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Right now the logic connector has not that big of a usecase. I wanted to suggest, that a logic connector behind a logic splitter receives key events from both and send all his attached logic events to both regions. For Example let B be the drone brain, L1/2/3 and B1/2/3 are LEDs and Buttons with the events 1, 2 or 3, S is a splitter and c a connector.


B - B1 - L1 - L2 - L3 - S - B2 - L1 - L2 - L3 - C - B3 - L1 - L2 - 3


Right now L1 and L3 before the splitter and after the connector would work and L2 between those sections. With the suggested change, every LED would shine in the last section and the L3 in the middle would also work. Just the event B1 is not send to the middle section and B2 is not send to the first section.


Maybe this is too much of a change for the logic connector and needs another logic part instead. But with something like this, we could seperate some logic but still forward key events to and from the brain to splitted sections (using an if gate after the connector).


The splitter makes small logical groups copy-pasteable, but only at the cost of including a new block for every block you copy-paste.  And by definition, if you must copy-paste it then you need a lot, meaning a lot of additional splitter blocks.  Splitters are better done without, if you have the patience and the keyboard for it. 


I don't even know what the logic connector does.  Re-connect logic from brain-connected things behind a splitter?  Why would I want to?


Let me explain why you might need connector. If you want to have autonomous copy-pastable drone, but you want to control some part of it.


let S be splitter, and C be connector;


S-[[autonomous logic gates]]-S-C-[[player-controlled logic gates]]


But wouldn't it be ideal to use unique keys for what needs to be unique, and shared keys for what doesn't?  The game doesn't really need either one.  The only reason they exist is to make up for the limits of the interface and/or the user's patience.

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