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Splitters are BS


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I honestly hate these devices.  They're a laziness/complexity tax.  A punishment on people who are running out of keys, or who just don't want to assign the same six functions to twenty-four new keys on four identical drones with the struggle of keeping them unique.


I propose that blocks with inputs and outputs get a checkbox.  "Copies get unique inputs/outputs."  Thus if I copy a drone with lots of logic involving every letter of a qwerty keyboard, the copy will have all that logic, only it'll use Q1, W1, E1, R1, T1, Y1, and etc.  It would take the effect of splitting out of physical blocks, and put it in the inputs/outputs where it belongs.


Because let's face it, the only time it's ever beneficial to use a splitter block is when you're running out of keys, or when it's just too much work to assign that many unique keys.  A lot of push has gone on for strings as inputs/outputs, which would solve the first issue, and I firmly believe (in almost any game) that the last issue is something the interface should address, not the player.

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