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All Credit for A Honestly Very Hard Challenge goes to Skysplash. The main features are dying in one hit and no mutations. It's even blind genetics with a randomized starter! 

Pregnancy takes 6 days. So if the rogue spawn of the starting female can gather, I'll keep it. I'm just hoping for neither water nor heat body. Derpsnout would help.

Baby 2, Children 6, teens 9, adult 55 in settings. Everything x100, just no healing. Not that it would change anything...

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Today's weird names are brought to you by...



She'll receive one normal eyesight and hindleg gene. Webbed paw, gills and no pattern are forbidden, while horns are automatically granted. 


Poor baby. 8 days old. She's sneaky and has decent strenght. Let's hope she's not found yet. 



The cutest little spider

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I'm just going for food and follow that dodomingo


We have a nest a few tiles away. One shrivelled up berry bush. The rest is sadly toxic

Oh- hoh. Hello gorgeous


It'a Fading Willow!


His eyesight sucks and his ears are small. But 5 fertility is pretty neat.

Too bad that I can't hunt with that defender around. It moved. Grrr. Scary bear is scary


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Another scorpion. Have to chase him


It's the surprisingly sneaky Dandelionthunder!


Good eyesight, bad fertility. We'll call him little Lion.

Oh no


But we can do exactly 14 damage. It's lifespan. Let's hope the defender won't murder me, but he's the slower of the two evils




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Double Yikes


If I kill it, one of them will be killed by the defender. If I run, it might not get anyone. 

I'm not sure where to go. There's an oak tree, but it's so close to the ape one. 


But I'm missing out on so many days she could be pregnant. Better have the baby now. 


There's a defender nearby. Not good.

Facesong can't really do anything, but I'll need a guard.


Correction, I need to run. Facesong just saved the unborn's life



There she is. Full eyesight and fertility. Momma spider has to be so proud.

We're starting to runner low-ish on food, so I'll release her Fadingwillow. It's been good, but we don't have the resources, surrounded by toxic berry bushes.

A beaky boy?


He's running away, but lead me to a normal + shrivelled berry bush. Good job, thistlegrass! 


He's bad at hiding, though. Shortsighted with low-ish fertility.

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Spider's next baby was sick and died instantly!


I know he had mask, but het genes weren't even generated fully before she he died :(

her next baby will be from Facesong, since Little Lion's died so soon... hopefully he passes claw and not no paw.

Skipsight has her second gem!


She either has scorpion or peacock tail recessive, so 'Lion will get another shot. 

I'm hoping facesong finds us a nest. There's one more berry bush, at least. So we're good food-wise

Grr... hungry yena


Ar you kidding?


At least it spawned before she has the baby. I had facesong come back to kill it, but accidently skipped the day and wasted food.

Gah! One pawed purrsnot!!


But food has been delivered to our door.

Fading Willow is back


Strenght is declining. But at least they might be carrying Big Body.

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A squirrel! A squirrel with nimble fingers!


His name is Silentelm and he's -- sneaky. The surprise


The guy lead me to a nest, though. There's no food around it, but it's better than nothing.

Correction: one normal bush and a not ape tree. Maybe that's the little Squirrel's home?


Skipsight is all grown up and ready for romance


I expect bad eye sight and stealth, but there's a chance for scorpion tail

I just saw a wanderer in the grasses with double bat wing, big nose and antennae, but he died instantly from sickness. What a shame

I hope Silentelm isn't found by a predator. In that case, we'd never be there in time.




Facesong did it again! Good eyesight! Big ears! Stealth! 5 fertility, too.

Welcome Grasschive and Batelm. Did he name him after Silentelm? They do look awfully alike...

Thankfully Splashgravel the Purrsnot has grown up. Thistegrass can stop baby sitting


I'm guessing Fadingwillow is giving him a pep talk. 

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I almost messed up and left meat lying around. Good thing that Thistlegrass had some turns left.

