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Everything posted by mhiahia

  1. I tried the command already but it sadly doesn't seem to help so far. I managed to save the lineage so far. Sibling or parent-child incest is off the charts but cousins have to be okay, else we will be dead soon. At least the new swamp island had a weirdly good rogue male (he's dead by now).
  2. I've never had such bad luck with wanderers. Only two so far, one of them on her last day. The amount of cousin-relationship in this tribe is slowly getting concerning, but what can I do?
  3. These two guys are Lobab and Zaramze and they literally pined for each other for half an eternity before realising they were in love. This is Ehraal, she is an awesome, smart prankster and also aromantic. I pulled her out of the trash and I love her more than live itself.
  4. The best part is that the background stories get more and more detailed with every generation.
  5. I recently decided to continue playing one of my old savefiles and then remembered that I created a family tree to go with it. Writing the biographical parts for each characters is unbelievably fun. If anyone wants to check it out, this should be the link: https://www.familyecho.com/?p=OI2XD&c=rsayb3j755&f=159190163546442002
  6. Yeah, it was grass. I managed to access it again via restarting, like you said, but then the "no nichelings" bug happened again, so its deleted either way.
  7. A new problem arises! I can't buy the first purchasable nest on the desert island.
  8. More bugs! The Leopard Spots symbol is glitched out: And there is yet another nest problem, this time for the desert island:
  9. Also, is bleeding supposed to stay forever unless you cure the nicheling?
  10. Is this intentional or a bug? When I look at the world map I have 4/5 Nichelings on Evergreen Island and 1/3 on the Desert Island. When I try and breed my nichelings on the Evergreen island it says that I don't have enough nests, even though there is a spare one.
  11. Once I go to the world menu I can't return back to my full island.
  12. Probably all of those. Honestly I can't really put a finger on it - could be that the hierarchy plays a role since it is fun to see what the next monarch turns out like. I mean, will Rahzere's insanity rise up once again, perhaps with her son continuing the lineage? Can Mii be a good queen and will the power she holds corrupt her or her heiress? Maybe an entirely new queen will appear? I just like theorizing, since there are so many possible outcomes.
  13. Roku cowers before her, trying to fight the primal urge to submit. He wants to offer his throat, wants to fall to the ground, wants to give himself up to her mercy in a desperate attempt to save himself. A red flash and Ithko is standing in front of him, facing off with the female instead. If he wasn't resisting his own instincts right now, Roku would be screaming at her, telling her to run as fast as she can. But all he can do is wait, for the sound of a body slamming to the ground, for the smell of her blood to rise into the air- "Hi, I'm Ithko! How are you? Did you come here to join us? You're like, really big, you know? Did you survive on your own? You look like you could scare away danger by looking at it!" Taken completely off guard, the stranger takes a step back. The intimidating aura surrounding her seems to die down as she focuses on Ithko. As she speaks her voice is a husky baritone. "My name is Saah and I came here to join you." With a glance towards Roku, who scrambles to appear calm and collected, she continues. "I suppose this wasn't a great first impression, but I mean no harm. My former tribe left to travel, and I have since hoped to find companions. If you deem me a worthy addition, then I will gladly stay." Roku and Ithko share a look. Saah is quite strange, but both of them agreed on finding new tribe members. It is Ithko who breaks the clinch by bumping her head against Saah's large chest. "You are welcome to stay with us for as long as you like. The young one behind me is Roku, we've met a few days ago." There is a short silence as Roku and Saah lock gazes. Careful, Roku takes a few steps towards her. She seemed to tower over him when they met earlier but both their heads are on the same level. He tries to still his breathing when they rub heads - a quick procedure after which he takes great care to distance himself once again. He curls up next to Ithko as they fall asleep, with Saah lying a few tail-lengths away. Listening to both of them breathing - Ithko fast and light, Saah deep and slow - calms him. It is a familiar noise that wakes Roku - the swishing sounds of leaves as someone picks the berries they carry. He opens his eyes to see that Saah must have come closer during the night. She lies next to Ithko, who is still pressed against him, sleeping soundly. His thoughts are still clouded, and he starts drifting away again when he registers an unfamiliar scent. Roku jerks awake and angles his head to track down the source of the smell. It smells like nicheling and berries, overlaid and intertwined. With great care as to not alert the stranger he gets up and peers over the stump. Now he can see the intruder, a scrawny two-gemmed male with an uncannily long snout, feeding on his berry bush. He lowers himself down, tensing up, getting ready to pounce. The collision between him and the stranger is strong enough to send them flying into the shallow water. While his opponent panics Roku pins him down with ease. The commotion must have startled his tribemates awake as both appear next to him within seconds.
