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Everything posted by MAТТRESS

  1. Here's day five...VERY late, I might add... He's lookin' a little thicc, but he's a baby, okay, leave 'em alone. His name is Yellowie. The most creatively flawless name out there. He's the dude on the left right! I meant right! I don't know directions!
  2. I'm not Lilytuft. But I hope you don't mind, 'cause ima help now. SO! Go into Steam. Right click on the Niche icon thingy on the left side where all your other games are. Click "Properties". Then "Betas" on the top of the menu that appears. Click the arrow to bring up a drop-down menu. Then select the old version you want to play in!
  3. Snow awoke bright and early in the morn to get a head start on her day's adventures. Parting her way through the grass to the icy snow calling her beyond was tedious and trying work. She was thinking so as she bumped her nose into a stump. "Ouch!" She sat, rubbing her snout with an injured look. Does fate have it against me so?! Suddenly, her face lit up as she remembered just what these stumps were for. Quickly, she scrambled her way to the top of it and prepared her call. Tilting her head upwards, she called as loud as she dared, and heard the sound echo back to her over the snow. She looked around, expectantly. A rustle in the grass, and a reddish-brown paw reaching out for the near-by berries. "Hey!" Snow shouted as another figure parted the grass. "You?" Acacia asked stepping out. "Yes, me! Who else did you think it was?!" "No, not you, her." The new nicheling turned. "Acacia?!" "Jujuyu!" "Oh my goodness! I thought I'd never see you again!" The two started talking rapidly together. Snow let out an impatient snort and mumbled something sounding like "useless creatures." "How's your traveling been?" "Good! I just came to this island a few days ago, in fact! Boy, is it cold here!" "Have you regretted your decision to go?" Acacia asked. He still remembered the night when she told him her plans to travel the islands and leave their tribe. "Not for a second!" Jujuyu replied, cutting into the memory. Acacia looked up at her with something in his face that made her say quickly-"But, it's not the same as when I used to play with you and Savannah by the shore. Obviously you've wanted a change of pace, too!" "No, not quite." Acacia informed. "Huge tsunami, took me out to sea and washed me up here. I never thought I'd see one of my old tribemates again, never mind by old best friend!" And here, they both started talking loudly over each other again. Snow blinked. Why was she sitting here watching them? She had a job to do! She leaped off the useless stump and tore herself away from the nichelings, the conversation, and, most importantly, the bitter reminder of her past. That's all for today!
  4. I shall never mind her. Acacia thought as he watched Snow walk away into the grass. The cold wind ruffled his fur. He shivered. Looking around, he spotted a clam in the water. He slipped into the water, taking extra care to see of any incoming waves. Using his nimble fingers, he skillfully cracked open the clam and ate it. I'll prove myself to her yet, just see if I don't! I can't imagine she wouldn't need me to get berries and coconuts. The explanation he crafted for himself suited him nicely, and he fished as the sun went down over the icy landscape behind him. Wouldn't my ancestors think proudly of me if they saw me now! Snow trekked on as if the power of worlds were pushing her so. She glanced dubiously at a near-by berry bush. She sighed at the darkening sky. Shall I never get any proper tribemates? Curling up on the sand, she settled herself down for the night.
  5. So my AHVHC playthrough kinda died. I've since deleted the save. But, I still wanna do a playthrough! And this time, it'll be a story! It's not gonna be very long, because I think I'm gonna take another break from the forums soon, but let's try to enjoy it while we can, yes? Yes. Okay, time for me to switch into NARRATOR MODE. ~Arctic~ Snow lifted her snout and drank in the scents. The tranquility. The danger. The adventure. She'd conquer it all. From the heatbody radiating warmth into her, to her diggers paw at the ready for the cold days to come. She was perfect for this land in every sense of the word. She stood up and narrowed her ice blue eyes at the horizon. Could she see an iceberg in the distance? A perfect source for like-minded nichelings with the intent to bring the legacy of the cold-with-staining creatures forward. She took one step onto the grass, a courageous twinkle in her eye... Before being pummeled by the water behind her. "Ack!" Snow leaped backwards and blinked the salt water out of her eyes. What was the blurry-looking blob of brown fur? "Hey!" A shout. "Oh, pardon me!" The creature sputtered. He glanced quickly around him. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The nicheling coughed. "My name is Acacia. And you are..." "Snow." She drew herself up proudly, before shouting-"Now go!" "Oh, believe you me, I wish I could! You see, I was on the shore-line of my quaint little island, quite a gem, you see, when all of the sudden, a huge wave came up over top of me! Oh, if you'd only seen it! Dragged myself and a few of my tribe mates out into the water. If I'd only know where they've gone, it was all a blur, and now I'm here. With you...Snow? Correct?" Snow didn't answer. Useless lump of fur She thought obstinately to herself. "You'll let me go with you on your journeys, will you not?" Acacia piped in. Snow let out a laugh. "Are you kidding me? Of course not! What sort of idiot do you take me for! You're skinny, have awful camouflage, and those ears will be spotted from miles away!" She returned ruthlessly. "If you leave me, I will certainly freeze! If I can prove to you that I can-" "No!" Snow stomped her clawed paw down like a pup denied of a particularly sweet berry. "You aren't worthy, and never will be! It isn't in your blood!" And with that, she turned away to leave Acacia on the shore.
  6. Yeah, I know white is technically not a color. I'm just a sucker for punishment🤣
  7. Day four is done- The background totally looks like Christmas wrapping paper. I didn't wanna cheat like I realized I did yesterday, because I did white for the bg and I didn't get white. Oh well... It's of Sandy!
  8. Here's my first screenshot EVER Truly inspiring. This was actually my pfp when I first joined. This-The file name is "prettyniechling". 10/10 spelling. This girl was the offspring of 2 sandbox-created creatures. This was also another pfp I had. And her. Her name is Wheatpaw. She was a part of my Warrior Cats challenge. I remember I tried to draw a picture of her but it got all messed up because I put it on the wrong layer and stuff. It's a long story...
  9. Here is day 3- I'm trying to find my way around a new art program, but it really didn't do it's job all that great for this drawing. So I think I'll be returning to GIMP! Anyways, this drawing is still cool! It's of Velvet. This boi-
  10. wAtCh yOuR pRoFaNiTy! No, I'm just kidding. This story is really great! One thing to keep in mind, when a new character is talking, you make a new paragraph. Like this- "Dogs are great!" Said Sally. "Yes!" Replied John. Why was that my example...anyways... You see what I mean? Great story regardless!
  11. Thank you! And also thank you for making such a fun challenge!
  12. Day two is complete! Again, lineless. And also again, I thought I was gonna hate it, but I like it a lot! Based on this screenshot-
  13. rEadiNg tHe tItLe wOuLd bE nIcE. No, I'm just kidding. Of course I'll draw her! I closed this because I wanted to take a break before, but seeing as I'll be here for a while, I can draw her and Skunk still!
  14. So I know we're kinda past this, but I wanted to draw Meme still, so... Ngl, I'm pretty proud of this... Also, this is not to make fun of Brianna, I just wanted to draw, mkay? Don't take this the wrong way or anything.


    Ees so cayuuute!~ Ahem, sorry about that...
  16. A new Raana piskel- This is probably my favorite piskel that I've made, honestly! I really like it...
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