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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. With nothing else to do and it being the only option Floo starts to make his way through the jungle reeds. He curls up in the grasses for his first night on the island.
  2. A long trip it was, but Floo finally sets his paws on new island. He looks from side to side. 'Nothing super fancy' He says, disappointed. It doesn't look like much at first, but in the distance Floo sees giant red trees, towering above the grasses. 'Now that's some fancy stuff' He says as he has never seen jungle trees and is easily impressed.
  3. It's that time, and today's the day. After a good rest, Floo is ready to set out for adventure.
  4. Ah, finally, the port. Tomorrow he will travel to a new land. Where does the port lead too? A rich paradise bursting with food, or a dark island, sickened with monsters. Could this be where he finds the love of his life? Will there be food? Tune in next time to see if Floo will survive the jungle.
  5. Whaaat? Who's this big fellow? Floo is curios, but afraid. He decides to keep going.
  6. So many nuts to eat, but little Floo can not fall for temptation. He has a jounry he must complete and not even food can slow him down. Later that day he find a soft nest to snuggle down in for the night. Sleepy boi.
  7. A smell comes from the North, one of tall trees and rich fruits, but also of death and danger. Despite the red flags, it attracts the young nicheling and he must know where it comes from.
  8. The next day, Floo awakes to rain dripping on his head. He crawls out of the bay and comes to sit in the grasses.
  9. i like it. stay ok. so deep
  10. hz.omjxpplie the saddest part is I tried my best
  11. I can sorta relate. sorta. My left eye slacks a bit so the right one does most of the work. So by the end of the day the left side of my head hurt for working so hard. It's really annoying but ima get glasses to help it. Anyways, hope you feel better.
  12. yay? This one actually makes some sense. The way this is worded sounds like it makes sense. k Excuse me?
  13. The next day Floo goes through puberty and becomes a man. He is very confused though because no one has ever informed him of this puberty thing. Looking around, unsure of what to do next, he starts to stink. 'Guess this is a part of puberty' He thinks to himself Luckily, not far away, Floo spots a little cove he can wash off in. (He blinks in photo. This is what happens when you have stinky nicheling) Sweet relief at last.
  14. After leaving the tree, Floo crosses paths with a rock. He must be careful not to disturb it. Crisis averted.
  15. The next day, Floo makes a hard choice. He decides to leave the tree that has been so kind to him, for it is the only way to find his purpose.
  16. He picks up the nut and starts stumbling further into the island. Soon he runs into a hole. How fascinating.
  17. The next morning he wakes up to find... oh? What this? A little nut?
  18. mmm... berries. He collects some berries and nibbles on them as he curls up under the tree.
  19. A young boy sits on an island He is all alone with no friends or family to guide him Just him and his thoughts
  20. rumors that it's poison
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