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MT26 - A Nicheling

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Everything posted by MT26 - A Nicheling

  1. yea. stalindog won since he had nuclear missiles. Maybe there could be a part 3 at some point tho, so that someone rebels to him
  2. I asked for it to be deleted, but it’s one of those “guests” that sent messages. here you can see it
  3. Also like a year ago I got a notification that the password of a deleted alt was leaked or something. but that one is deleted
  4. So some days ago I received an email that there were some failed log in attempts into SFS. So I checked the passwords and the one of my deleted account was changed to the one of my current account. That's scary, there are 2 possibilities based on the info given. It said it happened at 4am in my city. -I tried to log in with my phone while being half asleep and updated it or something. -Someone wants to use my account, maybe my brother or parents???? Scary stuff
  5. Other online forums (and SFS) use a template that is developed by someone else and they changed it so all forums using the template changed. Thats my guess
  6. The rank is gone, I just noticed that today. Also the description text is gone. Is there a reason for this changes?
  7. Maybe make all short snout as alphas, the squirrel overlords will be pleased. XD
  8. Can I suggest rules? maybe one is that all derp snouts need to be named “tuk tuk” and jr. (Ex, first one is tuk tuk, second is tuk tuk jr, third is tuk tuk jr jr, fouth is tuk tuk jr jr jr and so on)
  9. I don’t use wc generators myself so idk any other recommendations. But maybe there are other generators.
  10. Some I just found, idk. https://perchance.org/wc-generator https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324461428/
  11. My space mission thing I once drew, probably qualifies for your challenge.
  12. that's interesting, sadly niche rps are kinda dead. I also tried to do some a few months ago and the same happened so making one may not be so fun. You do what's more fun for you. : p It could be fun to see a playthrough even tho im not so active here.
  13. I wonder who's that anonymous user following the topic
  14. I had a weird dream that I was in the forums again or something, but a Star Wars droid came to my room and said I had to go take a bath. It was very weird.
  15. *thinking intensifies* And my birthday is next month. I feel so old now.
  16. Basically a new faction rose from Purdolf's ashes led by his successor Eatler. he made the Eatler Reich and invaded a lot of other factions and he got into a war with the Soviet Union from Stalindog who betrayed Poop and NAG. So the reich took control of many factions and a soviet satellite state but the soviets did a counterattack with nuclear weapons and nuked Eatler and Poop, then they took control of NAG. So Adam lost the war too, and his carrier and battleship were sunk by airships from Eatler. Also poor Poop, her brother died in the war. So she lost both of her siblings in the wars.
  17. The war is finally over. After 2 years. XD
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