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I propose a feature for Sandbox Mode that would allow the player to set the lifespan of the creatures in that file either longer or shorter. This could be a simple slider that could show the lifespan in days, or perhaps just a drop down menu with pre-set lengths ranging from "very short" - "short" - "normal" - "long"- "very long".


I think this would be a nice addition to shake things up with possible challenges or simply if someone wants their creatures to live a bit longer/shorter. Sometimes I myself have a difficult time connecting with my tribe and end up going through turns very quickly, then losing my creatures to old age before I know it. I'd certainly use this option to make the lifespan longer.


A lifespan setting would be great! Or genes that help a nicheling live longer at least? (Maybe if the previous generation was healthy, their offspring could live longer?

We have a way to make lifespans shorter, but no way of making them longer.


A lifespan-changing mode could open the door to all kinds of challenges :D


I would like that idea as well :D I would love longer lifespans for our Nichelings but I could see that also getting in the way of breeding so a slider or different option would be the best solution for that!


I would like the nichelings to live longer, too. I lose them to old age much too often. Perhaps even a special berry bush would do, one that makes an old nicheling stay alive longer? Such a berry bush would have to be accessible, though. At least as common as the healing berry bush.

If a slide switch for the maximum age of a nicheling is easier to program, that's fine by me, too, of course.


This would be so helpful. I often find I'm racing to breed with an animal as often as possible before it dies, which is frustrating when chance simply doesn't lead to the offspring inheriting what I want. It often happens with immunity genes. A longer life span could give the option of making that less stressful. Or a shorter lifespan could be an extra level of difficulty if you're into that.

  • 2 weeks later...

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