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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. On to the port they go. Glacier sits next to Floo as they look back on their tiny island. They've had a good time here. No evil beast, no starvation. Both will miss it when they leave. 'Bye bye, tiny island,' Floo thinks, turning his head towards the unknown.
  2. The next day, while Floo nums on his berries, he wonders how long it will be till they reach the port. 'There must be a northern port.' He thinks, 'there's always a northern port.' Then he hears Glacier call out. 'This is the one!' Pink man says. Floo agrees. He doesn't quite know where this port will take them. To a peaceful paradise with tons of berries, or a monster crawling island, full of danger and blood. It's PERFECT.
  3. The next morning Floo finds Glacier obsessing some clam. He can decide between the clam, or the worm. Floo doesn't care though because they're both gross. He chooses not to express these feeling though because he doesn't want to upset Glacier. He nums on some berries instead. Tasty stuff those berries are.
  4. I’ll try to be more active this time round
  5. I agree. Don’t compare yourself to others and never beat yourself up. You’re always learning and growing.
  6. Floo is munching on his berry bush when he hear Glacier's shouts. 'Floo! I found the port!' Sadly though, it is not the right port. If they were to travel this way, they would just end up on another boring island. Then Floo is ambushed by rock.
  7. The next day Glacier surfaces though he remains in the water for a long as he can. Also it rain.
  8. Floo, who won't eat the clams, must find his own food. He smell berry bush in the distance.
  9. Glacier dives deeper. In is natural habitat again at last.
  10. Now Floo doesn't quite get this clam obsession of Glacier's. 'I don't understand this strange little man,' He think. 'They're just squashy pink blobs of meat.' But wait. Isn't that what Lula though of him? Just a strange green vegetarian who also made a good friend? Floo thinks his thoughts while he gets in the water. After all, he's a little stinky too from that boiling island.
  11. In the morning... more clams! Glacier is happy, because he wants to get all he can before they move on. While they're very neutrinos and all that, they also serve as a tasty reminder of his home island. Tasty clam. Pink man want.
  12. As the sun settles lower in the sky, Floo walks over to Glacier and lays down in the reeds. He feels safe now. As they sit, Glacier takes his large hammer tail and lifts it up into the air. Then steadily, but quickly, brings it slamming down on the clam below him. Pieces of shell fly everywhere, and where the tail struck there is now a squashy, pink chunk of flesh. Gross. 'Ah so that's what it's for' Floo says to himself as Glacier slurps down the small slimy meat chunk.
  13. Back at the shore, Floo smells some boys in the hood. He feels... threatened.
  14. At the beach, Glacier is ecstatic. It's been so long since his gills met with water. Very refreshing.
  15. It's really nice to hear you were inspired by Floo. Also thanks a lot for the shout out! This playthrough is awesome so far, keep it up!
  16. In the morning, they decide to head off to the beach. It's been a while since they had a wash and, they've been traveling non-stoop for a while now and a few days a the beach would make a good break. Plus, if they're lucky, the two bachelors might run into some ladies.
  17. The three berry's from Floo and the one from Glacier should last the two four more days.
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