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Everything posted by Renio

  1. I’m doing cats with Irish names now. This one’s name is Star in Irish. I also really like Irish. And I found out how to shade in ibisPaint x, which makes me very happy
  2. hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss art going on pause, I’m too busy trying to make edgelord edgier
  3. I’m sorry but, did you mean to say this somewhere else? Sorry I just don’t know
  4. *WARNING BRIGHT COLOURS* Renio, my new edgelord. And from now on this is her design.
  5. Good ish, this stuff only hits me at the middle of the night, in which it is. Just finished a drawing. Not one that’s making me productive, no, my new edgelord.
  6. Okay being a glutton is the worst. I feel really bad being fat, and I’m not even going to try and call myself chubby. I’m straight up fat. And it wouldn’t surprise me if I had diabetes. theres some people who have the problem that they just don’t eat enough and count every bit, but I don’t care anymore. I’ve tried. And I don’t like anything healthy, and everything I do like, is basically soaked in so much other stuff that it’s lost the little bit of nutrition it had. and my friend has super high metabolism basically, so she could eat as much as she wanted and come out perfectly fine. Mostly I just hate being fat. And disgusting.
  7. Name: Paddedflower Gender: Female Role: Warrior Clan: LeafClan Description: Pale dark brown tabby she-cat with one unusable eye Paddedflower is a she-cat with a sharp tongue and no empathy towards anything other than her clan. She dislikes having one eye, and told she should be an elder early like one of the other elders in ArcticClan, and Paddedflower would tear their ears off for a couple mouse tails. The only cat she has empathy to that wasn’t born in her clan is her mate, Milkfur, a former kitty pet. He’s a charming tom whom she met when she went too far from her territory, and the male was confidently hunting in the forest. He had a white pelt with cream points, and barely caught anything, and with his noise he scared away all the prey. He had swiftly greeted her as a young tom while Paddedflower was Paddedpaw. His name was Milk as a kitty pet, and was carrying a pathetic mouse. They had chatted, and Paddedflower hated to admit she had skipped a lot of training to meet him regularly. When she became a warrior, she begged him to come with her to her clan. He joined her and after moons of begging to the leader he let him in. Milk said he wanted to be called Milkfur, and was named Milkfur. She is completely different around him, but she doesn’t regret meeting him. Paddedflower dislikes a lot of cats, and hates the idea of having kits.
  8. Renio is a chaotic, lazy, messy, short-tempered, sick, stubborn, stupid, hurtful, glutton. see how you can’t find a single positive trait in that?
  9. I should be drawing my requests, but drawing Aspenleaf with her sudden kittens was something I could not pass up. So,,,
  10. Can I get refi? I’m sorry I don’t have a picture but he’s a basically prince but looks happy and has red markings instead of greenish and has black eyes
  11. I’ve sketched everyone’s nichelings, I’ll finish them tomorrow
  12. @ShadowAndPup3 here’s yugo, I hope it doesn’t look too weird
  13. Uneventful day. Still dehydrated, desensitized to it by now. Tomorrow I have flightrising hatchlings. I need to feed my lions on Lioden. watched captainsauce all day today on YouTube. I’ll be doing it tomorrow, too. I like that youtuber
  14. I’m so sorry to everyone who I haven’t finished their requests I’m just, lazy. so I’m going to give myself 5 slots. 1. Kirpapa 2. Flower 3. Santreai 4. Silver 5. Kolenko form: description (include personality, gender and name): picture: Art type (fullbody, halfbody, headshot, etc) : Pose (optional): Background (optional):
  15. This doesn’t count as like theft, right?? I’m still not claiming that it’s mine... still feel weird though Why
  16. Pathkit is a confident, playful, messy tom. His warrior name will be Pathstep or Pathriver. Aspenkit is a shy, but troublesome she-cat once you get to know her. Her warrior name will be Aspeneye or Aspenleaf. Brackenkit is a comedian, making jokes and play fighting with the other kits. His warrior name will be Brackenberry or Brackenfern. Littlekit is an extroverted “I want to meet everyone” kit. She finds the other clans very interesting and wants to see the cats there and make friends. She hates fighting, and is a peacemaker. Her warrior name will be Littledove or Littlefeather.
  17. I really liked the kitten base so I made some adoptables but I got attached. They aren’t adoptable anymore, but you can look at the kittens (also I didn’t steal brackenshadows prefix, I swear)
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