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Everything posted by CABINET



    When was the last time I posted in this thread? I don't remember
  2. guys this song has "big shot" in its lyics what do you mean I'm late to the punch and no one cares anymore
  3. this is way funnier than it should be
  4. Fun fact: the day before I went on my trip, I bought both Spirit Phone and Razzmatazz on iTunes just so I could listen to them on the plane I had never bought anything with iTunes before Also I had known about Razzmatazz for like a week at the time I may or may not have posted this in my art thread by mistake at first rip
  5. someone to share my newfound obsession with omg!!!
  6. Hi guys I am now addicted to a band called I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME specifically the album Razzmatazz send help actually don't I really like it here
  7. adam plushie and krampy plushie on the same day
  8. oh boy I really hope I can temper myself on that day :')
  9. that's the same day as the new cattails kickstarter :OO
  10. And, uh, apologies for the reaction spam you're likely to get. There's so much art I missed while I was gone!!
  11. Heyyyyyy folks! So, I don't know if you noticed, but I kinda... vanished for a few days. Basically, I went on a trip to Ontario to visit a relative, and I kinda... forgot to mention it here. And I don't have access to my account on my phone anymore. Sorry folks As consolation, here are a bunch of photos from a butterfly conservatory I went to on the trip! Put them in a quote so they don't take up too much space without your consent Anyway, I've got a bunch of notifications to check out now...
  12. Maybe try mine I suppose Just take a gander through my art topic that should be good
  13. omg inchworm so cute I love look at the lil guy reaching for the sky like that ❤️
  14. I have no idea what is going on but whatever it is I love it and need more
  15. ummmmm if no spamming is a rule, then wouldn't all the pages be breaking that rule?
  16. This is certainly an... interesting topic
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