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Everything posted by takoyamaaaS

  1. uh I'd like to claim SkyClan, I'll make a picture but I don't want it to be claimed before I finish
  2. go home also I'm sorry that is TOO CUTE AUAN
  3. Yes I willa dopt the Adopt me please birb
  4. Change of plans: the server is now on the Aran Desrt.
  5. City maybe find abandoned parrot birb?
  6. I forgot Dilophosaurus, oof. Don't react to this post if you voted for a different dino. React Cry if you want a dilo.
  7. baaasically a ripoff Walking with Dinosaurs so what dino should I be?
  8. The young male Ceratosaurus guards his kill, on the watch for any predators. (the kill was d e d me but..)
  9. I want to make my own dinosaur documentary..
  10. okay, I'm in a server called OwO. the map is Sanctuary.
  11. Demo free, full game DLC not.
  12. It's... well, a dinosaur game. You survive. I think @RaanaTheBananahas it?
  13. I do! BUt I don't use it very much..
  14. https://www.wikihow.com/Host-a-Minecraft-Server
  15. Or a realm? If you made a realm, you have to invite people to it. My user is Spammicus.
  16. I stole some sweet berries (don't kill me ;-;) because I was literally starving so there are some missing sweet berries I tried to take only a smol amount
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