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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by Crow

  1. I may get started on making some animatronics for this
  2. And make sure you read the artist's rules
  3. https://www.deviantart.com/raven0id/art/FNaF-F2U-Animatronic-Base-2-0-809037315 This will be the base I will use for my new sim
  4. The VHS you put into the old TV starts to play. It plays up on an image of a cartoon cat. "WeLcome new employEEee to the entertainment industry! Brought to you by Funfun entertainment, youu may know us as the company that started up popular diner Cand- and- and we are here start up your OwN company now!" [End of tape] Okay so fill out the form and you'll get started, you also start with a good sum of $10,000 and one starter animatronic(that is randomized) There is also a daytime and nighttime Every day is 3 turns and nighttime is when you finish tasks Reasaunt name: Reasaunt Logo(optional): Reasaunt theme:
  5. Maybe It might be a bit hard to do that but I can try to do it but mostly it's gonna be like the daytime part of Pizzeria Simulator
  6. I would like to thank the one person who answered the poll
  7. My toyhouse expands https://toyhou.se/doctorsorders I need to make a folder for my Warriors OCs but yeah
  8. "Well I don't like it shoot it down!" (I probably got the quote wrong but I love it so much)
  9. Lightningkit and her great grandma Mistyriver
  10. This is beautiful Thnak you
  11. I wanna be messed with
  12. Can't believe I forgot to share the art of Lightningstar/heart Lyrics are from Dog Days Are Over
  13. Nope It was me to my cousin
  14. I manahed to get bitten up by mosquitos
  15. "I was gonna say that you should use my sadness as manipulation"
  16. I just finished decorating Frost and still needing some kind of armor for Luna
  17. I miss how social I was before

    Like where it go

    Who took it

    Give me back my social skills

  18. My brother found Black Ops 3 let's gooooooo
  19. name - Fawn gender - Pangender pronouns - Any pronouns clan (rogues and kittypets are allowed) - Rouge image/description - other - An ex-kittypet that perferred to be a lone rouge so he didn't join Lannehechee
  20. (No this is not about Sally Face)
  21. Crow

    I mess with you

    Im on the run too. be careful out there guys
  22. I've been good, ups and downs of course, and I've been playing a bunch of Star Wars Battlefront 2
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