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I'm currently on my laptop which can't work Niche for some reason (even though it used to work, but slowly) so I'll start adding screenshots in the next post.  I'll just use this one to outline what I'm going to try to do.

The point of this playthrough is to try and keep as many of Adam's genes in play as possible and maybe even create a little Adam clone.

So the genes I want to keep going are:

  • Big Body
  • Poison Fangs
  • Red/Yellow fur
  • Stripes
  • And obviously we need to keep the all important star immunity gene

If a nichling has all of the above genes they are considered an Adam clone (though maybe not a perfect clone).  I'm not bothered about keeping the running legs and no horns because Adam isn't that strong to start with.  The tribe will always be led by the most Adam like nichling.

I also want to try and control my population a bit better, sometimes I can end up with 50 nichlings to deal with and it can get a little overwhelming especially in the Savannah so I'm going to go through my gem colours and add one light and one dark shade of each colour.  Each member will start off with the lighter colours and I'll switch it to the darker shade after a baby is born.  After three babies are born that member can have no more children.  I was debating whether to limit this to just the females but I think I'll restrict the males too so I can keep an eye on breeding pairs.  This includes rogue male babies so I'll need to keep a close eye on my females to avoid this from happening, if a female has already had her three children when a rogue male comes calling she will be cast out of the tribe (as in has to move away but I never kick members as they become competition for food then) and she and her baby will have to try and survive on their own, since this will probably happen in the savannah, this is unlikely.  The exception to this rule is Adam and Eve as I need to make sure I get a breeding pair from their children, unless I get lucky with a wanderer, and ensure the star immunity gene otherwise I fail the whole thing, I've had baby after baby after baby with those two before and only just managed to get what I needed on Eve's last day.

I should probably also make it clear that if twins are born that counts as one birth so twins are considered very lucky, though they are considered very unlucky if they were sired from a rogue male after the female had her three babies.

But I also want to keep my lines as healthy and as strong as possible.  So even though a member can still have their three babies if they have an undesired gene such as haemophilia or blind eyes etc (active or not) if they pass that on to their baby they can no longer breed and will become a hunter/gatherer.  It very much depends on how many good genes they have, so if a member has orange fur, poison fangs and stripes (again active or not) but has a baby with blind eyes I might give them another chance.  The main ones I'm watching out for are:

  • Blind eyes and shortsighted eyes
  • Derp snout
  • Deformed Paw
  • Haemophilia
  • And double immunity genes

So that's about it for now, got a few things to deal with before I start so if you have any suggestions about how I play please let me know

Also names, sometimes I struggle with names.  In my current playthrough I've been doing A-Z but you try coming up with 15 names beginning with U, its not easy.  I know what I'm doing for my alpha pairs but I'd appreciate suggestions.  I'd prefer it if you suggested a theme,  so you say water and I come up with names like Wave, Ocean, Coral, Ripple, Splash that kind of thing, its like word association.

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I've got a bunch of gem colours now, all the colours of the rainbow and at least 3 different shades of blue because why not.  It might get a bit confusing because the darker shades are similar to others but I've got word up to keep an eye on my breeding pairs and what gems they use so hopefully I can keep track.

And of course, I just got the windows update so of course Steam is like nah right now.  Will have to try and restart my computer and fingers crossed it works

Next post will have screenshots I swear, sigh.

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All righty Steam stopped its temper tantrum and let me in

I'm just adding a screenshot of Adam so I can refer to it later


The royal line as I call it will have green gems

Time to meet Eve



Hmm interesting.  She doesn't have stripes but it is inactive so shouldn't be too hard to keep that in.  I do not want the spiky body though so that might be a bit tricky.  She also has antlers in her inactive traits so that would be nice to breed into the line


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A very nice start for our first baby, she doesn't have the poison fangs but its in her inactive traits so thats fine and she doesn't have the star immunity gene but hopefully we can breed her with someone who does.  So for the alpha pairs' children I wanted to give them Targaryen like names since I refer to them as the royal line so say hello to little Aunara


And baby number two, another girl and she does have the spiky body but its not a total loss as the big body is in her inactive traits.  She also has the poison fangs and the immunity gene.  This is Baelora


Welp definitely going to have to get a few more babies out of Adam and Eve, need at least ONE male.  Another girl but a pretty one, I really like the pink fur. Her name is Jaela


So far it looks like Aunara will be alpha next, although she doesn't have the star immunity gene.

