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Tips on energy blocks?

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Do you have any tips on how to circumvent working memory and actually write something comprehensible when depressed?


I've been, ironically, working on projects all week and getting nothing done. Not for lack of trying. For reference, I can and have written 10-15 page papers in a day. But I'm feeling worse than ever this year (emphasis: feeling, not suicidal). I write a sentence. It takes forever. I stare blankly at the wall because flashy, flashy things are tiring. I read another article. I can't really absorb much. When I do, it doesn't click together in my head. When even that is done, it won't find its way to paper. When that is done again, it's a mess with no flow, no direction. I forget what I'm doing as I'm writing. It's like automatic processes are suddenly gigantic, massive roadblocks. 

I have zero energy, and I know "working" + severe Insomnia makes it worse... but these projects are mandatory. I refuse to ace my classes just to fail at basic, basic exercises at the end. I'd lose so much damn time. And I'd have to drop a subject that literally can't be dropped. What happens to you when you have to?

I doubt anyone is still reading at this point (or even clicked on it), but hey. What do you know. I'll bother some other people a bit later, but it's still 7 am here. Nothing to lose in asking around)

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Anyway. If this fails and crashes (70% chance for varying degrees) you'll be stuck with me for another half year. Wouldn't want that. 

As doing both just isn't going well, I'll be focusing on the un-dropable one. It's on animal rights, with history and philosophy parts. In other words, harmless, but I'm mentally crippled. So. It isn't. It really, really isn't. 

1. How do you stay in writing flow?

2. Is there a good strategy to make sure you keep to a theme when writing? As mentioned, my working memory is all but gone. I've written a 2 page outline in detail, but there's no helping it. 

3. Can't get ideas out of my head, and translated to words? Every time I try to hold onto something... my thoughts slip through my fingers. Like sand. The whole thing is like trying to build an inverse pyramid out of dry sand. No hold, no context, no shape. Impossible without a mold. And the mold is, to a normal person, working memory, long term fragments + energy, but I have nothing. Or maybe nothingness has me and I'll dissolve like so much sand. Again. Still...

Here. That would be a whole daily quota of maddened ramblings. Do not rate spacecat on Yelp

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I honestly have no clue how to revive creative writing and energy, but let me take a shot in the dark.

You should a break for as long as you want. If you’re staring at things blankly, maybe it’s time to take a break from that. From what it sounds like, you should probably go outside and get some fresh air. Relieve yourself! Go have fun if you want.

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Just now, Goggles-kun said:

I honestly have no clue how to revive creative writing and energy, but let me take a shot in the dark.

You should a break for as long as you want. If you’re staring at things blankly, maybe it’s time to take a break from that. From what it sounds like, you should probably go outside and get some fresh air. Relieve yourself! Go have fun if you want.

My deadline is the third this month and I might school-lically die. I don't know. You might be right, but there's damage control to set up first if anything

(Fun is also impossible as a brain dead zombie. Seriously. I might seem alive and emote, but my emotional range is shallower than your nearest puddle)

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So, things had been going reasonably somewhere at the pace of 1 page every 2 hours, but my alarm failed me. Didn't start ringing at 9 am, woke up at 14.00. I'm doomed. Worked for 2 hours (one more page 😒), then had to drive here, another two hours. There's no way I can hand this in an hour. 

All because this stupid clock is useless about twice a month. But there's no other alarm at my parent's place. Someone kill this spacecat

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On 6/2/2019 at 12:02 AM, randomspacecat said:

actually write something comprehensible when depressed?

Reading something then changing it up a little with your own characters.

Let's say warrior cats: Making an AU works. or studying how something would have been different and writing about it (A popular choice for this one would be If Swiftpaw lived. or If Hollyleaf had a power/Dovewing never had a power.) Or drawing a character with a random name and giving them a backstory. 

or look at an art piece, then make a story that would have lead up to that or that is inspired off of it.


just stay away from Hollyleaf murder AUs that's mine. 

Actually go ahead. It's not like I can claim copyright over it yet  also , presumably you won't make money off of it so... yeah.

hope you feel better.

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I kind of have to back up everything I say with sources. So you`re stealing even when you`re not, because the only room for personal views is the in-between, argument structure and later on analysis of different groups. So I have an ugly, ugly, patchwork that stands on nothing at all except fragmented data. Let`s never mix science and philosophy again for school. Structure is either wrong for the subject or worng for the subject

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25 minutes ago, randomspacecat said:

I kind of have to back up everything I say with sources. So you`re stealing even when you`re not, because the only room for personal views is the in-between, argument structure and later on analysis of different groups. So I have an ugly, ugly, patchwork that stands on nothing at all except fragmented data. Let`s never mix science and philosophy again for school. Structure is either wrong for the subject or worng for the subject

'Science and Philosophy' 

One I like, One I hate with a passion. 

Them together makes me want to faint. But I can't. because my brain is having a existential crisis.


To fix fragmented data...

I'll try to help: Note cards. Organization. 

I am terrible at both but lemme explain:

The notecards help with the organization. You have 1 topic one with the site link on it and a number (1 lets say. if you had another: 2, 3 etc.) then with some others, write facts that you learned from the site (Like 'Cats kneading you is a sign that you're their mother figure.' and you got that off of site 1. It would have a 1 in the corner.) 

I terribly explained it. But then again. I tried and failed at it. (Tbh organization is not my thing.)

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A: Why this is bad: a study in empirical evidence!

B: What is bad! Is it always bad? Do we need to discuss the meaning of a definition before getting more definitions? What is a definiton, are they truly meaningful when neglectable? Yet, does sticking to old defintions not undermine the history of this very discussion?? (Also, your studies suck. Here`s why: a 300 page analysis!)

A: and now -- results!
B: but is the point of this not to discuss the history of the subject, specify what caused past changes and draw an abstract theory based on as few factors as possible?

A: moar points!
B: *screaming*

(much, much later

A: Conclusions!
B: These are all formally invalid! All. invalid!!!

A: ...
A: But will people know? Can you prove it?
B: ye--
A: But when nobody reads it, did you really (impact this discussion)?
B: *short circuts*

The end (of spacecat`s nerves, not B. B never stops arguing) )

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22 minutes ago, randomspacecat said:

A: Why this is bad: a study in empirical evidence!

B: What is bad! Is it always bad? Do we need to discuss the meaning of a definition before getting more definitions? What is a definiton, are they truly meaningful when neglectable? Yet, does sticking to old defintions not undermine the history of this very discussion?? (Also, your studies suck. Here`s why: a 300 pages analysis!)

A: and now -- results!
B: but is the point of this not to discuss the history of the subject, specify what caused past changes and draw an abstract theory based on as little factors as possible?

A: moar points!
B: *screaming*


As a mere 7th grader (Going into 8th), I have semi understanding!

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19 minutes ago, Aetherskye said:

As a mere 7th grader (Going into 8th), I have semi understanding!

Philosophy is your crazy ex that either wants you to love them or die, but you keep coming back, because you're too screwed up now to function otherwise until you do. Then you`ll turn into the beautiful gray butterfly of sophistry. Or despair if you're too stupid, like spacecat, for that much cognitive dissonance and self-defusion

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