  14. Also, the bug where you need to rebuy the nests keeps on happening to me, like a lot.
  15. Tribe Life - Nichelings have varying levels of dominance within a tribe, each bringing a different type of role. However, they can be split into three main types, with gender having no influence over a nichelings rank whatsoever: Alphas: Nichelings posessing this rank will have an intimidating aura surrounding them. A high-ranking or very confident alpha will often have a presence so strong that younger or weaker nichelings will instinctively submit to them. It is quite common that they are physically strong (tribes consisting of very strong nichelings are almost entirely made up of alphas) and natural leaders. While alphas can easily co-exist even in small tribes, unacquainted ones attempting to kill one another is a common phenomenon. Betas: Wanderers most commonly posess this rank. Betas are quite hard to recognize, as it is possible that an low-ranking alpha and a high-ranking omega can show similar character traits to them. In general, they tend to be very individualistic and quite free-spirited. Since they easily fit into tribes thanks to their versatility they often wander around and may disappear for days before they return to their tribe. Omegas: These nichelings are highly social, although there are exceptions. Oftentimes they belong to the more unfortunate ones gene-wise. Because they generally do not pose a threat to those ranking higher than them, they often de-escalate tense situations with their presence.
  16. Ageing - Nichelings with spiky bodies are born with soft spikes, similar to hedgehogs. When they grow up they gradually harden. The spikes also grow longer during the entire life of the nicheling and it is possible to determine age via length of the spikes. - The same thing is true for any kind of horns. Antennae are the only expection to this rule and do not grow larger when a nicheling ages. - Manes will also get increasingly more prominent when a male ages. However, this process is not as linear as the other ones mentioned so far. A sickly or weak male will always have a small mane. Males that are severly wounded or weakened without a chance for recovery (except for healing) will instantly loose a large part of their mane. - Nichelings fur turns white or grey when they grow old.
  17. Fur - Big-bodied nichelings always have very thick and rough fur, while nichelings with lean bodies are known to have incredibly soft and shiny fur. - Nichelings with water bodies or gills have a coat similar to seals. - Nichelings shed or grow a thicker pelt depending on the climate of their environment. But the changes in hairlength strongly depend on the body type, with big-bodied nichelings being able to turn into mountains of fur when its cold enough. - Toxic body does not have fur. Instead, nichelings with this gene will have frog-like skin. - Armored body has a structure similar to armadillos.
  18. This isn't dead by the way, I just went away for a couple days and didn't have lots of time. Ideally I get an update done tomorrow - then this will be on hiatus for two weeks since my family and I are going camping. I also started a topic where I am going to post my niche headcanons, most of which I use in this playthrough. So if you aren't sure about why a character/animal is acting a certain way then you can check it out to see if there is an explanation. https://strayfawnstudio.com/community/index.php?/topic/10210-my-niche-headcanons/
  19. There were a few topics like this before, but this is just meant for me. Most of those headcanons are used in my Search For Home Playthrough - if they aren't then I'll make sure to point that out. Things written in cursive are ideas that I am not sure about including. Feedback is encouraged and reactions are appreciated!
  20. I can't tell you exactly but I don't remember doing anything - they simply disappeared.
  21. Apparently weird stuff keeps happening. So I invited this guy here in: (He also has hooves) And at first the new genes he brought in - derp snout, rabbit ears, hooves - all showed up in the Grass section. Now they are gone. Also, the z's keep on clipping through and I don't know if this is intentional or not. And last but not least the random sparkles are back!
  22. Roku please: And if you feel like it then you can draw Kirnuku too, but I don't want to give you too many nichelings.
  23. Noticed another bug: I bought the first nest for 50 food. Had multiple kids that I sent away after they were born. However, after I restarted the game (I kept on getting male babies and lots of people in this thread seemed to think that restarting changes the gender imbalance) and sent away the aged-up nicheling on the nest it was suddenly locked again and my tribe size limit went down from 5 to 4.
  24. Reinstalling for the third time didn't help either but this time I managed to get a picture of the weird explore nichelings: Notice how it looks the same despite being Flower Fields and Clearing.
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