Since the flower port only holds 5 we're moving.

Our new home, who knows we might find a wanderer for the girls, knowing my luck though it will be another girl. Oh and Eve's pregnant so fingers crossed for a male this time.


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Ok well I got my wish.  This is Aegon.  However, if you've been paying attention to the immunity genes you'll notice he cannot breed with any of the girls without risking a sick baby so we're going to try one more time with Eve and pray.  He does have a lot of the desired genes though, pity about the stripes, he'd be just about perfect if he had the stripes


I'm quite surprised at the lack of permanent nests on this first island, I usually find one right off the bat. But hey look who I just found, I'm getting luckier with the winged genes every time.  I've called him Sparrow and he has orange gems.  The G immunity gene is a bit unfortunate but we can definitely breed him with at least one of our girls, and by one I mean Baelora which is funny since shes the one who found him.  We also want to make sure we keep his line as clean as possible so breed out that deformed paw and hemophilia , I'm very concerned about the fertility as he's not that young and it would be awful if he died before he could have some babies.


And finally I've found a permanent nest so Eve is going to try and have one more baby, hoping for another male

And it is another male but still not a potential mate for Aunara or Jaela, I might have him breed with Baelora instead of Sparrow since it will be easier to control Adam's genes that way and unfortunately Sparrow is kinda useless but maybe we'll find someone for him.  His name is Vaegal.


I'm not sure if I should have Eve breed one more time or retire her and Adam right now.  From my experience, its unlikely I'll find another wanderer so I might try one more time especially since I found that nest.

Oof I just found a permanent nest while exploring with Sparrow and Baelora, are they fated to be together.

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Ok this absolutely is the last baby for Adam and Eve, another girl but she has different immunity genes so I think I'll breed her with Aegon.  Unfortunately still no one for Sparrow, except for Baelora of course, Vaegal needs to hurry and grow up before Sparrow takes all his chances

Our new girl is Helaena, the spiky body is obviously an issue but I really think we can get some good Adam lookalikes from her line, she could be the mother of the next alpha.


Sparrow has tried his luck at breeding with Baelora, amazingly, and unfortunately for Vaegal, he was successful the first time.

And here she is, I'm impressed.  Poison fangs and stripes, the wing isn't really necessary which is why i've named her Rhea after the flightless bird.  We got rid of the deformed paw as well and she has the big body instead of her mother's spiky body.  At least she only has hemophilia in her inactive traits since I don't think any other member has that


And heres an image of part of the family, I'm mostly posting this to show off Aunara and Jaela's adult forms. Baelora and Sparrow are separate at the moment


My creatures are so pink and dainty lol

Adam and Eve are about to pass away, together at least, so I'll have to, somehow, decide on the next alpha soon.  Aunara is still the favorite but she has no mate which is concerning.

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Heres a shot of the whole family.  You can see Aegon and Vaegal all grown up and Baelora's little family at the back, unfortunately they are in the tall grass so you can't really see them that well, you'll also see our nursery bear friend.  Its Adam and Eve's last day.  Aunara will be the next alpha, she plans on having the tribe move to the next island asap to see if we can find any more wandering males20190814212240_1.thumb.jpg.4891285dc7d8220d8cfc05099e9674bd.jpg

But wait a second who is this lovely lass.  Well well now this is more like it, unfortunately not a male but she has some good genes such as the nimble fingers and ram horns.  Again the spiky body could be an issue but she does have big body in her inactive traits.  Most importantly she has different immunity genes, the blood clotting could be a real problem though.  I've named her Berry for her nimble fingers and red coat.


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I've been debating on whether to let Baelora and Sparrow breed again, Vaegal would have but now we've found Berry she might be a better choice for our pink prince.  I need to keep a real close eye on the star immunity gene too as I'm getting a tad concerned now.  Baelora and Helaena are the only ones with the special gene.

I've decided i'll try and breed Baelora and Sparrow breed one more time to see if we can pass along that special immunity gene, I just hope it doesn't take too many turns due to his low fertility, and done first try again, ok seriously what gives. I get that Baelora has high fertility but in my other playthroughs with the same situation it took like 5 attempts to breed.

