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Spacestar TheThundersuncat

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Everything posted by Spacestar TheThundersuncat

  1. I used to think if mom sits on the nest, the baby is safe. Especially with purr snouts around, you don't need to make sure she doesn't get hit, right? Well, no. A bearyena attacked on whale island and killed the baby. Is this usual? Rare?
  2. Are you against using console commands? If you press F1 and enter change into the console, you'll have the option to give yourself between -9999 to 9999 food with the changeberrycount option.
  3. And then there is this guy. I think he would have been better off blind. I do like to collect them, though. Three Rougelings and a Squirrel. They had a kit on their last day. Someone needs to clear all that grass.
  4. What are your stories? This swimmer was found by the whims. Sadly, the creature limit was 4. Bird in a warriors challenge. And that's how I found out that the mountain tribe starters had big ears. Blind genetics, oh well. And the beak. I don't know who dragged it in, but along with the ominous F immunity and the female peacock tail, it appears every two to three generations just to crawl back to where it came from. The whims really cross your plans. Big ears, armored body and fishing tail in the mountains? That just screams Oasis.
  5. So I tried what I could with the mask, fur colour, pattern colour, density, size and type. Resulting in two saves of murder large tribe sizes of raccoons and pandas of every snout and fur combination imagineable. But no achievements. What am I missing? Please help and share the combination if you can. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
  6. I'd be lying if I were to claim that it doesn't benefit me in any way, but it has become a strange little ritual. If a wandering female appears, I let her mate with the strongest male. She then searches for a perfect nesting spot, and, if she is lucky, will have a child there. Her strenght and appearance don't matter. Unless his eyesight isn't full or she has the no paw, she won't get anything to mutate. It's her line. What doesn't really benefit me, though, is continuing that line at times. That can really go on when they just have great match ups. Mom Gen 1 and son. Mom 2 was another wanderer. Gen 3. There are a lot of bushes and a tree here, plus, no bugs. I don't have pictures of other lines, sadly. I suppose it is a tradition in the name of Mythal, though there are exceptions. It's of no use in the jungle or in cold biomes if both are going to freeze to death if not slaughtered. Males are only chosen... if they are pretty. Is this reverse sexism? Exceptions are made when they serve a purpose One way to get water genes. Or when I am desperate and playing blind genes. Pretty children, tough. Luckily neither passed on the no paw. I think he had two novel immunity genes and the big ears. His grandson got a harem. He was the only male born and the creature limit raised to 19. The bearyena ears happened during a generic bottleneck. I am guessing they all have them in some way. The dumb thing I do is risk taking. It pays off so well tough, at times. The whims didn't starve with that scorpion tail. Even if three no paw derpsnouts were bred for it and that water line consisted of him banging his own daughter.
  7. I do wonder what that would be. A cosmetic? A really powerful late game ability, such as the chance to mutate immunity genes? Fur that offers camouflage in every biome? A new head, paw or tail?
  8. There are some fixed islands, e.g. west of the Killer grasslands always lies swampy reeds. There should at least be a traveling guide though, like a tiny book on the corner of the screen.
  9. Albino's have a good chance at bad eye sight aswell. Though I doubt that will ever be included...
  10. At least you succeeded at that. The first time around I kept hitting the wrong button until I gave up. 😹
  11. Damn. Do you need fishing or defense? It's really a tie betweemn cool patterns and interesting eyes. That's what it comes down to to me.
  12. The spiral horns will be implemented as savanna horns apparently. Did you include them as an example?
  13. Wait, that's a bug? I thought that's how the water looked like on most biomes... 😶
  14. Or, "I am a wanderer looking for love". "It's within the rights of a guardian to kill all living beings. Even wanderers, rogue." Seriously, why do they approach animals capable of killing them?
  15. It happens that a mother leaves behind an identical daughter on her last day. Some take their legacy very seriously, however. What's your clone story? These were left behind berry collectors. Born from wanderers, not the main branch, but quite healthy.
