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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. should I pick or just go nuts and do all (I mean, I don't have much else to do so..)
  2. no worries. we'll probably be doing an extension so you can submit another within a week or two
  3. No, you can't Yes thank you. This does not count because it was taken a while ago. Since everyone seems to be in a big rush, would you guys like an extension? You guys who have already submitted a nicheling would be able to submit another one if you wanted and those who haven't found one or forgot to take a screenshot would be given more time. Any questions? Like this post for 1 week extension Love this post for 2 week extension and Thumbs up if you think an extension is unnecessary
  4. I wanted to bump this for a while but I was busy. But now im not so guess what (Seconds are aloud for those who already requested)
  5. FINALLY DONE WITH SUMMER SCHOOL. Now I have so much knowledge to forget
  6. Other artist: buys expensive pen exclusively for drawing
  7. Woah two wingy children in 3 days. That’s pretty good
  8. (I'm kinda hoping for twins but it's a long shot)
  9. On the bright side, Nunu is now old enough to be out on his own! Yay! He uses this opportunity to get away and find himself a root. Although at this point he still doesn't really know what a root is. He will have to find out for himself! Floo is a little sad. Now he must nap by himself while Nunu explores.
  10. However they cannot mourn for long because there are things to do and babies to be made! Glacier prepares the nest for Rosie. Both are ready for another baby.
  11. Glacier stands over his companion. 'He was a good friend,' he says sadly. Rosie places her claw gently on his shoulder. 'He was.'
  12. The next day, tragedy strikes the small family. The crab... has died. No one was prepared for this amount of sadness. rip crab 2020 - 2020.
  13. Rosie and Glacier try to have another baby while Nunu and Floo are occupied, but there is no luck. Seems they lost their mojo for a second.
  14. Rosie smells rabbil. How dare it wonder so close thinking it will survive. Floo stays by Nunu. Floo tries to talk to him and teach him words, but all that comes out is soft coos and croaks. How squishy.
  15. Bump (might want to post your wanderers soon)
  16. Welcome back! I'm pretty sure anyone can see the niche mobile section even if your not a tester
  17. Glacier heads over to get some coconuts. He'll have to teach Nunu how to use his tail to crack them. It's very effective.
  18. Meanwhile, Rosie catches scent of a tasty stag-mole. She moves in but still the little brown rodent does not see her. She already knows it will be a sucess. And boom, pile of meat.
  19. Floo agrees to sit with Nunu while his parents go and find more food. The food supply looks great but they don't want to get comfortable. It could disappear quickly and it's always good to have a little extra. Soon both start to drift off and they end up napping together on the warm sand.
  20. Next morning, Nunu awakes! With the encouragement of his family, he stumbles towards the beach. Glacier is careful not to let him fall in and prepared if he does.
  21. Glacier garbs a worm out of the dirt. He can't wait to share it with his son.
  22. Afterwards they all go off to do chores. Now that they have little Nunu they must be extra careful of the food supply and nesting material since Rosie and Glacier might have another baby. Floo clears the grasses and gathers berries while keeping little Nunu well in sight.
  23. He made it! Good little Nunu. Glacier joins Rosie and Floo. All surround the child, congratulating him on his efforts. Nunu is proud.
  24. In the morning, little Nunu is awake! Floo waits patiently by the nest ready for the little one to take his first steps. Thankfully the sky is clear of birds. Rosie comes over to encourage him while Glacier guards him in the back.
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