Omg its a little bat head baby, I thought Bartok seemed appropriate.  Still no immunity gene unfortunately but no bad genes as far as I can see though he only has the stripes.  I think i'm going to breed Baelora with Sparrow one last time but wait until we're on the next island to have the baby, Sparrow is getting on a bit now so he won't be making the journey.


I've had Berry mate with Vaegal and since Helaena is all grown up she and Aegon have mated for the first time (quickly double checks I haven't messed up the immunity genes by not paying attention) so we'll have 3 babies being born on the next island.  Still no one for our alpha Aunara, she's not ancient though so we got time.

Also can someone explain to me how the game calculates generations.  I'm only on generation 3 I think and its saying 5, I guess it counts the wanderers as one too maybe.

Ah not this time Sparrow this time it took 4 attempts but it did work eventually.

NO FREAKING WAY, it must be fate.  I was getting worried about Aunara and look who shows up.  I've named him Clay due to his red brown coat.  He will have yellow gems with one green in the middle.  He's not exactly alpha material though with two deformed paws but I hope to replace them with nimble fingers and he has poor fertility too.  And he has a new immunity gene which is excellent, provided we can pass it down.  He and Aunara are also quite similar in age.  Interestingly he has the scorpion tail in his inactive traits so I'd like to try and pull that out.


It took a couple of attempts but Aunara is now pregnant with her first baby.  So that will be four babies born on the next island

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Jaela is the only girl who has yet to find a mate, shes still young so who knows. 

For a moment I was worried we'd lost Sparrow and I hadn't noticed but he blends in with all the pink, he's on his last day now.  I'd hoped to leave the island on his last day but we have to wait one more day.  For a moment I panicked that I'd miscounted the number of spaces allowed on the port, i really wish the game made it clearer how many spaces you have, the flower ports blend too well with the rest of the grasslands.

Sparrow passes away but its time to leave now


As always hoping and praying I haven't miscounted the tiles as I get Aunara to touch the stone.

Phew all 10 made it

Oh god that coconut tree will be my bane, if it knocks one of my pregnant females on the head they might die before they have their baby.  Fortunately, Rhea found a nest so Aunara can have her first baby.  Ok I think i got them all safely past that tree, I'm just really hoping for no bears at this early stage since Baelora is on her own at the moment in the grass


Oh thats handy, I forgot Bartok got the nimble fingers and he's near enough to the tree now to pick up some coconuts for the tribe.

Aunara's first baby, unfortunately he has a deformed paw but at least its not both. He also lacks the other good genes but he does have E immunity.  He is the alpha's son so his gems will be green and his name is Matanor


And so far we've only managed to find one permanent nest but its not in a great spot so we'll be moving away real soon.  Just as soon as Berry has her first baby since its in a great spot for berry picking.

At last another nest, Jaela managed to find it and fortunately there was a tasty mole looking in the wrong direction so she managed to snag up some meat for the tribe, this one is for Helaena's baby and wow theres a healing plant right next to the nest so if we come across a bear we have that at least, or leeches, its always leeches.

I'm really interested to see Helaena's baby, there might be some rivalry between Helaena and Aunara if her baby favors Adam, Aunara is alpha and proud.

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Two new babies born into the tribe.

Berry and Vaegal's baby. Since we have Berry i've decided thats the theme for this line.  On looking up berries I decided on Cloudberry.  She has potential but the webbed toes could be a problem.  Her gems will be red.


And now for Helaena and Aegon's baby.  I decided to keep the name the game gave me, Mire.  She also has potential but the spiky body and lack of immunity gene is starting to concern me.  Her gems will be cyan.  Still the only ones in the tribe with star immunity are Helaena and Baelora.


Oh noes I didn't realise how close Aunara was to passing, she only has 2 days.  I've quickly bred her with Clay again.  