  16. This has been suggested multiple times, but not as a bonus to the double berry paw. The suggestion seems definitely better to me than adding a climbing paw.
  17. I have been experimenting on a few challenges yesterday, but concluded they won't really work before the sandbox update. Sorry about that. Another was a warriors inspired one. It isn't going to work currently as keeping track of immunity genes is too much effort, leading to... A) Console commands. Restarting the game before the aging bug gets you with most couples. Yikes. B) Sticking to 4 immunities over all clans with the occasional forbidden romance. I'd have to see where this goes. After the sandbox and the maybe no sickness option, this challenge would be vastly improved. I am still trying to find out if having them move and unlock all genes is better or starting on a "finished" old file. The latter seems better. There are still questions about Clan attributes, behaviour and code. Each clan should have distinct weaknesses and strenghts. They'll need the same ancestor, or a group of nichelings altered with console commands (which kind of fits the warrior's lore...). As you can see, this will take time to set up but puts as much focus on roleplaying as roleplaying gets. Though the closest to a direct fight is releasing a nicheling and then hitting it, as of yet. I like to mix roleplaying with moderate challenges. The Lion pride does sound hard. Search in the Dark required each breeding pair to carry blindness. Albinism was seen as a great sign of luck and prosperity, but kept rare. The challenge would end on Adam's island. However, the first female I ran into was blind, albino, poison fanged with the scorpion tail. She even met Adam. On an attempt before that, I never met a nicheling with albinism in the first 150 days. Challenges can depend too much on luck. I like to start with some ideas, but really make the plot up among the way, depending on what can be found. I don't know if this might work for you. Chasing inspiration and finding rules can be as fun though as playing the finished challenge.
  18. I considered the poison fangs for this in a Komodo dragon style, a weak bite with a complex venom, with the neck (bodytype) doing most of the tearing damage. The effects have been described by https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/phenomena/2009/05/18/venomous-komodo-dragons-kill-prey-with-wound-and-poison-tactics/. "They cause internal haemorrhaging from leaky blood vessels, prevent blood from clotting and cause muscle contractions and paralysis." It doesn't read bleeding on a bearyena, but it doesn't need to. A small bite on a very large animal is downplayed. Why would a very small rabbil react the same way, though? They were badly wounded, as such the venom has the largest effect. Bleeding to death with muscle contractions and eventual paralysis. Horns play into this aswell. They offer a wound for our "Komodo" Nicheling to drip poison into, fitting well into this feature. A weak animal, or if you choose, horns doing mostly blunt damage, is still able to stun for its toxic attack. Scorpion's venom seems paralyzing by default. It is true that venom is incredibly complex. If we look at the right animals though, the effects are alike enough superficially to work alike in Niche. https://www.orkin.com/stinging-pests/scorpions/what-do-scorpions-eat/ I am unsure about a balanced tile ratio, though. The benefit is that prey can't die where nichelings won't be able to find it or where it would be stolen in a heartbeat. A big nosed scorpion tail would have an easier time finding said food than a poison fanged nicheling near unable to smell. As the scorpion tail is quite OP already, it might benefit the poison fangs to limit movement a bit more. What are your thoughts on this? (Please excuse the oversized text above, I can't find a way to make it smaller on the mobile version without writing the paragraph myself and making its use questionable.)
  19. As it is, if your venomous nicheling with 1 strenght hits a rabbil, they may happily hop to the other side of the island... to die when you pass the turn. What do you think? Is this scenario rare enough that it doesn't matter, or would a mechanic add to the game? I'd propose limited movement for the poisoned rabbil. Say 2 tiles and it freezes.
  20. I haven't noticed too wildly different spawnrates. What might be the case, though... The easier one has defined zones. The medium one doesn't and there tend to be bugs everywhere. They aren't difficult tough, the most unfortunate and common thing you could prepare for is running into a bearyena when your animals have the sleeping sickness.
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