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Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Maybe the connection is bad? Or the invite ran out.
  2. I drew upright! It's not sideways for once! Bring on the criticism, y'all!
  3. Don't worry sbout it. I actually had to go soon after myself. Though I am getting inspiration for the plot...
  4. I finally finished Green's guest room!
  5. Why did Polly's realm reset?
  6. Rikyuma woke up and angled her ears to find the source of that noise
  7. Coral reef! (wait how do I get coral)
  8. My saddle's gone, it was on my horse and it's not in my chests. Polly's horse is also gone
  9. Champignon is a mutant mushroom
  10. Plot idea?: The kidnapping isn't canon anymore. Champignon was just hanging out at Polly and Green's house and the only free bed was in a prison. The wole kidnapping (and the death of half the pets) thing was just a dream caused by Champignon's spores. Though, with Polly's dogs having been murdered (it 1 on 2 how did they lose?) they might have a bit of doubt as to wheter they should trust her. Also there's a mule cult. Oh and Champignon is studying the tainted water and the causes of the drought, but hasn't come up with anything yet
  11. @Eggs are cooked it kicked me out
  12. Non capisco cosa intendi, sia più chiara
  13. Certamente, lucertola
  14. I put Yeet through Google translate. it turned into... Oh, at the age of 19.
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