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just a lonely loaf of ace

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Everything posted by just a lonely loaf of ace

  1. That was actually terrifying. Imagine that little bab waking up to see a FREAKING BIRB FACE first thing after being born O^O the trauma
  2. I really like the "Mate Bond" idea! And, like @Applesauce said, it would prevent accidental mating.
  3. Ok, that's hilarious. She was doing what the save name told her to! Good thing the TAB button exists. I actually kinda wish I had an invisible Nicheling, lol.
  4. I had this vanishing nest problem too, and I also had permanests disabled. Maybe it's linked to that?
  5. So when you use ActivateStatusEffect Pregnant, the Nicheling gives birth to a headless white adult-sized monster that you cannot get out of the nest, and it doesn't die. Not sure why nobody has reported this, it's probably the biggest glitch in the console. Please try to fix it? It would make cheating having single Nicheling parents easier lol Edit; Ok, someone did report this glitch, I just didn't realize. The title was not clear. They also had a picture, so the problem is probably more clear there.
  6. Maybe instead of that, it could negatively effect smelling or hearing, the way that blind eyes positively effects smelling and hearing? Like, it could be 3-4 sight, but also -1 smelling and/or hearing. I don't know, just a thought. I mean, there doesn't have to be a negative effect. Big ears doesn't have any kind of negative effect, and neither does big nose.
  7. I forgot to take a couple screenshots, but we're on Tiny Green now. Doeli finds herself a new tree nest, while the others split up to find more food and nests. Finally, when Queen Moka has a few days left on her pregnancy, she finds another nest. Almost baby time!!!
  8. And we're still going... I forgot to mention, Dolur died. I didn't really want him, he wasn't very useful, so when we were low on food I had him pick from a cactus, thus killing him. Doeli really likes this tree nest, but the others remind her that they're just passing through. Tiny Green, here we come! Also, I'm sorry if I'm not really good at making stories or at least making this longer, I'm mostly just documenting my challenge attempt because I feel like it lol
  9. I actually already went to Tiny Green, but I'll probably try a jungle at some point! I played for a while and then posted it, and I haven't finished posting yet :'D
  10. We make it to the Whale Island! And of course we start running straight through it to get to an easy island, because I'm a wimp lol Doeli grows up and breeds with Prikura. He's such a ladies' man. Also has the best genes.
  11. We reach the next island, which is a swamp... ...and immediately book it to the next port! Both Queen Moka and Shisata bred with Prikura.
  12. Update time! Unfortunately, Rasune has died of corona. We continue moving along, surprisingly undisturbed... And we reach the port safely! This playthrough is going very well! Dolur and Prikura have both grown up.
  13. Doeli takes down a crabbit single-handedly, which Shisata collects. Other than that, nothing interesting has happened yet. It's already pretty late here, so I'll be updating tomorrow! Hopefully my little beans will live... unlike the first ones
  14. I'm doing a challenge by @Nightfire called the Favorites/Randomizer Challenge! This is actually my second attempt but that's not important... In this challenge, your tribe is ruled by a King or Queen. You also have Favorites, but only 20% of your tribe can be Favorites, the rest are lowers. All of the starters are randomly generated, and my ruler is randomly picked. If you want to do this challenge yourself, you should check it out in Challenges! Anyways, here we go! We start on Deadly Hills. Scary. Here's our starters! Left to right; Dolur, Shisata, Queen Moka, Rasune (green boi), Prikura, and Doeli (Favorite). Annnnd of course my green bean is sickly. So he has to socially distance. Can't spread the 'rona! Also Shisata is a teen now. Oh no, a birb! Thankfully, Doeli will be a teen tomorrow. Phew! Birb won't be eating any beans today. Now to book it to the left port! Unfortunately, Rasune will have to keep his distance. Six feet apart, please!
  15. Now I'll stop. It's getting late where I live. I'll probably pick this up sometime tomorrow afternoon. Btw, I hope you don't mind that I've been posting this here. I can start a topic in Playthroughs if you don't want it here lol. Edit; Started a topic in Playthroughs! I'll be posting there from now on.
  16. Of course my green bean is sickly... just figures. Day 4 and.. cue birb! Thank goodness Doeli is almost a teen! Phew! The birb won't get any beans for lunch today... Doeli takes down a crabbit single-handedly as we book it to the left port. We are NOT waiting around for Killer Bearyenas this time.
  17. My new starters! Left to right; Dolur, Shisata, Queen Moka, Rasune (green boi), Prikura, and Doeli (Favorite).
  18. Btw I will be trying this again tomorrow, but my laptop is almost dead lol
  19. The last two did survive and have a child, but as there are no wanderers or rogues, I knew we were as good as extinct anyway. Her name was even Doeli, after the first one to die... T^T
  20. That guy is what killed everyone TwT I (very poorly) documented their death lol
  21. Good news; the birb did not eat Priso. Bad news; everyone but Vanchoku and Meza died... yea I lost lol
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