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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. One big woman to rule them all
  2. Right guys I'm gonna take a bit of a break from this. For those who read my other playthrough, you know I took I big break at one point and eventually came back and finish. This will be similar. Sorry to spring it on you so fast, but I've just been feeling unmotivated. Like last time I don't want to continue halfheartedly. After the break I should come back recharged and ready to go. Break might be a month, two months. It might be a lot but trust me, it will be way better than if I just pushed through. Think of it as an intermission of a long movie. Thank to everyone who's stuck around this far!
  3. “Ok let’s send some of these critters here off to catch some food. Maybe we can find some of those nice bunny rabbits or a mole. Op.. it got away. That’s ok, sometimes things get away in life but sooner or later something else will come along.”
  4. There should be a Bob Ross for niche. Could you imagine?
  5. Applesauce


    Yes! I was actually hoping you'd do another one
  6. Turns out Sun Bean isn't a good dad. His first son is sick (far left). I named him Russle after the kid from Up. His second is healthy and has blue eyes like him. His name is Burning Mane. Because Russle is sick they kinda over look him and give more attention to Burning Mane, who they think will become a tribe hero one day. Don't worry though, the queen of this tribe is also sickly so she'll have a soft spot for him.
  7. I like how you name the land marks on your island like Crossing Point and Yellow island
  8. Dang that’s a cool back story. I love the picture too. Makes a lot of sense with what she represents.
  9. Omg these are awesome! I really like the green ones because I think it matches the gems but the rose outline is a close second
  10. I mean I guess this counts as a kid
  11. Meanwhile Nina and Baba having a girls night by the rock.
  12. She decides to go looking for them. Not to far away she find the little one on the port. She moves closer. Rain lands on their uncovered back and head, drenching them cold water. It's only a bit small than Daisy, and from here she can hear their sort whimpers and see their shivering body. There must be some way she can comfort it. Carefuly she takes out some of the stag-mole Baba had caught and offers it to the beayena child. They moves in closer and slowly Daisy brings them closer to her, sheltering it from the rain. Dispite being the one getting drenched, Daisy doesn't feel cold or wet. A smile breaks on her face. 'I wonder what we're gonna call you.'
  13. Daisy, left all alone with her sleeping comrades, feels a sense of guilt. There must be something she can do about that kid, right?
  14. Another rainy day. This time the child is gone. After fighting so hard, Nina and Baba are bummed out. Nina goes to lie beside the rock, curled right up to Baba. (and a dodo bird. Nice and warm)
  15. By the end of the day, everyone's physical wounds are delt with.
  16. Nina deliberes the final blow. Cross your fingers we didn't just traumatize that child.
  17. Next day the bearyena moves away from Baba and singles out Nina. Perhaps it can sense the ansetory. But seriously, Nina doesn't need more head injuries.
  18. Daisy got a leech while the others were busy
  19. Nina waddles back on shore. 'Ugh, I was having such a good t- WOAH. What is that?!' 'It's a bearyena. Now go fight it.' 'Huh? I always thought they were pink.' 'Why pink?' 'Beats me.' Then she shouts, 'CHARGE!' And attacks from behind.
  20. But as Daisy dashes to the port she spots something small. 'What the heck? A baby?' Daisy calls out to Nina in the water, happily swimming around for clams.
  21. All is fine, but in the morning a beast emerges from the grasses! 'Get Nina!' Baba yells, knowing she can't defeat a grown bearyena by herself. Daisy won't be much use with being all small and rabbil like, so her best bet is the mad horned child.
  22. Nina sniffs around the port. It's covered in a strange wet scent, unlike any she knows. Surely there can't be any clams around- Holy mama
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