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Everything posted by CABINET



    ...Aw man v4 (or v5, I lost count)
  2. Do you have an invitation notification? It should look like a letter
  3. I’ll probably do that at some point, when I can, so probably tomorrow
  4. I’ve already made a “might quit” reference, so... La de da de, where did all the good times go?
  5. (Yes, I am aware of the snapshot, I watched Xisuma's video )
  6. *gasp* did somebody say bEeEeEeEeZ?????
  7. “Let’s invent a thing inventor,” said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor. That’s pretty cool.
  8. Is this the Krusty Krab?
  9. Oh, look who controls all the islands! It's the Mahajapit! ❌ Majahapit! ❌ Mapajahit ❌ Mahapajit ❌ Mapajahit... ❌ Ma-ja-pa-hit? ✔️ Correct!
  10. Pigs explode into the bonus chest loot table, so wood for everyone! Spiders (I think) have the mineshaft loot table, which gives rails, which can eventually become comparators. Also, flower pots become beacons, which I think is hilarious
  11. Peril. Our beloved crazed disaster. (Well, mine at least.) "Oh! Right. Hello. Thank you for not screaming or fainting or throwing a crocodile at me." "Yes. I'm Queen Scarlet's notorious death monster." "That's right, DIE, you little monster plants. May your roots always be thirsty and your seeds all meet a fiery death until you're extinct forever! I HATE you!" "Huh. Looks like a norm- nope! You're right! Stupidest bowl I've ever seen! Can I join in? HEY, BOWL, YOUR SHAPE IS INANE! FOOD PROBABLY FALLS OUT OF YOU ALL THE TIME! I BET YOU DON'T EVEN STACK WELL IN CABINETS! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, YOU'RE THE WORST! Ooh, this is great. Let's do it every day! I feel much better."
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