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Everything posted by Renio

  1. what's runaway? actually I guess I'll go check...
  2. hence why I never have straight lines in my drawings. Should've seen it in the stars, before I realized "nope I don't like these, *ahem*, guys"
  3. eh... I don't really know what's happening there. plus it takes literally FOREVER to make a roleplay by my standards.
  4. I'm going to keep talking to myself or how it seems because this is a rare occasion where I'm feeling "happy". or more so, in the mood I definitely don't feel like dying in.
  5. ok i'm going to stop talking about the america let's just... talk about how everyone I like is straight, huh? you'll never know who though, and no amount of peer pressure and can reveal it
  6. I want to rp but no one has made any *new rps that I can participate in... and I'd make my own but no one ever sees them- oh no I reminded myself of the one thread dedicated to one of the best ships ever (fun fact: Demdi was actually supposed to be Demi's brother... and fun fact #2: Demi came from a human generator (I was generating humans and making them into Nichelings)! I generated a greek girl and I was like "yes you be pretty" so that's why she's got a last name. but I loved her too much and thus the rp was born :3)
  7. I was going to say a minute ago that I felt oddly calm because I was listening to nice music but then I accidentally exited my browser. I still feel oddly calm, though
  8. I can't tell if you're trying to imply that you're mad but im sorry Donald trumperino sucks
  9. agh I want to draw but everything I draw is too... under my standards? basically I've made like 5 wip sketches today, deemed none of them good, and progressed a useless gay ship?
  10. hol up lemme grab the CanUkr meme im watching on repeat its so cute
  11. it's very awkward for me when im watching countryhumans and I find a Canada x (country) ship but CanUkr (Canada x Ukraine) exists? I only know Ukraine is a thing because in grade two I got this project with an eight grader and we got Ukraine so we had to colour eggs. why??? I don't know but I was a brat and refused to do anything so yeah. also Canada x America is... not dead? I don't like it Donald trump single-handedly just started war so
  12. for the past hour I've had niche running and twice I've been like "oh yeah I should go play that" and then I'm like "DANG I DIDN'T SEARCH UP THE ONE THING I NEEDED TO"

  13. "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" (me irl realizing I have a character here)
  14. do the exist man we miss you
    (hol up lemme see if you've done exist on steam-)

    1. flower


      Do the exist



  15. everyone just accepted that I was their new renio
  16. also I'm thinking about like when I first came here with a new account everyone was like "oh yeah that's renio" not saying I'm not but just like
  17. update: it fell out and im fine, but it broke in half earlier today...
  18. https://www.lioden.com/wardrobe.php?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.
  19. https://www.lioden.com/wardrobe.php?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..
  20. yes meme why did I find this and why did I watch countryhuman memes
  21. Renio


    did you do the laharu storyline? you can get some nice applicators for her from that
  22. Didn’t turn out too bad <3
  23. free lion base on deviantart from Peachilyy (i'm testing this to see if I can colour this on my ipad without all the different layers)
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