I also just realized that that's the first time Spiderdark stayed with the kids. Whelp. Not a mom of the year.

More twins!


Thankfully with derpsnout and normal eyesight. That derp is really great, as they're here to amaze with 0 stealth skills. On the downside, I have way too many children now. Still, I hope rogues keep spawning. They're pretty harmless in that playthough.

Another potential tribemate


Thankfully, Thistlegrass is an absolute magnet.

I'll keep him next to the purrsnout. Can't have him attracting predators into the main camp.

Skipsigh continues the family tradition and abandons her children.


I'm starting to realize why her's mother's name is Spider.

Another baby. Ivypounce.


I won't be able to protect her and the boys from that bluebread. I'm so sorry

And the purrnsnot was eaten too :(

Revenge! >:(


Uh... I meant to swarm it, but forgot that Sharptail is buff as hell.


There's also baby Sharpnose. No tail again, but the nose. God, Skipsight is one mean mom. I hope the poor thing is named after Sharp Tail's valiant strenght


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One day, I'm going to hit that rogue and instantly die. Cleaned grass, didn't ya? Let's hop on that tile...


Grasschive looks a lot like his dad. Those blue eyes, though...



I picked that nursery for the thornwall, but seeing a predator there is unnerving.

Wait, what?


Well, hello there, Dusty. 

If the melanistic derpsnouts both survive, they can mate with Sharptail. Optimally, Spider's last child will also be with him.


Facesong will lead the charge one last time


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Apparently it's a coward with a taste for babies. You can't have my second crippled child. 


Yes. Do run from Nightdrizzle's face right into Sharptail


Here's primrose


She has fortnite snout × claw. Pretty neat sneaky baby.

The wanderer is heron. No idea what to do with him. Correction, he found a berry bush.

I have a feeling that Firethroat really comes after her mom. Jumping into that bug swarm fur a bunnill... Nightdrizzle is just watching over little Sharpnose

Guess who was bit by a coconut!


Hah! That's niche karma for you, angry porcupine

Found an actually convenient nest.


Skipsight has had her best baby yet.


It just sucks that he's shortsighted. 

You might argue that outbreeding danger is a stupid strategy, but I'll just have to deal with it.


His mom would defend him, no doubt. Also nightdrizzle and the squirrel. Sharpnose is useless in a fight




Firethroat avenged her family. 

And we have a new warrior



Welcome, Sootblaze. Born from ashes indeed

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Heron becomes the new crazy-tree man. Firethroat returns to her mate. It's disgustingly quiet. 

We're warding rogues off with sticks.


I don't have someone for Ivypounce. And her genes suck. Maybe she just shouldn't have children.

Might be a bad move, but Dusty will have one child from the bird (100% unrelated blood) and one from Lion.


Our leaders future mate will have a bearyena child.


Also herp the derp. One more class cleaner, Palerose



It seems they want the rest of our elders. But he had pretty strong sons


Can't even click on her. I thought she bad mask at first


Sharpnose can't hunt, but she's pretty good at stealing from bearyenas.

A little Finch


So the ploy for water body worked. Not sure if she has horns somewhere or a neat tail.

That wanderer is getting annoying


As is protecting Primrose from Rogues. But it will be worth it. She's as unrelated as she can from Sootblaze. Need those Warrior babies


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It seems Sharpnose will give birth on this spot.


Where we fled from predators so long ago. Ironic. And not only that. 73 days amd they're back. 


Oh God. Please don't kill again. And... my friendly bearyena is dead.

More babies


Ottermoose. Yay for big ears and speed


Batboy Rubbleboulder (awesome snoutgenes)



Check out the unimpregnable rogue defense



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So either Sharptail is too sexy for those swampbugs or spikybody got an upgrade


Come to think of it, for an albino he is awfully too sexy for everything. 


Ottermoose realized that no one will ever love him again like that bluebirb did.

We've also lost Swanstream. I'm so sorry. But there was no space for attack...



