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Everything posted by shortcake

  1. Me during Girls' Camp: Variations of: "Awh, I wanted to be a sausage!" and "Just let me be a sausage in peace, please! -_-" And then this one was during High Adventure: "Shut up, you aren't a friggin' avocado."
  2. I like Scorcher, Skember, or Emberch/Emborch
  3. sajbkcjdsa the caffeine didn't work yet i guess there's only one other option here.. NO SLEEP ONLY SWAG!!! *sprints to get more caffeine* (not actually. imma go try and go to eepies now)
  4. I am very cold. I'm also kind of hungry. I'm hungry and cold mmm tasty 3 am haiku
  5. I WILL TRY lsndawk ewww my wrists feel gross without the bracelets
  6. FALSE it makes my brain function at the same pace as a normal person's brain would, instead of my big dum dum slow buddy boi brain. it does this for about 20 minutes after all the caffeine, and then i conk out. That's why my friend gave me caffeine during the 10-hour trip to a campsite thingy for our camp thing that we did. What she didn't realize was that I would end up using her lap as a pillow, along with her actual pillow. lol anyway, got about eight-ish minutes before EEPYEEPIES!!
  7. IKR I refuse to go to bed even though I'm technically supposed to "get up" early in the morning for friggin family therapy crap-
  8. It's a thing that happens every July where TONS of artists gather together (online) and "attack" a member of the other team or "defend" a member of the same team as you. Attacks and defenses are art created by you, but of other people's characters. it's super fun, and it starts on July 1st. You get to make art for other people, while other people make art for you! You should join! Here's a link to it.
  9. ooh i found my debit card! how the frick-frac-friggin-flippy-floppy-floopin-flap did it end up inside of my altoids can that is RESERVED for my bracelets????? DA HEKK???
  10. idk, ig smth abt raw fish just urks me bwaheeheehoo that was a lot of abbrevations lol heh that's weird word that i just typed- isnt it weird that the word "abbreviation" is often abbreviated? This has been: Late Night Shower Thoughts With Shortcake. Thanks for tuning in! wekdjnkdsnx man i need more caffeine
  11. cherry tomatoes are amazing I LOVE EEPING!! djsnlkdsxn i still dont want to go sleepysleepies even if i find it-
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