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His Highness Lord Hades

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Everything posted by His Highness Lord Hades

  1. After spring break for me, we start taking LEAP tests 😔 anybody else got complaints?
  2. Ummm. The title is correct. The form is: Name: Gender: Preference(basically sexuality): Appearance: Picture or Description Personality: Other Info: Tribe: Parasitic: (see the posts to understand) Rules are to keep swearing to a minimum, no dirtiness, dirty jokes are not allowed. When one person joins I'll start.
  3. Name: Rajah Pronouns: They/him Sexuality: Pan Personality: hates when people call them a male, moody, overly helpful Other Info: Major mood swings, orphan
  4. new anenemies. the elf people on an island shaped like a pointy ear and name it Quintessinteial.
  5. I've seen challenges of this done, so I decided to make a ruleset for what I would do. Rules 1.Start off with one queen. Fan tribe or canon tribe. 2. Every time you invite a wanderer, use console to give the wanderer traits of the tribe who invited them in. 3.Animus dragons. Everybody wants them. To get one, roll a number generator between 1 and 100. 1 would mean the dragon is an animus. Limit of 2 animus dragons per generation. 4. Hybrids have to be rare. No hybrids as rulers. Use a generator 1-20, and 1-4 means the hybrid's parents can breed. 5. If a dragon is able to have abilities unique to their tribe, but not all dragons in their tribe have it, roll a generator between 1-10. 1 means the dragon has the power. For mind-reading/future-seeing, use the same rules as animus dragons, but with a limit of 5. Age Settings Baby:5 Child:5 Teen: 15 Adult:80 Pregancy:20 Everything else is up to you. If you would like to make suggestions to add, feel free to do so.
  6. Name: Ghoulpaw Gender: non-binary Pronouns: They/Them Clan: Shallowsclan Image:
  7. @JumpscareNightWing @JumpscareNightWing you can ping yourself!!!!!! yayayayayayayay
  8. I remember this game! I played some version of this, but it disappeared from the Playstore...
  9. Why do all the Homethreads die? Every Homethread I've encountered has died.
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