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Everything posted by Leafy

  1. I’m reading the dialogue I wrote in someone else’s voice and it’s confusing me
  2. Off topic, but does anyone know why there is a blue circle with a hand on it by my profile picture? I look like I’m trying to back y’all up. “AYY, No Nono, six feet mah frens!”
  3. So what are you actually going to do with all this info? 🤣
  4. So, has anyone else done any art of the legendaries? Other then fox and I. Or are we ditching that activity?
  5. I HAVE MADE A NICHELING!!! I first did just a normal one, without any horns, then after I got photos of it. (as I knew doing horns could possibly destroy it-) After that, I did both ram horns, and savanna... though it’s hard to do long pieces of snow, especially thin ones, so there a little off 🤣 Also enjoy yet another photo bomb. Though this time by my mini Aussie, Sophie (who I have to constantly throw snowballs for while I’m building, otherwise she’ll bark at me, then attack whatever I’m building, so I will instead focus on her 🤨)
  6. Maybe make it have a little bit of a body, maybe some horn/antenna as well?
  7. Last year my older dog, Sasha, found this fawn, it was alone, but I’m sharing this because I would like to educate about this topic. If you find a baby fawn alone, DO NOT disturb or touch it, it may seem as though it’s abandoned, but doe’s (Female deer.) find a nice place to tuck there fawns away, then go out to find food. Which can take all day, so even if the fawn has been in the same spot, it’s not in any danger, and/or is injured. It’s a very common mistake people make, and although they think and are trying to help, there actually making things worse. They don’t need rescuing, there just fine. min this case, I was about 40 feet from my dog when I saw her oddly circling something, and after her not coming when I called, I got nervous that she was “investigating” a Gardner snake. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a brown lump of fur frozen in a crouch/standing position. I quickly shooed away her and my mini Aussie, Sophie. I was very surprised Sasha had not injured the poor thing, though she definitely was “overly” curious. And Sophie was honestly kinda scared, keeping her distance, though was very curious about the animal that was her size. After taking a short video, I put my dogs in the house, then went back. It was still there, but had payed down, it was very sunny, and the fawn wasn’t moving, and I didn’t want it to over heat, as I knew she was originally in the shade of the bushes, so I sat there for a bit, keeping my distance, and making sure to pull my shirt to cover my face, as fawns will connect to humans, and I didn’t want her to get habituated to people. Then, after about ten minutes of me taking some photos, I had moved again, and she got up and bolted, running back into the trees. It was truly a magical experience.
  8. I will for sure be doing niches this year! I never even thought about it, your brilliant!
  9. Holy cow, I actually had never seen or heard of absol before, BUT I LOVE ITTTTT 😍
  10. Eevee is my favorite Pokémon, specifically leafeon 😍
  11. Here’s some photos of a snow wolf and cat I did a year ago, as well as my cat photo bombing 👁👄👁
  13. Yeah! I love “Calling the moon”! AND THANK YOU
  14. Also, with the dark wolf (I can’t remember it’s name halp-) and I understand if I shouldn’t suggest things for it, but what if one of its moves was a really eerie and loud ghostly howl?
  15. I finished! Is there anything I should add?
  16. Work in progress, am I drawing it how it was intended? I want to do it justice
  17. I would like to draw the dark wolf if that’s alright.
  18. The ones y’all have made? I don’t remember any of em, so I’ll take whatever is left.
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