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  • When the cutscene plays as you start a new game, I think there should be a moment or two of a black screen that fades into the scene. It felt like I was jumping in too fast.
  • After the cutscene, the screen was left dark and I spent 30 seconds wondering what was taking so long. Finally I moved my mouse and saw the "press ESC to skip" message again, so I did that. After a few moments I was brought back to the main menu, where I could move my mouse but not click buttons. I ended up having to press the windows button to manually close the game from the taskbar. For a moment a small Unity window with the WV icon popped up but it vanished quickly - I think it was some sort of crash handler.
  • Second try. I press ESC as soon as the cutscene starts. The loading screen comes up, I spend maybe 30 seconds watching it load. My laptop's fan comes on, my mouse is lagging. Finally the game closes itself out.
  • Third try worked all the way through, yay!
  • I'd prefer if the tutorial could be played through instead of given all at once. It's a bit like reading the instructions for a lego set all at once and not being able to look at it as you put together the pieces.
  • While reading the tutorial, time was passing. I could see the (blurred) clock change and the trees grow up in the background.
  • I also think the "close" button would look better on the bottom right or as an X on the top right : )
  • Overall I have a general sense of 'what am I supposed to do?" once I started playing. AM I supposed to destroy all the trees and bushes for resources? Will they grow back? What buildings do I put down? Do my villagers even need a water tower? They seem fine so far! 
  • The Worker Post has no color. Perhaps that's something just in development, idk.
  • All my workers just LOVE to harvest bushes, rocks, and trees then leave the resulting supplies lying around for a few days. Once they harvest something I just want them to pick it up!


Now, after playing for a while, I have one gigantic qualm: I never had enough villagers. I only ever got to 25. There were so many buildings that had a single worker or none at all because there was always something more important. Once a pollen storm came, I knew it was over. There wasn't enough villagers to be doctors or decontaminators, so everyone is dying. RIP. As I write this I have 12 villagers left. There's no food. Everyone is either a decontaminator, a doctor, or working at the living berry farm. This is depressing. Are villagers not able to have babies??? Even without actual "babies", there could be some form of pop-up like "A new villager was born!" if you have open hut space, and you could go to the hut and see how much longer till they're 100% grown at which time they will be a full adult villager. (They would, however, consume food while babies.) This wouldn't require any baby sprites, you just click on the hut for their info.

Now I've finished the demo, just barely. 9 villagers (some of which were sick), no food, and a dying Onbu. There was never enough villagers to do anything, and it was finishing me off. No villagers = no gatherers, no decontaminators, no doctors.

I did like the game, but there wasn't much I could do once the pollen storm came. It became a rush to decontaminate, but it didn't take long for everything to be dead (including most of my villagers), so then it was a scramble to rearrange jobs to try and do anything whatsoever. 

I'm gonna go try this again now....

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A few more things:

  • Tree, bush and stone regrowth seems too slow.
  • In my first play, I never actually interacted with Onbu. There was such a concern for food, healing, etc that I didn't find the resources to deal with Onbu at all.
  • As I play a second round, I wonder if all my troubles before were because I didn't have enough food. If you have enough food, do more villagers appear? It seems like they might. If so, then it was definitely a food problem. In the beginning I didn't understand not to destroy all the bushes and to make berry harvesters instead. Therefore, I ended up with only two berry bush clumps and ended up with no food. Oops.
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Hello there and welcome on the back of onbu.

a few things:


I'd prefer if the tutorial could be played through instead of given all at once.

you dont have to read it all at the start. If you play the topics will be given on the rigth whenn something connectec happens.
if you first experienced poisen the poisen notification will be given and clicking the  note opens the tutorial on the poisen site for example.


  • After the cutscene, the screen was left dark and I spent 30 seconds wondering what was taking so long. Finally I moved my mouse and saw the "press ESC to skip" message again, so I did that. After a few moments I was brought back to the main menu, where I could move my mouse but not click buttons. I ended up having to press the windows button to manually close the game from the taskbar. For a moment a small Unity window with the WV icon popped up but it vanished quickly - I think it was some sort of crash handler.
  • Second try. I press ESC as soon as the cutscene starts. The loading screen comes up, I spend maybe 30 seconds watching it load. My laptop's fan comes on, my mouse is lagging. Finally the game closes itself out.
  • Third try worked all the way through, yay!

Seems like a bug to me. on my 5-6 game starts in this version i never experiends somethinge alike.

  • The Worker Post has no color. Perhaps that's something just in development, idk.
  • All my workers just LOVE to harvest bushes, rocks, and trees then leave the resulting supplies lying around for a few days. Once they harvest something I just want them to pick it up!

