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Spacestar TheThundersuncat

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Everything posted by Spacestar TheThundersuncat

  1. This tribe started with nothing. No paws, no strenght and yet, they worked their way up the food chain. Some nichelings born in the deadly hills will find their way to the afterlife. However, who should be reincarnated as their representative?The whims might have built this tribe, but the finishing touch will be yours. Ronu, a levelheaded and strong leader. Slayer of many, one of the select few to live well into old age undaunted. Kirro, the bloodhound. This tribe is not just claws and fangs. Those with keen senses and talented crafts are well respected. The Rala sisters. Who could be more different? Transcended from little digger, not only the first of her kind, but the first doubled pawed creature of the tribe. As such, they are also the only branch free from the Big Body and Bearyena hindlegs. Do they reflect the heart of the tribe, even if not the body? Kosime, truly the first daughter of Ronu, with the ever faintest flames adorning her back. A loyal guardian, always looking out for weaker tribe members. Kolais, her Partner in Crime and future mother to many. Just don't mention her rather misspend youth. Although patient and carefree, she can seethe for days on end without anyone the wiser. Pictured above, they also come pair-wise. The Poll is multiple choice, so please feel free to vote for more than one nicheling, should you like to.
  2. Also, you're almost out of food. What do you do if it was all a very elaborate trap and at a certain magic number, all nichelings drop dead?
  3. That's really, really hard without pictures. One was, to me, the perfect camp for a grassmingle. But genes! Adventure! And gone it was. Another was a really well set up Oasis. Stunning. Complicated, yet well sorted. Ultimatly forgotten.
  4. I'm pretty sure people have known this for quite a while, as there was some testing. Supposedly, when you start on Crossing and give yourself homeisland immunity, you get the correct message of welcome home on Home Island, but no achievement. Luna Tenebris-Flos (February, Steam) cracked the full code, it seems, that might still get you the achievement, or at least should allow one to invite Adam's tribe even when starting there. https://steamcommunity.com/app/440650/discussions/1/3377008022030054687/?l=finnish
  5. Shouldn't you have enough strenght to easily free the victim?
  6. @thivid08I believe that might be so, too. They do have weaker senses, bad mutations for hunting, but need to fight off other bearyenas, maybe. At least I can't think of another reason to go strenght over hunting ability. It's kind of weird, but the ratio of normal to killer bearyenas might be ideal to the enviroment, much like gender ratios. Something still seems odd. I don't know what.
  7. They do seem to have really, really weak senses. 3 sight and easy to shake off. But they did attack me unprovoked.
  8. Normal beaeyenas might fight, too, but I am not sure. They sometimes tilt their heads towards each other while on adjacent tiles and one dies. Old age, murder? No idea.
  9. On the other hand, If you stay in werewolf form for too long, the guards will murder the citizens for attacking you. They don't stop if you eat them, either. Or the other guards.
  10. I drink a lot of water. I also forget to drink water at all. The solution? Dragging these throughout the house. We also have a black cat. That wasn't supposed to be in my room, as she likes to murder this particular curtain. "Maeck-Maeck- "... This idiot stands up, whirls around, takes a step back at the proximity of the goat-cat, and splits her big toe in half on a stupid glass jar. The damned toe. A good part of the scar is underneath the nail, which was, guess what, also split. Did I mention that I faint at the sight of blood?
  11. Would the affected be permanently sick, or is there a cure? What about children, if it is permanent? Automatically passed down, genetic issues, bad mutations, other consequences?. Personally, I can't see it changing too much game-play wise, just limiting the pool of good wanderers. But that it what any sickness does, really. Is the gene pool too small or too big? I can hardly judge that. It would be interesting to see, if the ability to turn off immunity sickness comes along for story challenges, how a different disease may work. Eradicating sickness completely would, again, personally, be an unwanted side effect of an otherwise great idea. So have my vote.
  12. I think it's the caffeine... though I do admit that I care too much about looks sometimes, when it has gotten to point they look too alike or a certain visual has been going strong for too many generations. Clans within a tribe are messy. I've felt something like that, though propably because having 40+ nichelings was boring and ruined gameplay. Gone was another save... Other people love having 50+ tribes. You never know. One isn't better than the other, it's just preference. Two Clans are enough for story purposes in my book. Usually one by the water/one by the grasslands/swamp, so that question doesn't come up as much.
  13. Seems like an interesting challenge in addition to a warriors challenge. I always worry way too much about immunity genes.
  14. Cool! Is this your Eve, or a daughter of his?
  15. I think you can have active purr snout on a starter. Just like active big ears, but that happened to me only once. But no, no derp snouts.
  16. Outside of the competition and breaking every rule on the way to the deadly hills. Though I didn't use the console there, 100 food is a lot to start with. It wasn't the normal challenge either, but one with all genes unlocked and a random generator. Survival would have been impossible without the ancient horns and the scorpion tail during expansion. It's a small challenge depending on a lot of luck, but really fun.
  17. It's been some long 150 days. The tribe has become strong enough to kill the hunters easily. However, immunity sickness was the price. Finally, a young female was born, and although she had the worst traits of her generation, there was a compatible couple once again. Her mate did have an active bearyena snout, and so the tribe blossomed, free from danger under strong leadership.
  18. The nicheling gods have an odd sense of humor. As soon as mothers die and fathers fall, a young warrior is born in the likeness of the enemy. We're getting ready for the attack and -- He ran away. Hm... Soon... And he just dropped dead. How anticlimatic.
  19. Those recessive bearyena hindlegs are slowly becoming an issue. I'm just glad the lean body helps balance things out, somewhat. My new berry bush! Thief! Oh, well. This time we are strong enough for attack. Not a victory, but some serious damage will suffice. Some of the old generation will have to make a sacrifice. Even if it tears families appart. It was worth it.
  20. The tribe expands And expands... New warriors were born, though it seems the nemesis has returned. He is not strong enough to damage it, but the assault is getting ready for revenge! Soon... The spoils of war will be ours!
  21. I can't smell him anywhere. So it's save by the nest again, I guess. The constant influx of normal bearyenas is a good food source. Yeah, that's bad. But we have found a very old wanderer to lead danger away. Seems to have worked. The first children with proper horns are born again. And promising wanderers found. Though it seems the albino won't be breeding material. He rolled some bad stats for mutation.
  22. I'm reclaiming the nest. And some more. Allright, maybe fleeing works, too. That is, funnily enough, not my arch nemesis. He just spawned there. This is getting out of hand. I'll send the one clawed army for the smaller ones. Two down and -- Well, they all died after that. But so did the bearyenas and we got all the meat. That's a win, right? Now if someone only were to distract the nemesis...
  23. The only compatible pair has one very paw-less female. She only rolled useless traits, too. I'll have to breed with the wanderer and allow sickness The killer bearyena has disappeared. It might be a risky move, but I am going to spread out and swarm. Hello, little digger. This one may have missed every chance to inherit a paw, but... A snout gene! Finally I am being swarmed by females. My only two males are getting way too old. Varro just became the most eligible bachelor.
  24. Noooo don't leave me, you angry porcupine! YES! The Polyjuice survived! Time for our tricky escape... Can't the guy see that everyone here is already pregnant? At least I have come to a point where rogues have awful genetics. I murdered our newest big, burly intruder for food. Found this guy. Since I officially have a paw, I am allowed to breed with him. Also found a digger. But I don't have a snout yet
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