under the pine tree for the night, Lula thinks to herself. She knows that she's old, and that she's not gonna last much longer. Soon Floo will have to go on without her, and the lemon&lime team will be no more. She worries because if Floo is caught in the terrible weather that this island is capable of, it could be the end for him. Luckily, not too far away is tall and strange looking chunk of ice, standing all by it's self. Looks as though it hasn't felt warmth in ages. Maybe theres something in there that could assist Floo on his journey when Lula is gone...
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