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Niche Modloader Guide

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Yeah so turns out Niche can be modded after all, we just needed a universal mod loader that works for all unity games. (Shoutout to Coco Hotcoco for discovering this)

Here's what you must do to get Niche ready for modding and also the link to the MelonLoader Wiki



.Net Framework 4.8 Runtime (or higher)

Microsoft Visual Studio


You can either install manually or automatically, I'll write about the latter since that's the one i know how to do

  • Download MelonLoader.Installer.exe
  • Run the installer
  • select the niche app file found in This PC/C:/Programs/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Niche/Windows/either 32bit or 64bit depending on which version you have installed
  • Select the 0.5.7 version (higher versions dont work)

(Should look like this)


  • Install!
  • Launch Niche to check if MelonLoader has installed correctly

If it has, a console should appear at startup


If the console doesn't appear, try to install MelonLoader in the other Bit folder


There are currently no mods made specifically for Niche, but there are some universal mods you can add instead! Like the Unity Explorer which lets you delete or add things :DD

Get the MonoMelonLoader versions and copy-paste the .dll files into the mod folder that should have appeared in whichever 'bit folder you installed the loader in. Check if your antivirus has taken the .dll files in quarantine and release them if so


That should be all, tell me if you have problems!

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I've had a mod idea for forever. Guess it's time to learn coding!

Thanks for showing us how to mod, Mod mod!

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