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Stray Fawn Community

Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Why should we have P.E. classes if we have to go up 4 floors of stairs to even reach the class?
  2. It just kinda felt right? Idk, I used Xey/Xem for an oc and thought it was pretty and then realized it fit me
  3. I'm deeply disappointed that SCP-420 isnt drugs
  4. Since when does grass spawn in the Frost Lands¿???????
  5. Dryads don't have anything at all. They are just kinda there. Someone please help these poor chaps
  6. I suppose the Faun nation is called Hippomene
  7. Would you like to compile the Other section for them? It wasn't there when you made her
  8. I would come on but I'm at school 😔
  9. Blue skin tone is the most dominant, followed by the "normal "skin tones, followed by purple skin tone. Idk where Dryads' green skin is, probably lower than everything else
  10. Terpsichore has agnatic-cognatic primogeniture succession. Orange was made king instead of her brother because he was illegitimate. Well there's proof that apparently he wasn't when the late king died
  11. Oh. This may conflict with my lore
  12. I have decided nations will be named after butterflies of the Vanessa order
  13. I don't have the brain power to explain magic properly so have a short version: Magic is change
  14. Wait...

    I won 15 days...

    Last victory was on the 15th...


    Yes yes it is

    1. Modiano Urania

      Modiano Urania

      It's been posted almost 15 hours ago

  15. Oh wait yeah there's rules. I guess starting with max food and nesting isn't hard
  16. Wait... Staying on the same island is a challenge???????
  17. Yes, it sleeps during the day as well (except the first day as an adult)
  18. Pointy ears are the most dominant ear gene. The recessive gene, if different, may affect how it looks
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