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Nichelings not moving correctly, clipping through ground


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To start with, I should begin saying I started a new story mode and was bug-free for the tutorial islands and the beginner island. It was only when I got to the first big island that I started having significant issues.

This is the state of my pack at the moment: CD206360E9F5D44EF06F4AB48CD9774FAC9A779D


You will notice that there are two babies overlapping each other in teh bottom left corner, a nicheling that has clipped through the ground in the center that is paralyzed, and a nicheling in the upper-right who also isn't properly on any tile. 

There's a lot that I couldn't capture in a screenshot though.

For one, when I move my nichelings, their model will not properly move to the tile I selected for them, but the action commands surrounding the spot will act as if they did move. I still have to select the original model where it appears to be in order to make them do anything however, which means that in the case of the overlapping nichelings, I can't do anything to move them if their model refuses to move off of each other. 

Sometimes on this island when passing the day, it will be stuck in twilight. I can still do things with my nichelings however. 

Also a lot of nichelings that are clipping places where they shouldn't are also perpetualy paralyzed. I genuinely cannot tell if they are under a coconut tree to cause this since they appear to be existing in two places at once, but the paralysis should only work for the turn coconuts fall down on them, not in this perpeutal state.

If there is anything I can do, such as some way to send you data that can maybe help solve this, let me know!

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Oh wow, this is the strangest bug reported for this update so far! Thanks for reporting.
Could you please send me this save file to support@strayfawnstudio.com (or post it here)? That would be a great help!
We really need to figure out and fix whatever is going on here xD

The save file can be found here:

~/.config/unity3d/Team Niche/Niche - a genetics survival game/Saves

~/Library/Application Support/unity.Team Niche.Niche - a genetics survival game/Saves

C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Team Niche\Niche - a genetics survival game\Saves

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