The black/white worker post is placeholder because the "final" art wasnt finished for this version. Because the building is new. IN fututre version it will got a colored version.

Your worker can be given Task at the worker post. Generel means they do every job possibe(haul, harvest und building things)

But if you need more controlle build 3-4 of the posts and give every building there own task (+ maybe 1 for generel) So you vould simple switch the necesary jobs and numbers if nothing is to harvest anymore or you need an harvest army after an poisen pollen storm more hands to get off this poison plants quickly.

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Posted (edited)

Generell tipps for the start:

Before you start game playing: 

  • try to find a mape that has a mud area near the head of onbu. so you could grow mushrooms there, cook them to onbu food and give them onbu with the catapult.
  • A big stone  that can later be harvested with the quarry is also good near the haed.
  • a few areas will with overgroth with bushes. If this area is near the head this is excelend and shoulded be harvest with the order. clear this area from everything else but the bushes. There your should build your berry gatherer. 

Building order:

  • first concentrate to get a few tents to house your people.
  • find the berry bush area and build a gathere there so that food is collected without need for water(when in desert and no water is stored anymore berrys are your only stable food source)
  • Reseach building so that you could start to expand your options.
  • If you have 1-2 berry bush areas(each area with more than 10 bushes) you could try to avoid a farm. 1-2 full stuffed gatheres and 1 full stuffed Kitchen can feed a good chunh of your people. the rest can be supported with the scavenger and harves plants
  • when you dont have a good berry area build a farm and 2 air wells+ 1-2 water tanks.
  • Build at least 3 worker post. one for each special job(collect, construct, harvest) So you could manage the amount of vilaagers you want to do the hard work.
    if one group dont have to do anything anymore suspend the building to fre the villagers for other jobs or change there setting to general so they do all the jobs
  • Build a stonecutter and a Carpender direct at start and stuff them with only 1 worker. As long as you suplay them with materials(stone and wood) they produce the necesary materials for futrter expansion.
    • Air well for water suplay and a few water tanks are chritical. Because docs need herbs for curing viallagers and onbu, mycologist and farms need water constand to grow new plants.
  • from there on most buildings will need the bether resources. so make sure to build only 1 at the time and only the thin that is needed. 
  • First explansion will the the Horn and the scavaner for more/missing ressources
  • then the Herbalist and Village doctor so that you could cure poison from nomads and your villagers
  • Kitchen to bether up your food and mood of your villagers
  • than onbu doc or Mycologist, Onbu kitchen and onbu food catapult. depending if the world map supply you with feeding spots or not


  • For research:
    • First should be scavenger Post so that you could collect missing resources and villager on the world map.
    • Doctor so that you could cure your villagers when poisend.
    • Quarry because stone is the most missed ressource on the start.
    • then you should go either for onbu food catapult or onbu doctor(depending if your world route supply you with onbu feeding spots ore not. If not the food is critical.)
    • Building i dond need as lang the playing limitation is given for demo preparation:
      Sawmill, deep quarry, onbu blood, forester etc. Dont even used the bakery once because i am so short on villagers and have to stock up my doctors(village and onbu). herbeleasts and food chain from berrys or farm


  • clear the part of the map you dont seetle in from everything. Every plant(trees, berry bushes and mushroms) can be infected/poisened when a poisen storm comes. less plants mean less chance to catch the poison.
    • Other good side effect. you will have many berrys as food on the start and more wood than you will need until the end of the demo. So you could ignore the research for whaet, mill and bakery as well as the forester and sawmill.
    • If you where lucky you could even spare to stuffed a mycologist when wild mushrooms where found. 
    • Most of the time i dont even need a deconterminator because i only have my farms and berrys that can be infected with poison. So manuela give them the harvest order and priotize them to max is good for poison controll.
  • Try to collect as many people as posible. more people means more jobs you could stuffed up. (farms, doctos or scaveners) 
  • Manage your worker post jobs constantly.
    • If the map is full grown on the start harvesters will be needed plenty. later when the mape is nearly clear and you only have to clear the little regroths you could minimize them to 2-3. When an poison infections occure make shure to stuff them up because they destroy the poison plants if used the harvest command. Dont forget to max the priority as well with the harvest command.
    • transports will be needed everythere. Try to have as many as possible. They transport the water to the tanks, the food to storages and kitchens and fill the workplaces with needed materials so that your workers dond have to run around instead of doing your job.
    • Construction can be given low priority. max 2 should be good as long as you dont overdo your orders.


onbu map.png

Edited by eukadealer
added the pictures so that you see my village as a reference
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