The thing is, Clay has one more breeding slot left and Jaela still lacks a mate.  I may have time to bring them together for Jaela to have at least one baby before he passes and I did and the fertility didn't get in my way again

Poor Bartok also has no luck

Time to see what Aunara's last baby looks like.  She's not too bad, she has the big body at least and stripes in her inactive traits but other than that she might only be for hunting/gathering, the first female to potentially lose her breeding slots perhaps.  She's still the alpha's daughter though so her name is Visela20190814224902_1.thumb.jpg.94afe7801422827ba36a666fb06734ef.jpg

And still no female for Bartok or a male for Rhea, too many girls born in this generation.  Baelora still needs to have her baby so I've got everything crossed her baby will have star immunity

I've just realised Matanor has his pick of females.  The problem is he lacks the poison fangs in his genetics and the only female who has that is Cloudberry.  I would prefer to breed Cloudberry with someone who has poison fangs somewhere in their genetics.  I'm really hoping for a male from Baelora with poison fangs.

Well its Aunara's last day, I'm not entirely sure who is the most Adam like at the moment. Ah, well this is a shame for Aunara.  I was right, Helaena is the mother of the next alpha, the most Adam like I think is Mire since she has orange fur and the poison fangs, though she doesn't have stripes they are in her inactive traits and the only thing she lacks is the big body, she only has the spiky body and heat body in her genetics but hopefully we can find her a male with big body in his genetics.

And now its time to say goodbye to Aunara, promote baby Mire to alpha switching her cyan gems to green and welcome Baelora's last baby into the tribe

As I pass the turn I see the telltale mane of a male in Baelora's nest, unfortunately he doesn't have the poison fangs anywhere in his genetics.  He has stripes but no big body and still no immunity gene.  Helaena is my last hope now.  I'm not sure what to call him, his siblings all have one wing and he has none and I was going for birds with this line.  We'll stick with birds and call him Wren



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Now this is interesting, look who decided to show up


I have females with antlers in their genetics I might be able to pass that on, I just want to make sure we keep the bad genes out.  He could actually breed with Jaela, unfortunately Jaela's too old to have her last two babies but if we can get one with the antlers that would be cool.  He will have blue gems and his new name is Jericho (been watching Detroit Become Human lets plays lately so I guess thats my theme for this line)

He wouldn't be a good match for Rhea unfortunately as they both have immunity gene A.  I am going to have to keep him close though since he is blind and we're in a lot of tall grass

I'm thinking Matanor and Cloudberry should breed, there's a chance she'll pass on the big body but I'm going to leave it for a bit.

Clay's time has come and Jaela settles down in a made nest to have her first baby and Clay's last.  Oof and with Clay's last turn he scares away a mole.

It's also Baelora's last day, I'm going to miss her a lot

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Two more babies born today.

Jaela and Clay's baby, oh wow.  She's a bit of a surprise, we don't really need more females but she's lovely with orange fur and savanna horns which is why I have named her Impala.  She has a lot of potential.  She also has antlers in her genetics so we might be close to pulling that into the line especially with Jericho's help.  Impala will have yellow gems


Jaela has so little time left I've had her breed immediately with Jericho

We've found our first poison berry bush, I think we're running low on poison fanged creatures so we might not be able to use it. Ah but wait, Rhea has poison fangs and she happens to be the one who found the bush, perfect


Oh yes just what I wanted to see, so Helaena and Aegon's next baby has the star immunity so I have a chance to keep it in the line, really hoping Helaena's last baby has the same luck.  I'm also keeping her game given name of Reme.  She will have cyan gems.  She also has orange fur, poison fangs and basically all of Adam's genes hidden in her genetics.  If she had been born first she would be alpha.


Unfortunately with Reme, we're running into the same problem we had with Aunara, none of our males have different immunity genes.  I'm aiming to breed Berry and Vaegal again so really hoping for a male this time.  We are a bit overrun with girls at the moment.

And now we'll see what Jaela and Jericho's baby looks like, this will definitely be Jaela's last.

Oh god, every time I hear a growl I have a little panic attack, we have a friendly nursery bear in the area but it still freaks me out especially when I remember I have nichelings at the edge of the territory

Anyway back to Jaela's baby.  This is Alice.  She does have the antlers which is great, but another female which is not so great and I can't match her with any male.  We have an abundance of B immunity gene it would seem.  Obviously we want to get rid of the derp snout asap.  Since I've unlocked the big nose now I might try and mutate that since she doesn't really have a chance at breeding an Adam clone.  If I could get the big nose and big ears that would be adorable.


