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Everything posted by takoyamaaaS

  1. Soar Tribe? Heather Tribe? Safira Tribe? Rays Of Sunshine?
  2. Rip well, to get artwork on your post... just put it there.
  3. Because you haven’t even joined? And they’re just putting it on their post? And you’re supposed to make a creature with a base, show it’s name and gender, and then wait for @Magnolia to approve it..?
  4. takoyamaaaS


    This is nthe best name ever
  5. takoyamaaaS


    How about Mr. Strika?
  6. Chip stared at the jungle grass and, with a swish of his paw, destroyed it. He sneezed immediately after.
  7. ;-; I need help I what to make a roleplay like @Magnolia‘s Broken Wings, but I can’t draw a good full body Nicheling. I can’t draw even a headshot, for that matter. I’ve tried doing rough sketches, drawing the skeletons then adding muscles, skin, and fur... nothing works.
  8. Probably the first, the stained-glass thyme wing. did Autocoreect just Autocorrect type
  9. I hope I got the wings right- Name: Garnet Gender: Female (apologies if this isn’t how you submit a character, rip)
  10. He came to a stop My a swirly twirly grass (a jungle grass) and sat down. He began to eat his berry, not noticing the bunnil staring at him.
  11. Chip grabbed the last berry, and set off at a gallop. (He likes to run on the ground because he’s sick, and doesn’t want anyone else to catch it.)
  12. Looks (picture, no description: Rank (when they died): Leader Gender: Female Name: Usually Lichentuft, but Lichenstar Mother: Dusk That Falls On Hare, an orange tabby-with-white. Father: Eagle That Cries on Perch, a gray panda bicolor. Siblings: Fish That Leaps from River, presumed dead, a tortoiseshell she-cat. Sparrow That Flitters In Day, a cream Tom.   Backstory (up until death, make sure it's not too short.): She was catnapped from the Tribe of Screeching Eagles at a young age. She was going to be named Lichenrock, but she got a bit of lichen on the tuft of her ear and was named Lichentuft. I don’t really have anything else, sorry.
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