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First, they're huge.  Using them in any dynamic way isn't easy.  Second, they can't grip terrain.  I wanted to make a giant wheelbot, with an array of magnets that repelled on one side and attracted on the other, and rolled across the land sowing death and crushing destruction. 


I also wanted a surface patroller that lifted itself over the surface by repelling it, which would patrol the surface, following its contours.  Please permit us to set magnets to terrain, enemies (to include projectiles), and 'all'.


Well magnets only work with metallic objects :) So you could use them that way when we add metallic asteroids.

We will add other parts that can grab onto terrain.


Well, yeah, I get that, but they're also polar while these are apparently monopoles, so . . . sacrifice it on the altar of gameplay.


Terrain grabbers would be great though.  That bouncy thing in the gif I got via email would become more plausible.  Maybe a weapon type that could fire a harpoon connected by a spring?  It would need controls for firing, reeling in, and reeling out.  Thus you could tether an enemy, trap it, and either reel it in, keep it at bay, or drag it into the line of weapon fire.

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