I'm trying to pick a female that Jericho can mate with.  The problem is it would need to be a female with antlers somewhere in their genetics and we have an abundance of A immunity gene too because of course we do.

But Helaena is going to have her last baby as Jaela passes away and I've had Berry settle down in a nest too to have her second baby.  Since her immunity genes are DC I'm really hoping for a male with different immunity genes to pair with Mire

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Oh no oh no, as I pass the turn I hear the screech of the dreaded blue bird and Jaela passed leaving her babies Impala and Alice unprotected.  I've had Jericho scoot over to look after them hopefully.  Of course the bird moves towards the newest members of the tribe but they should be safe in their nests with their mothers for the moment.

So the newest additions to the tribe

Helaena and Aegon's last baby, finally its a male.  No immunity gene though so Reme is our only hope, its extremely important we find her a mate asap.  I've kept the game given name with this line so I'll keep this one too.  This is Nubo.  He has some potential, he has the poison fangs in his genetics and the big body.


And Berry and Vaegal's baby, another male which is fantastic and he does have the D immunity gene.  He has some potential, he lacks the poison fangs but he has the big body and I'm pleased to see no bad blood clotting gene.  Keeping with the berry them I have named him Currant


And with his birth, I think we've found Reme's mate.  He could also be Mire's but right now I need to keep the star immunity gene going so Reme it is.

So you know how I was talking about Mire finding a mate


Its a rogue male, he actually has different immunity genes so might not be a bad idea right now.  I just don't want to risk weakening the alpha line with his genetics, I don't think I have much choice, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't stick around to breed with any more females.

Oh no wait a minute, gosh darn it.  I wondered why he was just zipping around her but I realised she has the spiky body, of all the times I wouldn't have minded he breed with her, sigh.

Oh he just zipped into the camp but I don't think there are any females he can breed with at the moment, except for Rhea but again I wouldn't mind since he has different immunity genes

That blue bird is still hanging around, I'm nervous to bring the babies out of the nest

And I really don't know who to breed with Jericho since he is getting a bit old.  The only one he could breed with is Cloudberry but I think she and Matador need to be mates despite the problems i mentioned before, even if they don't get the desired genes she still has a different immunity gene she could potentially pass.

On passing the day I saw something big and brown approach Rhea but it was just out friendly nursery bear, again.

Oooh look who just popped out to say hello.  She's rather lovely, the A immunity gene could be a problem though and first i need to invite her into the tribe


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Last post for tonight

I only just managed to breed Berry for the last time as she is unbelievably slow and we'll be losing her on this turn.

I've invited the wandering female into the tribe and her new name is Nutty.  She will have light blue gems.  Oops, sorry he, I misread, couldn't see the mane with those markings and I didn't look at the corner, my bad and I've changed the name again to just Nut. Though another male is really really good and I'd love to keep his green eyes.  At the moment though, every one of our females besides Reme has A immunity gene and Reme is spoken for.

Well thats funny Currant will be Reme's mate and he has the same immunity genes as Nut.

Mire managed to find another healing plant, so far though we have had no injuries or sickness.

It's Aegon's last turn, one by one we're losing Adam's children.  Jericho will also pass away on this turn. Oof Aegon finds another poison berry bush but runs out of turns before he can pick from it.

Berry and Vaegal's last baby little Strawberry.  She still has the A immunity gene so it will be tricky finding someone to breed with her but she does have potential


The blue bird is still hovering and Berry's death left her unprotected so Vaegal moves from his spot to watch over her.  This is his last day though so someone will have to take his place.  Fortunately Visla had to move nearer to the nest to snag a mole

Cloudberry and Matanor have finally mated and I've started moving them towards the north port.  At the moment Helaena and Wren are exploring the top half of the island and Nubo has now joined them.

We've got another rogue male sighting


I think he's going for Alice, its up to our alpha Mire to keep him back.

Currant has now grown up so he and Reme have mated for the first time.

But here is Matanor and Cloudberry's first baby.  At last its a male with different immunity genes so I can actually pair him with someone.  Actually he could breed with Mire, provided we have enough time.  I did say before we needed to breed her with a big bodied male.  I have named him Leo because he's like a little lion


Well Mire will be quite a bit older but we should have time to get a few sons and daughters out of the royal line.