Dusty could escape on her own. But not the rogue male... it's fine though, as she won't have more children. Better the rogue than bleeding in the water


I think the game might hate me


What a way to go. But it seems I wasn't wrong. He indeed did die leading the charge


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It's revenge bear the 4th


Grr... i'm on day 85. Will try to reach the savannah by 100.

Day 93. Animals are colour coded and on the port.


There was a lot of melodrama in between (-- no deaths, thankfully), but that's the final selection. They can go if they are:

A) Big eared

Or B) serve a special purpose

Poor Wolf on the stump didn't make it

The only special nichelings are Bat Boy, the scorpion tailed Muddrift and his 100% unrelated mate. Shortfish in red has the best genes currently (and also the weirdest name. That Spiderline...)

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49 minutes ago, RandomWanderer said:



Poor Wolf on the stump didn't make it

Reminds me of my god of Abandonment, Pheonix. His family didn't want to spend and extra day on the island so that he could get one tile farther onto the port, even though there was plenty of room.So then he sent a bearyena after the next baby born, who was then named Pheonix II in hopes that he would take pity on her and let her live. Now the tribe tends to try and not leave any creatures so that Pheonix won't punish them...

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My ports are Swampy Hill, Oasis and some flowerr thing. Not sure where to go next. Maybe I'll settle here and run for Oasis?

We have a lot of claws and one water body. Might work

Sootblaze X Finch would be the best ship. After she has some scorpion children, anyway


I just wish I could mutate a pattern or some eye colours :/

however, sprawling out won't do. This camp is good enough


5 shrivelled berry bushes, 1 normal

We had some awful first children. I'll update when there is morr progress


Stinky Tail?!?


Sharpnose had a sick baby. It died instantly. I guess she had enough.

It's goodbye


On the ports:

Copper: big body/water wanderer

Glowgrass stinkytail: scorpion guy/primrose

Rubbleboalder, the hybrid. Oldest direct descendant of the spider line

Shortfish (perfect health) Sharpnose/Grasschive. I guess she will inherit her fathers rank

Ashcloud the purrsnot. For when things go wrong, brother of Shortfish.

So we have 6 different parents. 

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7 minutes ago, RandomWanderer said:

My ports are Swampy Hill, Oasis and some flowerr thing. Not sure where to go next. Maybe I'll settle here and run for Oasis?

One of the rules is that you can't go to an Easy Island.

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Our next ports are sleepy reeds and the deadly hills. I think sleepy reeds would have the most adventure.


Shortsnook is healthy as can be, but has no horns. That's a little worrying. However, she carries bearyena ears for sure. 

There's also a wanderer with mask. I love mask, but that no paw isn't worth it.



PLOTTWIST. Scorpion Bat Boy! That means... Sharpnose passed her recessive on twice against all odds. 

I really hate how rogues are practically immune against all damage. There aren't any free adults around, but they're looming

Oh no. She's pretty


And tried to steal my bearyena meat, but still pretty... with mask... 

Very bad news. Shortfish bad a purrsnot boy with big ears and horns, but... he died instantly. Sick.

So, the plan:

Purrsnot Ashcloud X Stinky Glowgrass

Ashcloud  X Waterbody Copper

Then Copper X Batboy

If something goes wrong, I'll breed the wanderer in. She's called Quitgrass.

And... Glowgrass just had the most beautiful baby daughter. Didn't survive

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Wow, you have the freedom to actually choose mates? My tribe just has to breed with whatever's available, since they're constantly on the run. Currently down to 4 creatures right now, three of them being teens, one of the teens being blind and double no-pawed (rogue male + wanderer who is now dead) and another being a wanderer, and the other teen being the kid of two wanderers. Luckily nobody has been born sick yet, but several sick wanderers have spawned in.

This challenge is awesome. (honestly, it is. Being on the edge of survival in Niche is really fun.)

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Apparently Copper is shortsighted. There go my dreams.

