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Everything posted by Fire209

  1. Could be useful for sumo or the upcoming races, but a block, that when activated, will stick to anything it's not attatched to, like walls, enemies, and other drones or parts of the drone it's not attatched to. This would only be active while it's key is pressed. Maybe it consumes energy?
  2. True, but that's part of the strategy of the game. I imagine such a setup would take up alotta space, ortake a long time to recharge, time or space better spent filling it with recharging batteries, especially if the cloaking or other buffs increased in energy consumption the bigger your drone is
  3. Make upgrades like shaped explosives, or elemental tnt, or increased radius, increased damage, a knockback effect, make it do less damage in general, or just to your drone, make it's damage stack even better with other tnt, almost like a multiplicative effect.
  4. I like some of the ideas here, like maybe this purple resource could be used for quantum or spacial-esque upgrades, like as you said, a quantum shield, a short teleport that consumes energy, and other stuff, like maybe a short-range resouce transfer?
  5. Blocks that add temporary yet good benefits at the cost of lots of energy or a debuff. For example, a cloaking device that uses lots of energy to hide you from enemies for a short while, or a sort of "rage mode" which increases damage dealt, decreases energy cost of weapons and decreases energy usage of weapons, but shields are disabled and your weapons are firing for the entire duration of the enragment. You can also damage drone parts that are not attatched to you. Afterwards maybe a temporary weakness debuff. Another thing could be a "hypergate" block that allows you to make portals between two locations on the map for drones to go through, but actively uses energy to sustain from the maker drone. Or maybe a "lightspeed" block that uses lots of energy to speed you up massively and stabilize your motion. a "stasis" block that slows things down outside of a radius around it, making your drone fast in a world of slow projectiles and enemies for the cost of insane amounts of energy.
  6. I know that, but I wish to specifically only allow through the button presses from the player, or only specific buttons or tags at a time
  7. Make it so that there's an option for the keys you press or certain keys to be able to go through the logic splitter. It's frustrating sometimes because you want to have a creation with normal controls, but you also want there to be multiple of them, and logic splitters won't allow you to control them individually. Maybe even make it so that each drone the factory makes has different tags for each one?
  8. Make the gravity sensor detect nearby hives, or eggs for the snake mission, or even bio barrels. they could also detect any large monsters on the world, like the snake, or the lava shark, or bosses if those get added in
  9. I do like the idea of an adjustable effect arc though. And maybe a tractor beam that can hold things at a distance, rather than bringing them in, @Micha
  10. This is more like specific blocks for a superweapon, like an amplifier you could add onto the end or the like, rather than just adding multiple weapons together.
  11. Just adding giant space whales and other things that you could maybe fight during missions, or do missions on hem if they're especially large. Like "clear the parasites off the spacewhale" and ther're a certain amount of enemies on it that you have to clear or something.
  12. Maybe for a drone to seperate and still function it would need a satellite/laser linking blockthat connects directly to the core. They would have their own limits, like the laser having a longer range but you have to be within line of site of another laser terminal to connect to it. Radio-wave ones could have a shorter range but not require such things. You could also build a sort of satellite system all over the planet, to have the signal transfered from the drone you're controlling remotely all the way back to the drone core, one connection at a time, connected to eachother. Maybe even implement lag times the more connections have to be made.
  13. Weapon parts that you can link together to make bigger and better weapons. They essentially become one block. For example, you could have a big laser thing that consists of a laser core(Core of the laser, shoots everywhere if there's no barrel or focuser, a lense barrel (To increase damage or range), and some other things for lasers. Or large miniguns or the like. I could imagine this working well for larger creations, having a sort of mega-weapon that slurps up energy like it's punch at party, but cuts through the ground and smaller enemies like they aren't even there. I could think of some fun uses for this.
  14. Maybe next you could make one for various attack methods!
  15. I don't know about Xbox controllers, but I'm using a playstation controller on my computer, and while it does accept the triggers and the triang;e, square, X, and O button, it doesn't have mapped controls for the directional keys or the joycons. Maybe a seperate control for each quarter of the joycon? EDIT: I've figured out how to do all of the above. Doesn't change that I had to muddle about in alot of steams settings before i could do that. Please maybe add a default controller configuration to the game so others don't have to muddle about?
  16. This is for if you ever introduce multiple tech trees for weapons/shields or other things. Basically, combine all the tech trees into one bog tech tree, with each arm basically being split different ways, along different damage types, or along the different things they attribute to, like one arm for shields, and one for weapons, one for logic, one for basic parts, etc...
  17. I know many have made this suggestion before, but an upgrade tree for shields, with things like heat/cold resistance, increased radius, sharing HP with shields it's in contact with, increased HP, Parted shield (Shield is split into multiple segments, each with their own HP. It would have much greater HP overall, but each segment would have less HP than the original shield would), Impact resistance/momentum absorption (Shield bleeds off impacts fromsources like ground impacts, or the new hammerhead enemy coming up. It would slow down their movement in the shield, bleeding off their impact into the drone over a larger amount space than the normal impact. This could be increasing or decreasing percentages, with 100% making the shield essentially solid), increased efficiency, and explosion resistance
  18. An upgrade that would be very very powerful, at the cost of certain other stats or facets. YOu would probbaly have to unlock these via sidequests or find them rarely on planets or the like. It would take up a tech slot on a weapon (or other items, if those get added), and conists of things like weapon upgrades with +150% damage, but +100% power consumption and +25% recoil.
  19. Maybe try it with the situation as I had it?
  20. I would like to recieve a key so my brother could play. I think he would enjoy the opportunity to play and experience the alpha.
  21. @Micha I refer you to the page I made on ideas I have to restructure the tournament system:
  22. Maybe an upgrade that'd allow your bullets to explode the enemy's projectiles (Shooting a wave of bullets as a shield), Wards, that have 4 slots, but do nothing by themselves. You can input things like a damaging effect to enemies (Maybe attuned to a certain element) A heating/cooling effect, increased range, a healing effect to your drone, a health buff to blocks in range, increased efficiency, slowing down enemy projectiles/speeding up your projectiles, buffing any shields in range to also cover it's radius but be weaker overall, increase specific attributes of weapons in range, repel enemies.
  23. @Roger, maybe cities where there are friendly beings or aliens, where you have to show restraint in defeating the enemies or some consequence may occur, like a fine, or automatically failing the mission.
  24. In this mode, there would be two different leagues, one standard league, where you enter your drone to be placed in a random batch of drones used to allow others into the league, and one professional league. The standard league would, when won, allow for your drone to be entered in the standard rotation (Identical drones would not be allowed in the rotation, and old drones ould maybe get purged out of the system if their win/loss ratio is too low?) It would consist of random drones already in rotation. The professional league would consist of 10 drones. Whenever you win against one or more drones, you take their spot in the ranking, with top spot maybe earning you decals or a mark on the forum or something similar. Current holders of the top spot would have a shinier medal than old holders of it. If you held it multiple times you may get multiple awards. THis top 10 list would likely be cleared every month or so, to keep things fresh.
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