The rogue male is back and he's eyeing Visla, possibly the worse choice if I'm honest.  And there it is Visla's first baby will be from the rogue male.  It looks like he's going after Rhea too

Oh come on seriously, despite the new immunity gene our new baby still got an A immunity gene.  Meet Lurker, he will have purple gems though I probably won't breed him.


Its Helaena's last turn and when she passes thats the last of Adam's children

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Ok this is the last post for tonight lol

Blimey only now are we seeing the bad bears and the bear has a cub so may be able to get some of their genetics.

That rogue male is still hanging around Mire but now he's coming for Impala

Reme and Currant's first baby unfortunately lacks the star but does have double nimble fingers.  I've decided their theme should be fruit so this is Satsuma


Alice and Nubo both got injured by the bear but they managed to take it down unlocking a new gene in the process and Alice invited the baby bear into the tribe.

Oh noes double trouble


Speaking of double trouble no twins yet which is quite unusual.

And oh no with the bear attack I forgot that it was Rhea's last day.

And hallelujah we got a star immunity gene from Reme and Currant.  Little Lemon, the A immunity gene concerns me though


And with that time for bed

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We'll be waiting a while to breed with our new bear friend, I think I'll have Alice breed with him but first I need to get her over to the healing plants to take care of that damage

Oh noes what have I done, i just put Satsuma under a coconut tree so he could snag a mole, oh please don't knock him out completely, Suma's immunity genes are actually helpful so that would be very very bad.  Ooooh maybe he and Strawberry would make a good match

Now although Reme is not our alpha I've been thinking about letting her breed one more time after she runs out of breeding slots, either that or I have to risk double immunity genes

Oh thank goodness Satsuma didn't get knocked on the head, very quickly moving him away from that awful tree, after picking at least one coconut with his double nimble fingers of course

I have bred Reme again, if the last baby doesn't have HII I'm giving her one last chance

And little Leo is all grown up so we can finally have a baby from our alpha.

I hear sneezing every time I skip the day but I don't see the rogue or wanderer

Reme and Currant's new baby, and not last since he lacks HII.  One more chance Reme.  Not having A immunity gene is fantastic though, might just be able to breed him with someone.


Mire and Leo's first baby, a little girl so thats great because you might notice the line of yellow in the family tree.  Her name is Laelle.  I'm not sure about her as she lacks the big body.  She and Mango might be a good match but we'll wait and see.


Its Bartok's last turn.  He didn't manage to find a mate and he wandered off to search for food for the tribe, he hasn't seen the rest of the tribe for a long time


He found plenty of food though

Aha found a tree stump, Lurker found it so i guess thats his job now, we'll see if we can get close to unlocking the peacock tail with him


Oh no you don't get back here


Since Cloudberry and Matanor gave us Leo i've had them breed again since they're getting older.  Mire has immediately bred with Leo again

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Oh my gosh I can't believe its taken this long but finally we have our first set of twins and they are from Cloudberry and Matanor


And look at that, both have double nimble fingers and their birth brought the rain.  Berry is very pleased with her grandchildren



Neither have A immunity so it might be easier to find them a mate.  I'm thinking about breeding Nala with Lemon but Kula has the big body so she might be the better choice

Mire and Leo's next baby, her name is Valla.  I'm glad i managed to get a claw in


Nope the bear is heading into the water, Alice is trying to chase him but she got leeched

I guess this is where the rogue males ended up


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And now its time to see if this gamble paid off, oh please let Reme's baby have HII

YES HE DOES and his other immunity gene is D, this is perfect


Now I might be able to stop worrying about keeping HII

Mire and Leo's last baby, too much spiky body with this line.


He does have big body in his inactive traits though so thats something and he got the claw.

Are you serious right now. Yay Alice's bear came back but oh no rogue male here to steal his thunder


I think its time to breed Strawberry and Satsuma, theres a good chance I could get antlers from this line with their genetics.