Quitgrass passes on only her best.



Cloudsnake. No horns again


It's easy to forget, but fishing can mean insta-death. I better not try


Then there's Tailheart. Shortsighted, byt otherwise fine. Need more Wanderer blood. 


(Not to mention the spots. Meringue would approve)

I have never seen that rogue before. Straight to suicide?


That's... that's even more sad.


Twins. One didn't make it. Dusty and Fennelshallow are new. He looks kinda weird. Just brown, no red.


Did I say Fennelshallow? That Raccoonjaw is something else


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Suicidal rogue male made a friend.


Silentfern! Her fertility is great.


I think I'll split the group. The camp's getting too small

There's camp superbuff scorpion


And camp ugly in between recessive water genes and land stage - camp


I'm great at names. Totally. Also, if you ever see a derpsnout no paw, it's because I will have messed up with Jay


And the patriarch died. Though I believe Shortfish always wore the pants in that relationship

We have a Finch again. Silverfinch



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I'll add another time skip. It's just grinding right now

A new Queen rises


Cloudysnake is the father. Now that I know that he has a pattern, He'll never be safe. Eternally stalked by pretty nichelings

One more peaceful death. The old matriarch and her brother pass.


You can't really see it, but Tunnelbranch also has mask. Some almost invinsible raccoon pattern. Speaking of Raccoons, I messed up with Raccoonjaw. Instead of clearing grass, he gathered from a cactus. RIP


I forgot. Damnit. Not that she'll ever have children


There's no using in keeping Copper on land. She can't really see, but it will have to do. I think I might skip the water line and just move, if this doesn't work.

Buffcatqueen had her first child. Had.


Leafviper. A pattern


A bearyena child. If possible, Shortsnook will bread with it. She the oldest nicheling born to this island -- and must have recessive bearyena ears


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Dusty lost another child. This time from a different male. Another child lost from a different pairing.

I'm not sure if you can tell, but I had three females mate with the bearyena


Dusty lost child 3 or 4. Giving up on that pairing. Also lost one bearyena child.

Waterpounce is born. I think Silentfern X Cloudysnake is the only compatible scorpion pair.

I'm starting to think almost drowning together might be a kink


I have a male and female bearyena child. Will be taking that pair. Just... overfilled port


They're colour coded. Is there anyone you think I shouldn't take? 

This is my party, otherwise:


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1 hour ago, Skysplash8 said:

Wow, you have the freedom to actually choose mates? My tribe just has to breed with whatever's available, since they're constantly on the run. Currently down to 4 creatures right now, three of them being teens, one of the teens being blind and double no-pawed (rogue male + wanderer who is now dead) and another being a wanderer, and the other teen being the kid of two wanderers. Luckily nobody has been born sick yet, but several sick wanderers have spawned in.

This challenge is awesome. (honestly, it is. Being on the edge of survival in Niche is really fun.)

I ended up pretty strong and fast, but bad at everything else. Win some, lose some? My favourite couple lost all 4 of their children to sickness.


Check out these rogues. That cheered me up somewhat after so much death

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Yay for sleepy reeds!


(And crabbits)


Since it took forever to move some children, the new matriarch can already have her babies. She at least doesn't share parents with Tunnelbranch.

There is an easier swamp port and one to summer mountains. I think summer mountains might be fine, but the average cold resistance is 0. 


A good first child, Salmon. Both parents have mask, but dad's is almost invinsible. 


Aha! 2 cold resistance. 


That's oddly disappointing. While I was dealing with a bearyena, he was eaten. At least Stonebelly is pretty cute. The bat gene survived!



And so did that super annoying rogue. 


Super buff cat had 5 and 6, her only surviving children. Her mate doesn't have scorpion tail, but he's the son of that black, spotted wanderer. 


This one reminds me of Frostskull. She can gather food for us. It's so cute that babies can already catch bugs. Frostflank is keeping her brother clean and neat.



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