At last we managed to breed Alice with bear friend

Here is Satsuma and Strawberry's baby


I'm surprised he ended up pink

Blimey Leo has so much time left on his lifespan despite having all of his children.  He's off exploring the savannah with Wren

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Alice and bear friend baby. Her name is Lusa after the character in the Seeker books by Erin Hunter.  I'm really pleased to see no derp snout on her.  Her gems will be orange


I wasted no time and bred Alice with bear friend again (I can't stop calling the bear that so thats his name now)

It is Matanor's last day

Well that was weird, Nubo is off with Visla exploring the east.  He came across a permanent nest which has a dodomingo sitting on it but also a rabbit, just keep on stacking them.

Alice's next baby with bear friend is too cute


I'm starting to lose control of my population so I'm waiting a bit before we have anymore babies, except for Alice's last with bear friend

Its almost time to select our next alpha

I'm sad I haven't found someone for Nut

Hmm two permanent nests, might not be a bad idea to set up a nursery up here


Since Mango is just a few steps away he and Laelle could use these nests

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22 minutes ago, silverbrumbyfan said:

Alice and bear friend baby. Her name is Lusa after the character in the Seeker books by Erin Hunter.  I'm really pleased to see no derp snout on her.  Her gems will be orange


@Renio2490 I know you absolutely love Seekers so I'll just point you over here~

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Well its Mire's last day so time to pick our next alpha.

Lets see Varon has a spiky body but he does have big body in his inactive traits.  He has the rest of Adam's genes in his inactive traits too so he could be a candidate

I'm kinda drawn towards Satsuma, he has all the genes except for poison fangs but they are inactive, he already has a mate so I don't have to worry about waiting until he's nearly dead from old age to have his babies

I'd like the alpha to have HII but while Melon and Lemon have a lot of the good traits they don't have the orange fur.

Yes I believe Satsuma is our next alpha.  I'll have to change his gems to green as well as his son's and Pale has been renamed Baelor

Its also Cloudberry's last day, today is also the day Nala and Kula get their last gem so I could start breeding Nala or Kula with Lemon or Melon.  I think I'll have Lemon breed with Nala and Melon with Kula.  I think its only fitting my special twins get the special males

I've had Lemon and Nala breed but I'm going to wait to have the baby since we have time and Kula and Melon have now bred too.

Oh no its Visla's last day, she never bred but she was very good at catching those pesky bunnies.  She managed to snag two but ran out of turns before she could pick up the meat

This is Alice and bear friend's last baby, pity about the derp snout


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I was just thinking I haven't seen the blue bird recently and as I skip the day caw caw

Uh oh Nubo


Nubo finds Mr Bear and Lurker manages to call this lovely lady over, unfortunately I'll probably have to chase her a bit before I can invite her in. Although she seems to have vanished


Its Wren's last day, he never had any babies but he's helped us explore the top half of the island.  Because of him we're getting closer and closer to the port.

I've managed to invite our wanderer friend in but I'm struggling a bit with names

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3 minutes ago, silverbrumbyfan said:


Its Wren's last day, he never had any babies but he's helped us explore the top half of the island.  Because of him we're getting closer and closer to the port.

I've managed to invite our wanderer friend in but I'm struggling a bit with names


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Ah flower themes, I haven't done that yet.  Lily it is, cheers Sky

Lily  has pink gems.  Now I just have to figure out who to pair her with since she has a new immunity gene, thinking about Varon but she could also mate with Baelor

Bit nervous about Nubo's bear, I expected him to come after Nubo again but he hasn't reemerged from the grass yet.

Its Impala's last day, I'm really sad I didn't manage to breed her with anyone.

It's also Reme's last day, the mother of our HII boys

Since we're losing Reme I moved Kula into a nest to see if we get lucky with HII first time round

Gosh darn it, every time I hear that bird

Mr Bear is back and its now Nubo's last day


No luck with Kula's baby but the horns are a nice addition


We've reached the next port and have cleared it out but I need to say goodbye to a lot of nichelings when we leave. I think we'll stop breeding and focus on getting over there.

Strawberry is going to have her second baby first as she is getting old.

Its Currants last day, he's been right next to an acorn tree for a long time now so hes separate from the rest of the tribe.

Strawberry and Satsuma's next baby


I need to start figuring out who we're leaving behind now.  Even though he is our alpha Satsuma should stay behind with his mate as there's no point bringing Strawberry to the next island.  I think I'll also leave Toklo behind.  Varon will stay behind but I'll have him breed with Lily

I hate choosing

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